Would you have asked?
Apr 7, 2006 at 12:44 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 22

Vicious Tyrant

100+ Head-Fier
Feb 13, 2005
I was at the coffeeshop with my fam the other day and I saw someone listening to their Bose QC2s on their laptop.

Part of me was thinking "here's someone who spent a good chunk of money on their headphones, maybe they head-fi." The other part of me thought "no way..." I ended up leaving without asking.

Would you have asked?
Apr 7, 2006 at 12:47 AM Post #2 of 22
If they were from head-fi, they wouldn't be wearing bose.

Anyways, I'd just leave the fell alone.
Apr 7, 2006 at 12:59 AM Post #3 of 22

Originally Posted by Kirosia
If they were from head-fi, they wouldn't be wearing bose.

Exactly what I was thinking
Apr 7, 2006 at 1:45 AM Post #5 of 22

Originally Posted by skudmunky
No self respecting head-fier would wear bose at all, much less in public!

they would if they wanted to avoid other members . . . hmm, the plot thickens.
Apr 7, 2006 at 2:52 AM Post #6 of 22
I would be willing to bet there are tons more people with Bose QC2s than there are Head-Fi members. I see them quite frequently. Bose is the best, remember? People who don't know about this place buy Bose and are happy. Just let them be.
Apr 7, 2006 at 3:17 AM Post #7 of 22
Bose have to be doing somethign right somewhere. My dad, who owns a STAX 2020 system, uses his Triports for most of his headphone listening. And he connects his Arcam and QUAD setup to... Bose Accustimass speakers.

On second thoughts, I think my dad might be doign somethign wrong.
Apr 7, 2006 at 3:32 AM Post #8 of 22

Originally Posted by Duggeh
Bose have to be doing somethign right somewhere.

IMO it's not that Bose is doing something particularly right, it's that all the other headphone manufacturers are doing something wrong: They aren't marketing their products (properly) to the general public. The blame doesn't lie with Bose, after all they're just marketing their stuff well like any proper company should be doing. They don't need to make good headphones, because they have no marketing competition.

If I were in Bose's shoes, I might be thinking the same way -- Gee, nobody else is really trying to sell headphones to the public. Why shouldn't we grab some extra money for our shareholders and save on R&D and materials cost, we don't have to make good headphones because our competition is just letting us rule the market (and besides, few people care about good sound anyway).

Depressing, but IMO it's true.
Apr 7, 2006 at 3:46 AM Post #9 of 22

Originally Posted by Kirosia
they would if they wanted to avoid other members . . . hmm, the plot thickens.


I wouldn't look to Bose headphones as a sign that they are from head-fi, quite the opposite actually.

I don't think that it's people don't care about sound quality, I mean these people are paying hundreds of dollars for a pair of headphones. I just don't think the general public is educated enough to know that Bose is average sound quality with an above average price.
Apr 7, 2006 at 3:57 AM Post #10 of 22

Originally Posted by YamiTenshi

I don't think that it's people don't care about sound quality.

I somewhat disagree there. If they did care, they'd do some actual research before plopping big money on anything. It seems to me consumers are just too damn lazy to try and think for themselves (in such cases). We have to be told what's good. We put our trust in the media/ads/so-called professionals/etc, and get robbed for all we've got.
Apr 7, 2006 at 4:48 AM Post #11 of 22
I was talking to one of my friends who has ibuds and i've been trying to convince her to buy PX100 or KSC75 for a while. she tried out one of her friend's QC2 and she kept talkinb about how much better they were and how they sounded and blah blah blah.... I need to introduce her to my rig; too bad she goes to SC and i'm at cal, but to keep her from going to the dark side i offered to sell her my SR60 for a faction of the cost.
Apr 7, 2006 at 4:56 AM Post #12 of 22
I'm a new member here at Head-Fi, and even I would know that no intelligent audiophile (like are on this site) would buy Bose.

If the guy looked friendly I might strike up a conversation about headphones and recommend some alternatives
Apr 7, 2006 at 6:18 AM Post #13 of 22

Originally Posted by jesusfr3ak4evr
I'm a new member here at Head-Fi, and even I would know that no intelligent audiophile (like are on this site) would buy Bose.

If the guy looked friendly I might strike up a conversation about headphones and recommend some alternatives

Haha, were doing a good job of indoctrinating new members.
Naw, I wouldn't have asked, maybe sliped him a piece of paper with "www.head-fi.org" on it.
Apr 7, 2006 at 6:23 AM Post #14 of 22
I'm assuming that if you did say something to the person they would probably hear you out. If they're willing to spend close to $300USD on headphones they'd probably listen to someone who is willing to do the same, unlike the looks I'm sure all of us have seen when we tell people that headphones can cost more than $50.

Anyway, no I wouldn't have said anything...lol
Apr 7, 2006 at 8:49 AM Post #15 of 22

Originally Posted by YamiTenshi
I don't think that it's people don't care about sound quality, I mean these people are paying hundreds of dollars for a pair of headphones. I just don't think the general public is educated enough to know that Bose is average sound quality with an above average price.

I'm going to have to disagree with this as well. From my experience, especially with my friends, most of them just don't give a crap about sound quality, and rather just have headphones to use with their iPods. A few of my friends have Bose simply because it's Bose. They've always heard good things about them from advertisements, so they think it's the best thing out there. They put them on and through self-fulfilling prophecy, they love the sound.

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