Where to find ASIO for Winamp/windows XP?
May 26, 2010 at 12:11 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 6


May 21, 2010
Ok, i admit it, i am a complete newb when it comes to computer audio.  I just bought an HT OMEGA CLARO HALO with built in headpone amp and has ASIO support and i am using Winamp as the media player (windows XP OS).  I hear using ASIO will greatly improve audio quality and want to try it.  My question where is a good asio program to use and how do i set it up?  What file types will it play?
My confusion mounted when i tried otachan asio, but it does not play my 320 kps MP3 files. 
May 26, 2010 at 12:28 PM Post #3 of 6
With otachan activated under winamp options (note, when i DLed the file it gave me two files and i put them in the plug in folder) i can not play MP3 files.  Currently i only have MP3 files.
If i deactivate otachan, and go with default winamp settings i can play files just fine.  From what i understand, the sound card offers ASIO support, hence asio4all is not needed and i just need a basic ASIO plug in.
May 26, 2010 at 12:31 PM Post #4 of 6

With otachan activated under winamp options (note, when i DLed the file it gave me two files and i put them in the plug in folder) i can not play MP3 files.  Currently i only have MP3 files.
If i deactivate otachan, and go with default winamp settings i can play files just fine.  From what i understand, the sound card offers ASIO support, hence asio4all is not needed and i just need a basic ASIO plug in.

If your card has ASIO support, seems like a configuration error on your plugin. 
If you want the best sound, I would start looking to higher quality media, such as FLAC or other lossless files.
May 26, 2010 at 12:41 PM Post #6 of 6

Trying to avoid lossless files (HD Space), can you recommend a different ASIO program for me to test.

There are otheres out there...not sure where to look though.  You can try kernel streaming plugins, which are along the same lines and should give you better sound also.
Your sound system starts with your media, if that is not the best it can be....well you get the point.
Edit, here is alink to a ASIO plugin: ASIO

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