Westone W20 or Etymotic ER4P?
Mar 24, 2015 at 1:37 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 2


1000+ Head-Fier
May 8, 2007
I'm in the market for a new IEM. Most likely I'll be using them when active but sound quality is also important. The times I'll be using them most is at the gym, doing yard work (mowing, etc), and just random times when IEMs are convenient.  
My reference cans are the LCD-XC's which I absolutely adore and are my reference headphones. I love their sound sig and from the graphs I've seen the ER4P's are the closest, maybe?
I don't mind using some EQ to get the bass up to my liking which shouldn't take much. I also find its easier to add bass than it is add treble and mids.
From what I've gathered here is a quick breakdown of the two:
Etymotic ER4P
  1. Cleaner sound
  2. Better isolation
  1. Lack impact
  2. Less comfortable?
  3. Cable not as good as Westone
  4. Tougher to replace cable
Westone W20
  1. Warmer Sound
  2. More comfortable
  3. Better and easily replaceable cables
  1. More impacting bass
  2. Not as isolating
Just looking for some opinions and input. Thanks!
Mar 24, 2015 at 2:26 PM Post #2 of 2
I haven't heard the XC, but I have heard the LCD-2 and LCD-3. I have also heard both the Westone 2 & UM2 and the Ety ER4P & hf5. That's a tough call. Certainly, the Audeze sound is warmer than the Ety - closer to the Westone. But, the Audeze is also detailed and tight like the Ety.

As far as isolation - they both have good isolation - it really just depends on how well the tips fit your ears - and the same tips fit on both IEMs.

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