W5000s VS L3000s - Reviews/Comparisons?
Oct 24, 2006 at 6:27 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 19


500+ Head-Fier
Jul 21, 2005
It seems strange that the W5k has been out for so long and I still think I've yet to read a really CLEAR review of what it should sound like. I remember when the Qualia first come out, words popped up like "detailed", "fast", "digital", and sure enough when I listened to them, those adjectives fit to a certain degree. But so far the most talked about aspect of the W5ks has been its weird fit and midrange "honkiness" (what the heck is "honkiness"? It quacks like a duck?).

I heard these VERY briefly through a system that wasn't my own. I DON'T trust first impressions like these but from what I first gathered they were very quick, smooth, airy, transparent headphones. No one thing jumped out at me except how utterly CLEAR the presentation was. But they struck me as the type of headphones that would probably be really great at alot of music - maybe a more refined K701 of sorts, but I think the 701s would have them beat in the air/soundstage dept. (that's my guess at least).

The L3ks I never got to listen to much either. But the bass always struck me as their best feature. I would've loved to have them just for groovey, rock headphones as uber-deep, impactfull bass is something my R10s just don't do. Maybe my God-like amp is just willing me to try out more headphones on it but I've really been thinking of either getting a pair of W5ks and recabling them for my SDS-XLR or hunting down a pair of L3ks and doing the same thing.

Can anyone who's spent a significant amount of time with these cans (especially both) compare/contrast them and offer a good review of them and what kind of music they're best for?
Oct 24, 2006 at 7:41 AM Post #2 of 19
I had W3000's for around six months, they were fantastic, really good for Jazz and Rock, they had a wide soundstage, ultra comfort lol...I can't do a side to side comparison to the L3000 though because i sold them...
Oct 24, 2006 at 8:44 AM Post #3 of 19

Originally Posted by TheGhostWhoWalks
I heard these VERY briefly through a system that wasn't my own. I DON'T trust first impressions like these but from what I first gathered they were very quick, smooth, airy, transparent headphones. No one thing jumped out at me except how utterly CLEAR the presentation was. But they struck me as the type of headphones that would probably be really great at alot of music - maybe a more refined K701 of sorts, but I think the 701s would have them beat in the air/soundstage dept. (that's my guess at least).

Ghost - I think that the quote above pretty much sums up what you need to do. The aforementioned spelt out, (minus how much you distrusted the setting/amplification) you felt in that setting that the K701's were less refined, but had better air/soundstage.

Numerous reviews are not going to be able to tell you what you are going to hear, besides it sounds like you have already taken a liking to the L3000 over the W5000.
Oct 24, 2006 at 9:50 AM Post #4 of 19

Originally Posted by TheGhostWhoWalks
It seems strange that the W5k has been out for so long and I still think I've yet to read a really CLEAR review of what it should sound like. I remember when the Qualia first come out, words popped up like "detailed", "fast", "digital", and sure enough when I listened to them, those adjectives fit to a certain degree. But so far the most talked about aspect of the W5ks has been its weird fit and midrange "honkiness" (what the heck is "honkiness"? It quacks like a duck?).

I heard these VERY briefly through a system that wasn't my own. I DON'T trust first impressions like these but from what I first gathered they were very quick, smooth, airy, transparent headphones. No one thing jumped out at me except how utterly CLEAR the presentation was. But they struck me as the type of headphones that would probably be really great at alot of music - maybe a more refined K701 of sorts, but I think the 701s would have them beat in the air/soundstage dept. (that's my guess at least).

The L3ks I never got to listen to much either. But the bass always struck me as their best feature. I would've loved to have them just for groovey, rock headphones as uber-deep, impactfull bass is something my R10s just don't do. Maybe my God-like amp is just willing me to try out more headphones on it but I've really been thinking of either getting a pair of W5ks and recabling them for my SDS-XLR or hunting down a pair of L3ks and doing the same thing.

Can anyone who's spent a significant amount of time with these cans (especially both) compare/contrast them and offer a good review of them and what kind of music they're best for?

if you just want a rock can A900LTD would be one of the better choices in the ATH line up. pretty sure it has just about as much bass as L3000. the aluminum casing signature jsut make rock music sound great.
Oct 24, 2006 at 2:54 PM Post #5 of 19

Originally Posted by TheGhostWhoWalks
... midrange "honkiness" (what the heck is "honkiness"? It quacks like a duck?)...

As in geese's "honk", as in hollow. Though that may have something to do with my initial fitting at the time.


Originally Posted by TheGhostWhoWalks
... very quick, smooth, airy, transparent headphones... except how utterly CLEAR the presentation was.

Exactly how I find them. For a closed back, they sound surprisingly open as well.


Originally Posted by TheGhostWhoWalks
... But they struck me as the type of headphones that would probably be really great at alot of music - maybe a more refined K701 of sorts, but I think the 701s would have them beat in the air/soundstage dept. (that's my guess at least)...

They are decent with most genre, though they do seem to portray, rather spectacularly, well on Japaness tracks and on electronica/techno/trance. Though soundstage is not as expansive as K701, I do find W5000 has better imaging. After long listening, I find K701 soundstage can be "too" expansive, to the point of being "artificial" and "disorientating."


Originally Posted by TheGhostWhoWalks
... (L3000,) the bass always struck me as their best feature.

Indeed they are. That bass is phenomenal good, but because of the bass I find they do not do classical as well as W5000. W5000 bass is as extended, just not as pronounced. I also feel the W5000 to have better imaging and with better depth than L3000 - but that may just be jealousy speaking.
Oct 24, 2006 at 5:07 PM Post #6 of 19
I think you have the right idea. The W5000 is a very clean, clear, fast sounding headphone with a slight midrange bump. It has a pinpoint soundstage with good depth, but isn't the widest (though balancing makes it a bit wider).

The L3000 has a tremendous powerful bass (perhaps the best of all headphones) which is magic paired with a great amplifier. The rest of the spectrum is very competant, with a slight dark tinge. They definitely have a different take on the sound than the W5000, but are certainly very impressive.
Oct 24, 2006 at 5:53 PM Post #8 of 19
I got to be honest, I have trouble discerning differences between the entire AT line.

I spent a lot of time with the w5000 and l3000.(thanks ayt999!) I found the differences to be inline with what everyone has been saying here. The l3000 is much better with the lower end whereas the w5000 tends to have a more hollow sound to its presentation. I had no trouble with the w5000 fit at all.

I am going to get in trouble for this but... I think the l3000 sounds a lot like the a900. I have to be in complete silence, eyes closed, concentrating, etc to hear the difference. The sound signature is very similar, the l3000 is just a lot more refined.
Oct 24, 2006 at 7:15 PM Post #9 of 19

Originally Posted by raif
I am going to get in trouble for this but... I think the l3000 sounds a lot like the a900. I have to be in complete silence, eyes closed, concentrating, etc to hear the difference. The sound signature is very similar, the l3000 is just a lot more refined.

Yeah you're in trouble! Now you're making me think of picking up an A900 just for kicks to see how it actually sounds.
Oct 24, 2006 at 10:24 PM Post #10 of 19

Originally Posted by TheGhostWhoWalks
I first gathered they were very quick, smooth, airy, transparent headphones. No one thing jumped out at me except how utterly CLEAR the presentation was. But they struck me as the type of headphones that would probably be really great at alot of music - maybe a more refined K701 of sorts

You got a lot of things right about the W5000.

I own both the W5000 and the L3000 with a Supra XLR and the two of them are my favourite headphones. Hard to tell which one I prefer. Maybe very slightly the L3000 but not with every combination of tubes or with every kind of music.

The W5000 is definetely faster and has much more detail and air. The L3000 a very powerful bass, the best impact for drums, but has a more soupy sound: no much air around the instruments, they semm to stick a bit too much together, but the resulting sound is nevertheless very refined.
Many would disagree, but I certainly prefer the W5000 for rock: the cymbals are much more real and guitars extremely sharp.
They both have a slightly "honky" midrange: they have a clear coloration for both female and male voices, but I definetly prefer this compared to very detailed cans like the K700 and the K1000 (great can, but a bit dry in the midrange IMO
Oct 25, 2006 at 4:18 PM Post #11 of 19
Interesting posts, thanks guys.

The reason I was asking is that I love my R10s, but I've really been looking for two specific headphones:

The ultimate rock/metal can - with lots of bass, power, impact. I've had my RS1s for years, but to me they're a different kind of rock/metal headphone. They're almost like a very exciting, "live" headphone. What I'm looking for is one that's more refined, but still very powerful, and I was thinking the L3ks might fit the bill perfectly (If I can find them).

And then the ultimate... maybe "clear" can is the word? Clarity, air, soundstaging, imaging, and the right balance of detail, timbre, and musicality.

I really like my 701s, but I agree there almost is this kind of unnatural soundstage to them. And while the bass is very nice, like the HD650s I feel compared to higher end phones (like My R10s) they lack a sort of inner detail and refinement (this kind of goes along with the rest of the spectrum, with the exception of the mids maybe).

I'm thinking that the perfect tubes for the W5ks would be a Tung Sol RP in the inputs with either Sylvania or RCA VT-231s in the outputs. This might fix the hollow midrange and would really increase soundstaging and air and would keep the speed, calrity, and musicality in tact. The RCAs might fill up the midrange a bit while the Sylvanias would add a bit more air and soundstage...

For the L3ks I'm thinking either TSRPs in the inputs to help with speed, detail, and soundstage with Sylvania 6SN7Ws to increase tone and impact or Ken Rads in the inputs to increase drive, and deliver great bass and mids and then a faster tube in the outputs (maybe Raytheons?).
Oct 25, 2006 at 5:34 PM Post #12 of 19
Actually, you are making a comment I wanted to voice for awhile. When I heard W100 with L3000 drivers, it sounded remarkably like my A900LTD. A900LTD is airy yet has great bass. But the bass is little bloated and uncontrolled. I changed the acoustic dampening material on my A900LTD to denser material and the bass is not bloated as before. The bass became tighter as I recall with W3000.

So...I am happy with my "poor man's L3000"...or should I say with my converted A3000LTD


Originally Posted by raif
I am going to get in trouble for this but... I think the l3000 sounds a lot like the a900. I have to be in complete silence, eyes closed, concentrating, etc to hear the difference. The sound signature is very similar, the l3000 is just a lot more refined.

Oct 25, 2006 at 5:40 PM Post #13 of 19
Oct 25, 2006 at 5:45 PM Post #14 of 19
Oct 25, 2006 at 5:58 PM Post #15 of 19


I am going to get in trouble for this but... I think the l3000 sounds a lot like the a900. I have to be in complete silence, eyes closed, concentrating, etc to hear the difference. The sound signature is very similar, the l3000 is just a lot more refined.

I have disagree with you here. I owned the A1000(a model up from A900 - now discontinued) and they are not comparable to the L3000. The A1000 that I heard/owned was only comparable to the Senn HD-580 or HD-600. The L3000 is a much better headphone really. I will take the L3000 any time over the W5000.

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