Where do you stand on hip-hop as a musical form?
Jun 4, 2002 at 12:11 AM Post #61 of 93
Oh, and before you go off on my supposed "Star Spangled Banner" bashing, I of course meant the "Gim Sovyetskova Soyuza" and "Horst Wessel" as well. Primarily, actually, since I rather like our anthem.

And more about lyrics -- okay, I'll admit that much of the reason I tend to de-emphasize lyrics is because the lyrics in much of the music I listen to don't mean anything. And I don't feel they need to to be good lyrics, thus my comment about Beck. Let's face it, not every band is Buffalo Springfield.

Jun 4, 2002 at 12:16 AM Post #62 of 93

Originally posted by kerelybonto
I can understand why you guys dislike what I said, but to call music 'intellectual' is even more ridiculous. That statement has nothing to do with the intelligence of musicians or their music, but there's a reason lyrics are lyrics (i.e., deriving from the adjective meaning "expressing direct usually intense personal emotion," says Merriam-Webster) and not treatises.


Again, I point out that all forms of music were originally used as a means of expressing ideas and thoughts.
Jun 4, 2002 at 12:23 AM Post #63 of 93
Well okay. I don't much care what music was originally intended for. I haven't recently heard a philosopher release a LP. (No, Cornel West does not count.)

Jun 4, 2002 at 12:34 AM Post #64 of 93
But historically that's a big reason WHY music has been used as a form of expression -- people who weren't of the wealthy class or famous academics had few outlets to express their ideas, thoughts, protests, etc. Music gave them such an outlet. "Classical" music was the exception, but even then, those doing the composing were often simply sponsored by the wealthy and were not independently wealthy.

While there is plenty of junk out there with lyrics that won't win any literature awards, what's the difference between well-written lyrics and poetry? Nothing.

I think the problem here is that you're calling ALL music non-intellectual. While there are certainly songs and lyrics that show little intelligence
I think that to say that music is inherently non-intellectual is... well... to put it kindly, I'm not sure what it is
Jun 4, 2002 at 4:36 AM Post #66 of 93
Yeah, I don't know how to transliterate it. But why would it be 'gimn?' -- that's an anglicism if I've ever seen one. There's no 'í' in the Russian is there? And they did change the words, so you gotta give them credit for that.

MacDEF, you're missing the point. I don't get my politics from poetry either. I am using intellectual as an adjective contrary to emotional, which is, not surprisingly, what it means: "developed or chiefly guided by the intellect rather than by emotion or experience (Merriam-Webster)." Stop arguing semantics. It's not debatable.

And we'll leave it at that. Enough! Quiet! Quiet!

Jun 4, 2002 at 4:45 AM Post #67 of 93
(The irony of course is that while he may be able to look up "intellectual" and provide a dictionary definition, the word "unintellectual" cannot be found in one.)
Jun 4, 2002 at 5:53 AM Post #68 of 93
Common and Jurassic 5 have both have some great rap songs. Check it out :p

Jun 4, 2002 at 5:57 AM Post #69 of 93
Oh yeah. if you like how eminem bashes people. you need to check out "Chino XL". Eminem totally ripped off this guys style. Chino has a massive IQ and he likes to flaunt it by totally ripping everyone apart hehe.

Jun 4, 2002 at 6:19 AM Post #70 of 93
dude, kerely, wat do you mean theres no "?" in russian? the actual spelling of the word, transliterated into english is g-i-m-n, its only when you pronounce it that you swallow the n. but youre right they did change the words, im sure youll agree tho that when any russian hears it, theyre not gonna immediately think of putin and their glorious present/future as a capitalistic nation. anywho, my main point is that putin is a jackass, which i guess has nothing to do with hip-hop. altho maybe it does, anyone ever heard any russian hip-hop? its absolutely horrible, even if you dont understand the words. almost as bad as german hip-hop. however french hip-hop, in my opinion isnt too bad, and japanese hip-hop (at least what ive heard) is absolutely incredible, completely different rhyme scheme than in western hip-hop. speaking of which, any of you guys ever seen La Haine (Hate), French movie about the ghetto suburbs of Paris, very well shot, lots of good French rap, and directed by Matthieu Kassovitz, the love interest in Amelie
Jun 4, 2002 at 6:43 PM Post #71 of 93
Yeah, I have some friends who are into French hip-hop. Listened to a bit and some of it sounded pretty decent. Haven't heard any Russian -- probably don't want to, eh? My Russian's pretty bad, sorry for the spelling mistakes -- but, yes, it is interesting that the Hymn is still used, even with different words. But really, Russia is the same nation as the old Soviet Union, so maybe not. Can't really expect them to erase the past eighty years, especially when they sometimes seem like they're about to return to them.

And kelly, most dictionaries don't list the 'un' words. If you know what the word means, they assume you can figure out what it means with an 'un' prefix. However, if you're still confused, pick up Merriam-Webster's. It's in there for people like you.

Jun 14, 2002 at 12:48 AM Post #72 of 93
Hip-hop STINKS. Its that simple. But, just when I thought all was lost, what with hip-hop getting all that time on the TV, LO AND BEHOLD, Led Zeppelin and the Who are in car commercials! As the shampoo lady says: Yes! Yes! Yes! Looks like us old timers (class of '75) are fighting back.
Jun 14, 2002 at 3:08 AM Post #73 of 93
I just bought some new vinyl, specifically, the first Jurassic 5 album, and Dan the Automator's "Wanna buy a monkey?" both of which are awesome representations of the hip-hop world that you don't hear on the radio or on MTV.

Oh, and long live Deltron 3030!

And I'm sorry to hear that the Who is being used on more car commercials. I love my Who records, and i'm sad that the corporate machine has hold of them. Oh well, it happens!

Jun 14, 2002 at 11:01 PM Post #74 of 93
I take hip-hop so absolutely not-seriously, that I think listening to it is kinda fun. Especially Eminem - he is furiously attempting to be "bad-ass" but fails ever-so-much. And, well, I just find that funny in a sort of funny way that sets my life as a young'n in another silly perspective.

You followin' me ???
Jun 17, 2002 at 6:02 AM Post #75 of 93

Originally posted by Flasken
I take hip-hop so absolutely not-seriously, that I think listening to it is kinda fun. Especially Eminem - he is furiously attempting to be "bad-ass" but fails ever-so-much. And, well, I just find that funny in a sort of funny way that sets my life as a young'n in another silly perspective.

You followin' me ???

Nope. Probubly because I'm still a "young'n". Everynight Eminem probubly goes home, laughs off his antics and counts his money. :p

If you go to any club right now, Eminems song is by far the most played, and forget about a vanilla ice backlash, with Eminem's violent history, amazing production, along with the image he created (the don't give a ***** image), he will be around until he runs out of ideas or gets put in jail for something stupid. I don't like alot of his stuff, but I have to respect him for what he has done with his carrer.

Oh and the whole d-12 thing was just to get all his friends rich lol (some of the worst rappers I've heard). Seems like a big phenomenon with southern rap...


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