What Sennheisers are the best, and why
Jun 29, 2010 at 6:12 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 30


New Head-Fier
Jun 29, 2010
So I don't want to buy the like, 600$ sennheiser, but I want the best headphones. Which one/s are they? I've listened to the HD 448s, and the HD 555 for about 3 minutes (I posted a question about that if you could help), and I am wondering what the best model is. I know they say a whole bunch of technical stuff on their website, but I didn't see anything for listening to trance :p
Jun 29, 2010 at 6:18 PM Post #2 of 30
I think the Sennheiser HD650's are the best to me.

Never heard the HD800's, but when i heard that warmth smooth signature, there was no going back to anything else. They sure don't make them like the 650's anymore

Jun 29, 2010 at 6:27 PM Post #3 of 30

So I don't want to buy the like, 600$ sennheiser, but I want the best headphones. Which one/s are they? I've listened to the HD 448s, and the HD 555 for about 3 minutes (I posted a question about that if you could help), and I am wondering what the best model is. I know they say a whole bunch of technical stuff on their website, but I didn't see anything for listening to trance :p

Why are you restricting yourself to Sennheiser? If you're using them for trance, not too sure they'll be the best ime. I've heard Ultrasones do well with trance, but I can't recommend them because I've never heard them.
Jun 29, 2010 at 7:55 PM Post #4 of 30

Why are you restricting yourself to Sennheiser? If you're using them for trance, not too sure they'll be the best ime. I've heard Ultrasones do well with trance, but I can't recommend them because I've never heard them.

Because they're one of the few mass-marketed brands around.. so yes, look away from Senns for a bit and you'll find a world of other options.
Jun 29, 2010 at 9:30 PM Post #7 of 30
If you like Trance, you can't do much better than HD650s.  The bass is fantastic on the HD650s.  I've been listening to a lot of Deadmau5, Atmos, Simon Patterson for reference.
If you want to try closed headphones go for it.  But don't think for a second that the bass isn't awesome on the HD650s.
Jun 29, 2010 at 10:29 PM Post #8 of 30
Trance isn't about bass at all, it's about the sparkly melodies that sound suffocated when you put them on the HD650. Even if you are a basshead, it's the low bass that makes it sound good. HD650 has a midbass hump, not very prevalent, but it's there. My equivalent of classical sounds good on the HD650, any trance has the life sucked out of it. It's a good 'dark, silent room on a couch' sort of headphone, but sounds like an old man for more active music.
Jun 29, 2010 at 10:35 PM Post #9 of 30
Well I disagree and I listen to Trance about 60% of the time and I listen to music all day long whether I'm doing work or just relaxing at home.  And I also have the AD900s and have to say there is no life being sucked out with the HD650s.  Especially with the newer silver version, there is more than enough sparkle from the HD650s.  
Listening to Stone Face & Terminal - Pictures and it sounds FANTASTIC on the HD650s with lots of defined trebles, mids and all of the layers of bass well defined.
Jun 29, 2010 at 11:04 PM Post #10 of 30
So I don't want to buy the like, 600$ sennheiser, but I want the best headphones.

Thats good, the best headphones dont cost $600: they cost between 8 and 20 times that. There is some disagreement over which headphone is "best" you see. Different people value different things differently. Because of this, there are many options. The best option is to buy several and eliminate doubt. 
Anyways, you should know what you want for Trance. Look at what you value in the music, and what you can live without. Find a few reviews comparing the senn's your looking at to other headphones.
Welcome to head-fi, sorry about your wallet.
Jun 30, 2010 at 1:51 AM Post #11 of 30
HD650's can work for trance if powered by tubes because it gives the music that little extra vitality and energy, but the amp I would personally buy for them is the price of the headphones themselves. (Darkvoice 337)
DT880's are the headphones that sound like the life is sucked out of them with trance... and other genres... although they're decent movie headphones.
Jun 30, 2010 at 1:55 AM Post #12 of 30

HD650's can work for trance if powered by tubes because it gives the music that little extra vitality and energy, but the amp I would personally buy for them is the price of the headphones themselves. (Darkvoice 337)
DT880's are the headphones that sound like the life is sucked out of them with trance... and other genres... although they're decent movie headphones.

dreamwhisper, i agree fully.
The bass on the 650's go deep if you have a decent tube amp. Although, it doesn't have that colour impact-smack like the beyer dt990/denon D200's , it sure as hell comes close and very balanced if i might add. Vocals are just so lush and exhilirating with female vocal trance.  Is there something the HD650's can't do?

btw, how do you like them with movies?
Jun 30, 2010 at 2:17 AM Post #13 of 30
Yeah the HD650 can do that to female vocals and techno.  I do recommend them highly for an open can in movies, the dialogue is pretty much spot on.
Jun 30, 2010 at 2:44 AM Post #14 of 30
The best Sennheisers? Most agree that would be the HE-90... which isn't exactly $600 and not generally available even if you do want them. From there, the HE-60 and HD-800 are pretty well regarded, but also outside your budget. For trance, I'd look at the HD-650. You'll find them online for less than the MSRP, usually around $325, though I haven't looked for awhile. The HD-650 is a little darker and smoother than the HD-600, which you'd probably like. I disagree about driving them with tubes for bass-heavy music. Tubes can go a little soft in the low end except for some pricier models with some serious output transformers or one or two others. Solid state will make the lows deep and clean while not getting muddy.
Jun 30, 2010 at 10:49 AM Post #15 of 30
Best? HD 800 from current line-up. But price is somewhat "off".
For neutral - get HD 595 (and maybe mod them a bit).
For less neutral - get HD 600 and new cable
For fun, but far from neutral - get HD 650 .. and prepare to be "bassed". :)
Otherwise if you want neutral headphones around 600 USD, look on other brand.. 
Yea and you will need some AMP probably.. and good source of audio (DAC).

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