Why I Hate 3-D (and You Should Too)
May 11, 2010 at 10:59 PM Post #16 of 30
well, movies are dubbed in my country, and that's really something I utterly despise...one of the reasons why theaters aren't quite an option in my book

May 12, 2010 at 1:19 AM Post #17 of 30
Avatar was amazing in 3D. That article had some good insight though.
May 21, 2010 at 5:56 AM Post #18 of 30
never liked 3D movies, they make me dizzy after awhile and not to mention those 3D glasses used by so many people, my nose/ears felt itchy when i was wearing the glasses. 
Watched my 1st movie in 3D, monster vs aliens, and it does not benefit from 3D at all.
Gave 3D another chance by watching Avatar in imax 3D, effects were pretty good but not THAT great... i would pick normal avatar or normal imax anytime.
May 21, 2010 at 2:04 PM Post #21 of 30
More work by the studios to get us to buy their crappy titles yet again.  Seriously, how many copies of "your favorite movie here" do you need?
I thought hidef tv was a nice idea, but 3D TV just not even remotely useful.  To me.
May 21, 2010 at 2:10 PM Post #22 of 30

and i don't care what you guys say, it is AWESOME!!! 

Me either. I think it's cool as a cucumber. And one other thing, sports will be awesome in 3D. I've been planning a display upgrade and am really tempted for the World Cup. Alas, it's wise to wait, especially considering the early backlash from some..
May 21, 2010 at 2:20 PM Post #23 of 30
More work by the studios to get us to buy their crappy titles yet again.  Seriously, how many copies of "your favorite movie here" do you need?

Ask George Lucas.

It's like that old Tootsie Pops commercial.
Boy: Mr. Cow...
Mr. Cow: Yeeeeesss!!?
Boy: How many remasters does it take to get sick of Star Wars?
Mr. Cow: I don't know, I always end up biting. Ask Mr. Fox, for he's much clever than I.
Boy: Mr. Fox, how many remasters does it take to get sick of Star Wars?
Mr. Fox: Why don't you ask Mr. Turtle, for he's been around a lot longer than I?!? Me, heheh, I bite!
Boy: Mr. Turtle, how many remasters does it take to get sick of Star Wars?
Mr. Turtle: I've never even made it without biting. Ask Mr. Lucas, for he is the wisest of us all.
Boy: Mr. Lucas, how many remasters does it take to get sick of Star Wars?
Mr. Lucas: A good question. Let's find out. A One... A.two-HOO...A tha-three..
(cash register sound effect)
Mr. Lucas: As many as I damn well please!
Boy: If there's anything I can't stand, it's a smart salesman.
Narrator: How many remasters does it take to get sick of Star Wars?
(cash register sound effect)
Narrator: The world may never know!
May 21, 2010 at 2:36 PM Post #24 of 30
well, the ******* is making everyone wait for a killer BD release of the first trilogy w/ lossless multichannel audio...this will sell like you wouldn't believe, but BD sales are pretty poor atm I think? ppl still buy DVD's apparently....he'll wait another 5/10 years

May 21, 2010 at 10:48 PM Post #25 of 30

well, the ******* is making everyone wait for a killer BD release of the first trilogy w/ lossless multichannel audio...this will sell like you wouldn't believe, but BD sales are pretty poor atm I think? ppl still buy DVD's apparently....he'll wait another 5/10 years

BD sales are actually quite huge (at least in North America). With the prices of HDTVs, BD players / PS3s and the individual BDs themselves dropping in price, it makes sense-- the lower middle class can now afford those luxuries.
I have never liked Ebert and his recent "Video games can never be art" statement just drops him further into my crap house.
May 22, 2010 at 12:57 AM Post #26 of 30
I am still waiting for proper HD content to arrive on TV,do other countries get it,I will have to hang my head in shame,the pollies keep telling me I live in the lucky country.
May 22, 2010 at 1:21 AM Post #28 of 30
My concern is that the studios will concentrate on the sizzle (3D) and forget completely about the steak. I've seen Avatar twice, both times in 3D. While the visual effects were at first stunning, the "wow" factor wore off pretty quickly. I was looking at my watch after about 20 minutes.
Without the 3D effects, Avatar is just another trite James Cameron mediocrity; it's poorly written, the characters are flat as a board, and it appropriates whole sections of other movies without credit. Like Titanic (possibly the worst movie I have ever seen,) Avatar is a flimsy construct dressed up with flashy technology.
And, given the massive commercial success of what is essentially an expensively produced B-movie, you can expect more of the same. Lots more.
As for 3D television...vacuous stupidity is vacuous stupidity. The number of dimensions is irrelevant.
May 22, 2010 at 2:45 AM Post #29 of 30
i agree with ebert, it's a gimmick.  charging more for movie tickets, making you rebuy movies that will be released in 3D, buying a new tv.    main  thing is im not wearing glasses to watch tv.   i think that will be the biggest thing against 3D tv becoming mainstream.   i know they've done movies and tv shows where you get 3D glasses in a magazine or something, but i can't see every episode of a series that way and having to wear special glasses for primetime tv viewing.
it'll probly be the big movie fad this summer but after that it's gonna stay a thing among home theater people, like the HD DVD/Blue Ray thing.
May 22, 2010 at 12:55 PM Post #30 of 30

My concern is that the studios will concentrate on the sizzle (3D) and forget completely about the steak. I've seen Avatar twice, both times in 3D. While the visual effects were at first stunning, the "wow" factor wore off pretty quickly. I was looking at my watch after about 20 minutes.
Without the 3D effects, Avatar is just another trite James Cameron mediocrity; it's poorly written, the characters are flat as a board, and it appropriates whole sections of other movies without credit. Like Titanic (possibly the worst movie I have ever seen,) Avatar is a flimsy construct dressed up with flashy technology.
And, given the massive commercial success of what is essentially an expensively produced B-movie, you can expect more of the same. Lots more.
As for 3D television...vacuous stupidity is vacuous stupidity. The number of dimensions is irrelevant.

Go, DrBenaway! I agree completely abou Avatar AND TItanic.

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