Which custom iem cables have the best placebo effect?
Aug 22, 2012 at 8:48 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 11


Headphoneus Supremus
Dec 31, 2011
I can't seem to find definitive proof one way or the other no matter how many threads on this topic I read and I don't like the tone or register of a lot of the posts I've read either (catty, at best), so I'm just going to trust in the placebo effect (a scientifically verifiable phenomenon) to make my iems sound better. Don't try to prove one side or the other because I simply do not care who is right. All I want to know is which custom iem cables have the highest placebo effect/price ratio?
Aug 22, 2012 at 9:01 AM Post #3 of 11
I don't know the answer to that - all I know is I want a lot of it. I want that veil lifted, the soundstage widened, and the bass tightened. I'm kidding of course...this is a sarcastic thread, but I have ordered a set of custom iem cables and I'm not sure if it'll do a lick of good. There are two camps in this debate, and they're about as simpatico as the Palestinians and Israelis. I don't want to get involved in the debate, so I jokingly asked for advice on getting some of that placebo - at least we know that's for real

Aug 22, 2012 at 9:12 AM Post #4 of 11
The dream is real if we all have the same one.
 Sorry I can't help here as I haven't tried custom cables but I do know cables can have both a posititve or negative placebo effect and much of finding the right one will have to do with synergism. I'll leave better or worse to the individual. I'd try a few that have been recomended by those with the same /similar IEMs and pick.
Aug 22, 2012 at 10:20 AM Post #5 of 11
What cables, what IEMs?
I think with some IEMs the cables can be long and thin enough that there is some non-negligible resistive loss across the cables, resulting in slightly lower volume and even some FR variations (for some of those balanced-armature models with crossovers, very low impedance at some frequencies and high at others, in particular).  I think I saw some FR graphs somewhere before, but I have no idea where.  Maybe I imagined it.
As for whether or not that results in any kind of notable difference, or whether that difference is positive or negative, that's another matter.
Aug 22, 2012 at 12:44 PM Post #6 of 11
How to produce maximum placebo effect? Maximize the known factors! Buy something highly hyped and expensive. Extra credit for huge material versus retail cost ratio. Favor claims of superiority that seem to agree with no known scientific disipline. Order it from a slow to respond vendor by snail mail to increase anticipation.

Don't forget to impair your judgement before first listen. A few or six shots of Lagavulin single malt will do nicely and increase the amount spent on the endeavor. A twenty-two ounce Chimay if ale is your thing. Last of all, prep the experience by reading plenty of flowery, vaguely defined positive reviews. SixMoons is a great place to start.
Aug 22, 2012 at 12:55 PM Post #7 of 11
How to produce maximum placebo effect? Maximize the known factors! Buy something highly hyped and expensive. Extra credit for huge material versus retail cost ratio. Favor claims of superiority that seem to agree with no known scientific disipline. Order it from a slow to respond vendor by snail mail to increase anticipation.
Don't forget to impair your judgement before first listen. A few or six shots of Lagavulin single malt will do nicely and increase the amount spent on the endeavor. A twenty-two ounce Chimay if ale is your thing. Last of all, prep the experience by reading plenty of flowery, vaguely defined positive reviews. SixMoons is a great place to start.

Everything sounds fantastic! I think I have already overdosed on the placebo effect because of your post - I'm stoned beyond belief and I'm not even listening to music! I've just ordered a set of $2000 dollar custom iem cables made of authentic wizard pubes of the finest silver! The builder said that with these cables, I'll be able to hear Jimmy Page scratching his balls in the studio! They'll be shipped to me next March and I'll be counting the days with great anticipation!

Seriously, though, I did order a set from a guy who by all accounts does good work and I'm hoping I like them. I only spent about 100 bucks, so it's not the end of the world if I don't hear a difference.
Aug 22, 2012 at 1:32 PM Post #8 of 11
I have invented PDT (Placebo Doubling Technology) which will double the sound quality improvement of the high end cables you already own. no buying new cables! Works with any brand!

However, I am keeping this technology exclusive to only the most discerning audiophiles. If you think you are worthwhile and would like to apply for our beta testing program, sent a five page notarized treatise on "How Bigshot's PDT Takes My Stereo System To The Next Level" (I have the right to reprint and use your name in advertising) and enclose a $5,000 non-refundable fee. Send it soon if you want to get in on the ground floor. Winners will be notified. No one else will.
Aug 22, 2012 at 8:42 PM Post #9 of 11
I have invented PDT (Placebo Doubling Technology) which will double the sound quality improvement of the high end cables you already own. no buying new cables! Works with any brand!
However, I am keeping this technology exclusive to only the most discerning audiophiles. If you think you are worthwhile and would like to apply for our beta testing program, sent a five page notarized treatise on "How Bigshot's PDT Takes My Stereo System To The Next Level" (I have the right to reprint and use your name in advertising) and enclose a $5,000 non-refundable fee. Send it soon if you want to get in on the ground floor. Winners will be notified. No one else will.

Your technology is just cable related and it's not worth  the money. My "rainbow foil" sticker will instantly improve on anything. You can put on CD player, amp, speaker. If you put one on your forehead, it will also improve your likability. I  also have a money back gurantee with only a small 50% restocking fee.
Aug 24, 2012 at 6:15 AM Post #10 of 11
I have invented PDT (Placebo Doubling Technology) which will double the sound quality improvement of the high end cables you already own. no buying new cables! Works with any brand!
However, I am keeping this technology exclusive to only the most discerning audiophiles. If you think you are worthwhile and would like to apply for our beta testing program, sent a five page notarized treatise on "How Bigshot's PDT Takes My Stereo System To The Next Level" (I have the right to reprint and use your name in advertising) and enclose a $5,000 non-refundable fee. Send it soon if you want to get in on the ground floor. Winners will be notified. No one else will.

Your technology is just cable related and it's not worth  the money. My "rainbow foil" sticker will instantly improve on anything. You can put on CD player, amp, speaker. If you put one on your forehead, it will also improve your likability. I  also have a money back gurantee with only a small 50% restocking fee.


Aug 24, 2012 at 6:13 PM Post #11 of 11
Top 10 Audio Tweak;
10. George Tice Clock. Plug this clock in the wall and it will clean up your power. Same clock can be purchased from Radio shack for 1/10 the cost.
9. CD demagnetizer
8. Green marker for your CD
7. Cable stands to lift your cable off the ground
6. Brilliant Pebbles will solve you EMI/RFI and standing wave problem in your room
5. Wrapping paper for your equipment and cable to get a  darker dark
4. Quartz insulator. You put this on top or bottom of amps, CD player and it will give you livelier sound
3. LP demagnetizer. OMG, this why my albums are stuck together.
2. The rainbow foil sticker. Put it on ANYTHING and it will improve the sound.
1. A phone call (after you paid) to tweak your audio system
All these have been reviewed by expert golden ears. I especially love the phone call that tweak your system. I am now doing serious research on an audiophile Q-tip to improve your hearing. Also, I found the newer equipment's sound quality is little light. I blamed this on the new lead free manufacturing process. I will be introducing a magnetized lead block that will put the weight back in your music. The only problem I haven't figured out is how to prevent my vinyl LP demagnetizer from demagnetizing my lead block.

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