What are the NEGATIVES of Owning the Beyerdynamic DT770's?
Feb 6, 2006 at 11:43 PM Post #16 of 24
I think the DT770 is a love it/hate it kind of deal. I think it excells at hip hop and electronica and that's what I love them for. It does not posses a lot of mids, but if you want them thumping your head away, I haven't heard anything better up to this point.
When I listen to my HD650 I always fall asleep, due to its laid back presentation. With my DT770 I cannot even think about falling asleep. These make you go wild about your music and bop your head.
Try them and find out if they are for you. If not you can always return them or sell them on here.
Feb 7, 2006 at 2:15 AM Post #17 of 24

Originally Posted by Jahn
there's no doubt that when the situation calls for Bass Insanity, the DT770 can step up!

That's why the DT770s will be my next gaming/DVD cans!
Feb 7, 2006 at 3:48 AM Post #18 of 24
Honestly, I just want to turn this into a DT 770 love thread. There's something really special about these durable, comfortable cans. In the end, I liked them better than my DT 880 simply due to versatility. They keep my ears warm, and the sound is definitely at the upper eschelons of Mid-Fi.

I don't really think the descriptions of these cans really appeal to anyone, or they won't admit that maybe, just MAYBE they love bass. You just won't understand them until you get a pair. And at $150? I can't think of any can I'd rather have at $150 or under.

DT 770-80, will you be my valentine?
Feb 7, 2006 at 3:51 AM Post #19 of 24

Originally Posted by spike33
True nature of a headphone is revealed by LISTENING to it, not by reading what other people say.

Truer words were never spoken.
Feb 7, 2006 at 6:11 AM Post #20 of 24
DT770 apologists, please go away to another thread.

This thread is on purpose about DT770 negatives.

If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen

Every pair of headphones has negatives, including Stax Omega II, Sennheiser HD650, ATH-W5000, etc.

Every single one of them.

I think it's just fair to have these "what's negative about headphone X" threads, as we already have tons of threads where people go ga-ga over their favourite headphones, without a single shred of criticism or attempt at a balanced view.

So these threads are here to balance the force. Don't take them so seriously or just look elsewhere
Feb 7, 2006 at 12:08 PM Post #21 of 24
Im new to this forum but i'd like to defend the 770 Pros. I am a fan (and owner) of them simply because theres no other headphone quite like them on the market! They suit music which is bass driven, i listen mainly to drum 'n' bass which suits these 'phones.

Now the negatives, they dont produce a "hi-fi" sound, meaning that if you listen to classical, jazz or vocal based music these wont be for you. The 'phones dont produce an accurate representation of anything they are fed. Now most people might think this as a negative point, but as i dont like the "tinny" bass light sound that most 'phones seem to produce these i see this a positive point!

Feb 8, 2006 at 5:48 AM Post #22 of 24

Originally Posted by eugenius
The true nature of a headphone can be revealed by listing the bad traits.

What makes you think that?

Anyway, main disadvantage of the DT770 is that it's not a DT880
Feb 8, 2006 at 10:43 AM Post #24 of 24
I second an earlier comment.

I just tried them yesterday, in hopes that I would have temple-shaking bass coming from my tiny Panasonic portable CD player. I was wrong...what's up!?

1. They are not easy to drive from a portable CD player. Maybe from a digital player because I would imagine their volume ranges are much higher.

2. They do not have sub-bass. Maybe midbass...but they do not have a lot of bass like I expected.

Question: are people who are saying this pair has bass, listening through an amped setup? Would you say they have bass from a portable CD player?

These have bass if you're used to say, Grado or Sennheiser typical models, or earbuds, or sport headphones, etc. etc. But they do not have real bass compared to what I remember the HD25-SPs having years ago.

But I will say the bass is somewhat accurate, from my experience. And the overall sound is good, from the less than one minute I listened to them. Better than what I have, and more of what I was looking for (except the bass part).

I'm still looking for a pair of headphones with bass. I think I'm going with the Sennheiser HD25-SP, but I'm still waiting for responses to my "bass headphones" thread.

Thanks Mercuttio for your input on the other one!

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