Why are there so few members w/ a tube amp and tube CDP combo?
Nov 15, 2004 at 10:26 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 16


Headphoneus Supremus
Dec 9, 2002
From the Head-Fi members sigs I see few (if any) who mate a tube amp with a tube CDP, and was wondering why not? Is it a case of having too much of a good thing, or just a incompatibility issue (too slow perhaps)? The reason I ask is because I'm considering adding a tube CDP or DAC to my HD300. Replies welcome.
Nov 15, 2004 at 10:54 PM Post #2 of 16
I have the Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista 3D [tube] CD player, and it sounds excellent through my STAX 007 tube amp, my audiovalve RKV and also my EAR V20 tube integrated. I see no principal problems with such a combination, but you are right -- two soft, warm and wooly sounding components in series could be too much. However, this would also apply to transistor-based components.
Nov 15, 2004 at 11:25 PM Post #3 of 16
I use a computer as my source, so I'd need a tube-based DAC (that sounds as good as my Benchmark DAC1). Are there any tube-based DACs?
Nov 15, 2004 at 11:32 PM Post #5 of 16

Originally Posted by Scrith
Are there any tube-based DACs?

Yes if I understand your question correctly? I'm interested in the tube based CAL Sigma ll DAC for my CD6000 OSE.
Nov 15, 2004 at 11:45 PM Post #6 of 16
I think the combo could be fine. However, of the tubed players I have heard I would say,"to much of a good thing". However, most tube sources use small signal tubes tubes I dont care for and that could be the problem in my case. So, I am going to suggest trying a cd or sacd player with a zap filter output stage. I know the sacdmods 555es or 963sa and Sound Odyssey/ music hall cd-25 do mate wonderfully with tube amps. The warm class A sound of transitors has plenty of harmonic richness but not so much that you loose speed or dynamics. In fact, the bass and dynamics are exceptional. Add to those characteristics, a treble refinement I never hear from op amp output stages and you have something special. The synergy is apparent from first listen, or atleast it was for me. A zap filter output stage source and a tube headamp is my personal ideal pairing.
Nov 15, 2004 at 11:56 PM Post #7 of 16
I use tubes in all of my equipment. I have a Njoe Tjoeb with upsampler and tube output stage and Cary Pre and Power components. I like the sound. I also have a Linn CDP which I like for difft. reasons. I have them both set up and I can switch between them, but I generally use the tubed gear.

As to why, I'm not sure. I just like it better. The soundstage is bigger with the tube CDP and there seems to be more "life" to the sound. Along with the soundstage improvements, there is a more "holographic" or 3-d sound.
Nov 16, 2004 at 12:19 AM Post #8 of 16
I have used both the stock music Hall as a transport ,w/Ack Dack and a Music Hall RAM CD-25 with tube output stage with my MPX3 .

I definitely prefer the RAM CD-25. I had the same concern prior to buying the RAM, especially with the HD650's but all this tube goodness is fine. Plenty of dynamics still and soundstage galore.

I find that I can listen for hours , much to the chagrin of my GF, without fatigue.

It may not suit your taste if you prefer the crispness of SS or a hybrid system.
Nov 16, 2004 at 12:41 AM Post #9 of 16

Originally Posted by photobob
It may not suit your taste if you prefer the crispness of SS or a hybrid system.

I'm not a SS (Sizzly Sound) guy at all. The more "syrupy" the better, especially with most of the music I listen to these days.
Nov 16, 2004 at 12:45 AM Post #10 of 16
I use a tri-vista SACD at the moment and am planning to get an EMP anniversary or a singlepower, stealth. I prefer tubes.

Even the DCS delius/purcell which arrived today hasn't persuaded me to sell my tri-vista.
Nov 16, 2004 at 12:55 AM Post #11 of 16
I don't know but I'm seriously considering an eastern electric tude cd player or a radii tube heaphone amp or pre amp.
Nov 16, 2004 at 1:21 AM Post #12 of 16
I've currently got the Gilmore V2-se (SS) & RKV Mk II (tube) amps, and the Jolida JD100A w/ NOS tubes & Bel Canto DAC2 (SS) sources. It's all good equipment that I like, but generally my favorite combo has been the RKV + Jolida. I've listened to the Jolida w/ stock tubes for a few minutes, and based on that I wouldn't like the stock Jolida paired with any amp, whether tube or SS. Tuberolling is pretty important to eliminate the muddy mess of the stock unit.

I've hear woolly, and this combo is not that. Is is however warm, lush, rich, and smooth. The harshness/grain/digital hash I hear with SS is almost completely gone. Whether or not that harshness is in the recording, I don't want to hear it, and I haven't noticed loss of any of the muscal details that are worth keeping (IMO).
Nov 16, 2004 at 1:22 AM Post #13 of 16

Originally Posted by GlowWorm
Yes if I understand your question correctly? I'm interested in the tube based CAL Sigma ll DAC for my CD6000 OSE.

Have you tried the audionote series????
Nov 16, 2004 at 1:53 AM Post #14 of 16
I don't think tubes have any business in a CD player. That's best left to the amplification. Not sure why, maybe just a personal hangup.
Nov 16, 2004 at 2:03 AM Post #15 of 16

Originally Posted by GoRedwings19
Have you tried the audionote series????

I've read about the Audionote Zero (transport and DAC) and I'm definitely interested, and will take it into consideration if one pops up used at a good price.

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