Which of these headphones are better?
Dec 12, 2011 at 4:49 PM Post #16 of 27

only the sr60i was available for testing since they had misplaced the open set of sr80i's. I had loaded a few albums in FLAC format onto my phone. Side by side, I couldn't tell much of a difference between them and my current Sennheiser HD201's. The Grados sounded a little clearer, but overall they were very similar. He told me to call in a few days since he hopes to find the sr80i's by then, so I'm going to give those a shot in a couple of days.

 Wow ~ now that's a very different experience to me. I threw my HD201's in the bin because I thought they were that bad,
 my SR80i still remains the best sub $200 headphone I have heard, only the Shure 840 gives it a very good run for
 it's money.

Dec 12, 2011 at 5:06 PM Post #17 of 27
 This is basically my exact experience and it's why I have my Grado SR80is on my head right now.
 Wow ~ now that's a very different experience to me. I threw my HD201's in the bin because I thought they were that bad,
 my SR80i still remains the best sub $200 headphone I have heard, only the Shure 840 gives it a very good run for
 it's money.

Dec 12, 2011 at 7:13 PM Post #22 of 27

lol, yea, I know. It must have been the songs I tested with that made them sound so similar. Like I said, I'm going to go back to try the sr80i's, so I'll probably give the 60's another shot. What would be the best way to test them?
gwarmi, the graph for the hd201 does look pretty bad if i say so myself haha

Dec 20, 2011 at 10:57 AM Post #25 of 27
Ended up buying the Grado SR125i. I originally bought the V-Moda Crossfade LP (Radio Shack  made me buy them before I could try them out
) and I was not too impressed. They emphasized the bass too much and kind of drowned everything else out. So then I went to try out the SR125i's and they sounded much better. Huge improvement over the SR60i's  and an even larger improvement over the V-Moda's. Everything was nice, crisp, and clean, which I liked. I immediately bought them and returned the V-Moda's to Radio Shack. Now I just cannot wait until Christmas when I can use them.
Dec 21, 2011 at 7:53 AM Post #26 of 27

Ended up buying the Grado SR125i. I originally bought the V-Moda Crossfade LP (Radio Shack  made me buy them before I could try them out
) and I was not too impressed. They emphasized the bass too much and kind of drowned everything else out. So then I went to try out the SR125i's and they sounded much better. Huge improvement over the SR60i's  and an even larger improvement over the V-Moda's. Everything was nice, crisp, and clean, which I liked. I immediately bought them and returned the V-Moda's to Radio Shack. Now I just cannot wait until Christmas when I can use them.

 Count yourself lucky ~ you may have been talked into a pair of AiAiAi TMA-1's by the store instead 

 World of disappointment is the TMA-1. What they charge for it is criminal.

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