Westone ES5
Jan 13, 2012 at 12:30 AM Post #3,856 of 5,554
 I don't hear any difference in the CLAS but I need it for my DB2. :p Sometimes I wonder why I spend so much money on things that don't really make a difference in sound.
 However, I need the CLAS because I have an iPad outputting 24/96 FLACs...
The ES5 sounded muffled to me, but now I'm used to it so no complaints here, except for the bluish discoloration of the cable...............
I still prefer the LCD2 because it just sounds much more open and natural, and I can't exactly pinpoint what it is that takes my breath away occasionally with the LCD2s, while the ES5 doesn't...
Jan 13, 2012 at 12:52 AM Post #3,857 of 5,554
Well I'm picking up a set of LCD-2s tomorrow down @ ALO. Driving down from Seattle to Portland to grab some. I'm pretty tempted to bring my Lyr along so I can give em a listen. I love my Sennheisers and have had them for quite a while but its time for a new full size set of cans. The ES5s for me are all about my work life and portability, and I'm not going to travel with the LCD-2s!

Thats cool that the iPad can do 24/96, my FLAC player on my iPhone only does 16/48 (don't have a portable DAC). Not sure I'm ready to take that leap yet, but that does add a nice dimension.
 I don't hear any difference in the CLAS but I need it for my DB2. :p Sometimes I wonder why I spend so much money on things that don't really make a difference in sound.
 However, I need the CLAS because I have an iPad outputting 24/96 FLACs...
The ES5 sounded muffled to me, but now I'm used to it so no complaints here, except for the bluish discoloration of the cable...............
I still prefer the LCD2 because it just sounds much more open and natural, and I can't exactly pinpoint what it is that takes my breath away occasionally with the LCD2s, while the ES5 doesn't...

Jan 16, 2012 at 5:35 PM Post #3,863 of 5,554
My ES5s came in today. Fantastic fit, awesome sound. Really happy I paid for the $75 rush, as I'm leaving this evening and hopping on a plane. Was halfway tempted to bring my LCD-2s along, now I'm not! Will post up a pic or two when I can take some.
Jan 17, 2012 at 6:57 PM Post #3,865 of 5,554
So i got mine today, but they're really bright and I can barely hear any bass.  I feel like this may be due to the flex-canal getting compressed too much in my ears.  Has anyone else had this problem?  What should I do?
Jan 17, 2012 at 7:44 PM Post #3,866 of 5,554
Lol, two ES5s reported as bright and light on bass.  Very odd.
Are you sure you have a proper seal and inserted right?  Also run them a bit for say a week to make sure they sound like how you think they sound right now.
What's your source/amp btw?
Jan 17, 2012 at 7:55 PM Post #3,867 of 5,554
It seems that bass-light issues are usually seal issues. I doubt it's an issue of it being inserted incorrectly (although it could happen, I suppose), since customs really only go in one way. If you put it in incorrectly, i'd imagine it'd be rather painful. 
Are the IEM's comfortable? Do you get a slight vacuum? If you push the IEM's in on your ears with your fingers and hold them, does the bass improve? If it's a seal issue, you may need to send them out for a refit. 
Jan 17, 2012 at 8:01 PM Post #3,870 of 5,554

I've seen people that didn't realize they need to do the full twist till it clicks insertion.

Depends on the length of the tip I guess. I sent mine back to change from musician fit to comfort fit so I don't have the need to do a full twist.
But I agree that light bass and brightness is due to a lack of seal.

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