Wow! The Final Audio Design FI-DC1601SB (also known as "Don't go to Yodobashi" lol)
Jan 2, 2010 at 3:35 AM Post #33 of 428
indeed. 50% higher is about right which makes those places only good for auditioning. And for that, they are very good although neither seem to be carrying the e-q7 which would be nice to listen to before deciding to pull the trigger on them.
Jan 2, 2010 at 11:59 AM Post #34 of 428

Originally Posted by FenderP /img/forum/go_quote.gif
All I can say is that the 1601SB I own sounds fantastic and it's one of the best audio purchases I've ever made. I had plenty of time on the plane flights around Asia and back to the States, and then after to listen over the past month to reinforce my thoughs on 'em.

I have no reason to doubt that. First of all why would you shell out $650 for IEMs that don't sound fantastic. Second, shigzeo speaks highly of the 1601SS steel model and I assume these two won't be substantially different. On the other hand I've seen various frequency graphs from the same guy and they all seemed legit, so it's unlikely he's got this one wrong (red:1601SB, grey: ER4P).


Which leaves IMO only this conclusion, frequency graphs might be nice to look at but don't tell anything about how good/bad high end IEMs sound.
Jan 2, 2010 at 1:10 PM Post #35 of 428
Yay...can't wait. Going to Yodobashi in Osaka tomorrow!!
Jan 2, 2010 at 8:08 PM Post #36 of 428

Originally Posted by javajive /img/forum/go_quote.gif
indeed. 50% higher is about right which makes those places only good for auditioning. And for that, they are very good although neither seem to be carrying the e-q7 which would be nice to listen to before deciding to pull the trigger on them.

Yodobashi in Akihabara had the eQ7 when I was there. It was in the IEM case all the way to the right on the bottom I believe. I was about to ask to listen to it until I heard the FAD one. Then it was all over
Jan 2, 2010 at 8:10 PM Post #37 of 428

Originally Posted by shigzeo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Those prices of course, are street. Yodobashi and Bicc are far from street prices, often costing as much as 50% more. In the case of Final Audio, however, there simply aren't enough reviews yet from real people to force buys!

Maybe I was looking in the wrong places, but I didn't see the FAD IEMs anywhere else. I was in a few stores (for example, Audio Union) and they didn't carry 'em. Come to think of it, Audio Union didn't have many good IEMs.
Jan 3, 2010 at 12:09 AM Post #38 of 428
Thanks FenderP! Will give the FAD a listen to as well while I'm there but I kinda hope they're not my cup of tea and the E-Q7s are, as really want to get off the upgradeitus merry-go-round ASAP and as cheaply as possible after being on it for so long with my home system.

To paraphrase Michael Corleone in Godfather "Just when I thought I was out... upgradeitus has pulled me back in."
Jan 3, 2010 at 12:52 AM Post #39 of 428
You may want to give the cheaper FADs a shot as well - the ones in the $300 range (FI-DC1350M2). I bet they sound good, too. They also have a model in the $200 range. the 1350M2 may even be better than others in that range, including the eQ7. I didn't try 'em.

I have pics of the IEM cases at Yodobashi in Akihabara, just haven't posted them anywhere. The left case mainly has accessories like tips. The next case over had the Audio Technica, the Pioneer (which I was going to try as well), Roland, Panasonic, and one or two other brands. The one to the right of that case had the Jays, JBL, Koss, Harman Kardon, and another brand or two. The next case after that had the FADs, UE, Klipsch, and Sennehiser. The final case (which for some odd reason I didn't get a picture of) had the eQ7s.

One cool thing about Yodobashi is that on the info card for the IEM, they list the country of origin, so UEs are USA, FAD Japan, etc. For someone like myself, it made it easier since I could try things I know I couldn't find in the USA. The sales people are really helpful.

I wish there were places like that in the USA. Nowhere I've been besides there has had basically all of the popular IEMs in one place like that. I like Yodobashi in Shinjuku, but I like the one in Akihabara better.

So you could spend quite awhile there lol
Jan 3, 2010 at 2:38 AM Post #40 of 428
That FR graph looks about right - the FAD SS isn't neutral in the same way that an ER4P is, but the SS does have a much more solid bass reproduction than represented in the graph. It could be one of several issues: mics aren't picking up the sound, the earphones aren't positioned properly, or the model they test is like that.

Whatever it is, I am completely in love with the sound as is. It isn't what I would call studio monitoring style; rather, it sounds good with properly excellent acoustic resonance and a wide stage. There isn't a dynamic earphone I have heard which rivals it for clear and clean vibrations; indeed, many balanced armatures don't do high-end fr as smoothly.

That said, as with many dynamic earphones (FX500以外), the FAD isn't perfect with trance. It loses a little detail in the upper mids. Other than that, however, it is simply a perfect sounding earphone.

I heard both low end models too and can say that they are good. They are, however, fiddly with placement, ergonomically less so than the SS version. But in comparison to the SS, placement really makes a dent to the sound. Again, clean, but overall, bass response isn't as impressive.

What I hear of the SS is a fuller bass response, one that reminds me of the G2A or the 250 ohm DT880, for instance.
Jan 4, 2010 at 1:07 AM Post #42 of 428
I actually prefer the metal tips and the rep from Final Audio, Mr. Kose, admitted that the earphones are meant for the metal tips as they affect the sound the least amount. It is the first time I have every worn an earphone 'naked' as it were. Right now, I am listening to the 2nd from the bottom (plastic model) which uses a 13,5 mm driver. FAD earphones sound similar to each other, but the plastic model is much more mid-centric than the SS model with audibly less prominent bass.

Vocal? Spot on. Again, it sounds (imo) better with the notched earpieces than with the solid ones. FAD are very obviously interested in a stock, house sound. And, in creating open designs from ear piece to driver dome, they have created it. Neither model seals with any ear piece.

And each have a different, yet congruently understandable approach to sound. The SS model is my favourite universal, but is less practical than my 2nd favourite: CK100 and CK10. That said, these earphones are more like proper headphones, exuding less forced bass, better echo, and beautiful vocals which are more similar to large driver headphones.

But, the lower end models, while clear and crisp with great stage, are shy on bass - perhaps similar to that graph above.
Jan 4, 2010 at 2:24 AM Post #43 of 428
Just got back from the Yodobashi in Osaka. The K701s are $800+
Jan 4, 2010 at 3:22 AM Post #44 of 428

Originally Posted by shigzeo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I actually prefer the metal tips and the rep from Final Audio, Mr. Kose, admitted that the earphones are meant for the metal tips as they affect the sound the least amount. It is the first time I have every worn an earphone 'naked' as it were. Right now, I am listening to the 2nd from the bottom (plastic model) which uses a 13,5 mm driver. FAD earphones sound similar to each other, but the plastic model is much more mid-centric than the SS model with audibly less prominent bass.

Vocal? Spot on. Again, it sounds (imo) better with the notched earpieces than with the solid ones. FAD are very obviously interested in a stock, house sound. And, in creating open designs from ear piece to driver dome, they have created it. Neither model seals with any ear piece.

And each have a different, yet congruently understandable approach to sound. The SS model is my favourite universal, but is less practical than my 2nd favourite: CK100 and CK10. That said, these earphones are more like proper headphones, exuding less forced bass, better echo, and beautiful vocals which are more similar to large driver headphones.

But, the lower end models, while clear and crisp with great stage, are shy on bass - perhaps similar to that graph above.

The SBs are not bass shy, and I was used to the IE8s. So go figure.

I'll have to try them again with the metal tips, but they were a tad more uncomfortable that way - at least to me. It's still a better fit than the IE8, at least in my ears.

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