What's your personality type?
Apr 27, 2007 at 12:48 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 80


Headphoneus Supremus
Dec 15, 2004
Yesterday at school I was forced to take a personality assessment, a very good one, at that. Don't know why my school paid to have everyone signed up to take that, although the site seems good for selecting colleges and helps bring up ideas for an occupation.

Anyway, I'll let you all know that I've searched and found a couple old threads on this. Here and here. They're both dead though, so I've decided to post a new thread. I found my results to be VERY accurate, even revealing stuff about me that I've never noticed before. I thought some of you would like to also be enlightened. While I couldn't find a test that gave me accurate results like the one I took at school, here's one that didn't work at all for me. I feel that the questions are sometimes too direct, sometimes too vague, and are just bad overall. Here's an assessment that tells you the traits of each part, and then lets you decide what you are. Although this isn't the best, it may work well for some.

Here is what each letter of your personality type stands for, along with explanations, although that last link defined them pretty well also.

's a set of GREAT descriptions of each personality type. This is what's taught me stuff about myself I've never realized.

Anyway, I'm an ESFJ. Proud of it, too. How about you guys?

Edit: Sorry if I sound a bit like Adam.
Apr 27, 2007 at 12:56 AM Post #2 of 80
Well, judging by general response from people, places I have applied to work, scholarships, I must be a complete jerk...though, not voluntarily, I don't think I am a jerk...in fact, I try to avoid being a jerk even a little, but it apparently doesn't pay off...maybe I just don't understand that concept of being a jerk enough to avoid it. Its too complicated just to be acceptable in society.
Apr 27, 2007 at 1:08 AM Post #5 of 80
Hmmm. With the exception of the last two paragraphs in the explanation page, INFP (The Idealist)is me to the letter. Nice read.
Apr 27, 2007 at 1:11 AM Post #6 of 80

Although it says I like to communicate my ideas, and share things with people. I pretty much say absolutely nothing all day to anybody unless necessary. So, I don't see how that part is correct.
Apr 27, 2007 at 1:19 AM Post #8 of 80
After reading them all, I came out as an INFJ (The Guardian). Surprised me quite a bit. The other test made me out to be an ISFP (The Artist), I only got 1 point in sensing
Apr 27, 2007 at 1:21 AM Post #9 of 80
Exact opposite, INTP, and between 7 and 10 on each. I've taken it 3 times and have come out the same each time. My wife is an xNTJ. She's borderline between E and I, so has had a different result both times she took the test.

My bet is most people here will be an introvert. Seems to me that both headphones and computers will tend to draw introverts. I know that computer programmers tend to be introverts.

When I worked at AT&T, they had a group of about 300 take the test. They divided us up in groups based on the last 2 letters. It was very interesting how much the people in each group had in common.
Apr 27, 2007 at 1:24 AM Post #11 of 80
I had a teacher last year who as an INFJ. Everyday in class she'd pretty much talk to us about life. Great insight, quite possibly the best teacher I've ever had. I kind of wish I'd have her senior year, as she used to teach freshmen and seniors, but she had a baby and won't be back at teaching for a few years. =/

Edit: Ack, tricked me, Akathriel.
Apr 27, 2007 at 1:24 AM Post #12 of 80
deep down, an ESFP. on the surface i'm pretty obnoxious though, i really hate people that don't talk/contribute to conversations, and i poke fun at people a lot. all in good fun of course, except for the first part, i really don't like antisocial types. of course i'm a bit of an attention whore.

in short, i love myself, i love other people, but not everyone.
Apr 27, 2007 at 1:32 AM Post #15 of 80


They are usually right, and they usually know it.


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