what would you do if you went deaf?
Sep 25, 2007 at 11:49 PM Post #32 of 34
Work for Bose--in R&D.
Sep 26, 2007 at 12:05 AM Post #33 of 34
I'd probably end up going into a huge depression. You never really know how much you truly appreciate something (or someone) until it's gone. Especially if it's a mundane thing like good health, or our other senses. Going so long without hearing someone's voice alone would probably drive me insane... Not to mention how isolated I'd feel.

After that, I'd suck it up and read as much as I can. Read, read, read until I die.
Sep 26, 2007 at 12:14 AM Post #34 of 34
I would buy the best microphones that AKG produces, get my soldering iron out and attach the wires to my aural nerves. Then I would put on my AKG K701s over the microphones. Listening nirvana! Hmmm.....why wait. Where is my exacto? Aaargh! Owww! Ok, now put the heaphones on. Yes, yes, I highly recommend it. Don't wait, go ahead and try it. :wink:

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