What's next after SRH840?
Dec 11, 2010 at 12:56 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 11


500+ Head-Fier
Oct 20, 2010
Well, let's keep this short. I am thinking of adding another desktop headphone into my inventory. Hopefully open-back this time. However, I am not really sure which headphone is suitable. A lot of the upper-tier headphones are said to require desktop amps, which I cannot afford to have for more than one reason. Mainly because I travel A LOT and I'd rather not lug another sort of desktop amps around. So, I am looking for a nice, open-back headphone that could be used through portable amps (which will be connected via my uDac-2 from my laptop). Currently, I have a Fischer Audio Mystify coming my way. I am also thinking of getting either Stepdance, Headstage Arrow, or RSA Mustang into my amp selection.
Sound signature-wise, I prefer sounds that are cooler than warmer. Sparkles are very important to me.

Fire away your suggestions or recommendations (amp combination is also really welcome). Budget is around 500USD.
Dec 11, 2010 at 1:09 AM Post #2 of 11
Sound signature-wise, I prefer sounds that are cooler than warmer. Sparkles are very important to me.

Fire away your suggestions or recommendations (amp combination is also really welcome). Budget is around 500USD.

I feel like a broken recording suggesting this headphone, but I just bought my SRH-840 again a few days ago. It was once my very favorite headphone. I know you said you wanted an open headphone, but I'd suggest the Koss Pro DJ 100. The description above from you is exactly why I wanted to suggest it. It's much brighter than the SRH-840 and does almost everything better. I was shocked at this when I compared them. I wanted and expected my SRH-840 to win in nearly all categories but it failed horribly. Still a great headphone though!
Unfortunately very few open headphones exist that I could suggest with a portable amp. Not even the 32 ohm Beyer Dynamic headphones. The only one is the AKG k240 Studio for $99. The SRH-840 sounds very similar, but the k240 is not really an upgrade. The k601 or k701 would be nice, but I don't think those would work well with any portable amps well.
I guess you could try the 32 ohm Beyer Dynamic DT-880, but I'm not a fan of that headphone at all. I did like the 600 ohm version though and wanted to keep it, but I had just got the k601 in on the same day.
DJ100 is very good out of my $100 Total Airhead. That's one of my favorite portable amps. It could even drive my old HD-600 quite well, but not quite good enough.
BTW here is a good graph. Both are some of my favorite headphones under $150:

Dec 11, 2010 at 1:23 AM Post #3 of 11
Truth to be told, I was thinking of the AKG 701. However, I wasn't sure if it could be ran through my portable amp either. I'll take a look at the Koss Pro DJ 100 and K240 Studio. I am kinda hoping that I am not hitting a dead end just because of my inability to carry a desktop amp around.
On a side note, I really, really love my SRH840 too. Screw what they say about it being mid-fi!

Dec 11, 2010 at 1:53 AM Post #4 of 11
You said you travel a lot..if that means it's not going to be for portable use, you could get the F9. I think that's a really small desktop amp that is said to be able to drive even the k701! It seems really tiny and is only $130 or so. BTW I'd suggest the k601 over the k701 

I've found that my old k701 was terrible out of my $100 Total Airhead amp. I haven't heard of any portable amps that could drive those very well...yet.
Dec 11, 2010 at 2:01 AM Post #5 of 11
I have seen the E9 and it is really small for a desktop amp! I hesitated because I am not sure if that's something I can shove into my hand luggage. I don't really dare risking the idea of putting an amp into the suitcase.

And yeah, I am not planning to use these headphones on the go. They will be only used when I am in front of my computer. :)
Dec 12, 2010 at 1:44 AM Post #6 of 11
I guess there is no next step unless I buy a desktop amp?

Dec 12, 2010 at 2:03 AM Post #7 of 11
I don't think there is any next step that's open without a desktop amp. Not any that fits your description at all. Maybe some of the 32 ohm Beyer Dynamic headphones. Maybe the DT-880.
For ME, my SRH-840 upgrade is the KRK KNS-8400, but it's closed. I compared them side by side all night today with my DJ100 and SRH-840 and the SRH-840 is probably going back. 75% sure of this.
8400 is definitely more "sparkly" than the SRH-840. The Shure just seems kind of laid back in comparison and it feels weird saying that. Six months ago the SRH-840 was my #1 favorite.
The 8400 is also more portable, quite small, but doesn't have as much bass. It also needed a LOT of burn-in to tame it's fatiguing highs. Now it's not bad at all.
It's probably now my favorite unamped headphone I've heard yet. You can probably demo them if you have a Guitar Center around.
Dec 12, 2010 at 2:25 AM Post #8 of 11
I live in Hong Kong, so there is no Guitar Center.

Thanks a lot for all the suggestions you have given me. I'll go and take a look at all the options you have given me and decide whether it'll be a desktop amp or one of the headphones you suggested. Will update this thread once I decided on my purchase.

Dec 12, 2010 at 3:57 AM Post #9 of 11
For a bright sound signature, the DT880 seems like a no-brainer.
Dec 16, 2010 at 11:12 AM Post #10 of 11
Unfortunately I just checked that no Hong Kong audio shops have either the Koss Pro DJ 100 or KRK KNS-8400. I guess I'll have to check either the DT880, K601, or the AKG k240 Studio... or maybe a proper desktop amp (E9 perhaps?).
Dec 16, 2010 at 11:44 AM Post #11 of 11
The k240S sounds a lot like the frequency graph that was posted. Big bloat in the upper bass/low mid region. FWIR the Fischer 003 would be a big improvement....also the Beyerdynamic dt250/80ohms which will sound good without a dedicated amp.
Unfortunately I just checked that no Hong Kong audio shops have either the Koss Pro DJ 100 or KRK KNS-8400. I guess I'll have to check either the DT880, K601, or the AKG k240 Studio... or maybe a proper desktop amp (E9 perhaps?).


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