Vegan food for better sound? Calmer body - higher resolution
Dec 9, 2009 at 1:41 AM Post #31 of 60
This thread would not be complete without some Silkworm...

Once I was a carnivore
I ate pig by the pound or more
And no excuse was needed to choke more bacon down
But nothing held a candle to
The heaving bowls of game-meat stew
Or barbecue or sliced pastrami piled high on rye

I loved those dead animals
I couldn't get enough of the dead animals
I scarfed some down at every single meal
Yum yum yum dead animals
Give me some more dead animals
Every part from top of head to heel

One day I had the honour
Of eating veal parmigiana
It was delicious but I was dismayed to hear
That they're kept locked up in cages
Until they reach certain ages
So then they slit their little throats from ear to ear

So I won't eat those dead animals
Just some of the other dead animals
Only ones that have some room to grow
No little baby dead animals
Just some elderly dead animals
Ones that had some shot at getting old

Well but I lost my taste for pig and cow
I was eventually down to fish and fowl
And vegetables and roots and all the rest
I bought myself a Wendy's chicken sandwich
That's a spicy chicken sandwich
Took one bite and all I saw was flesh

But that was nothing when compared
To later that night when I was driving
Southeast on the Dexter Boulevard
Out of nowhere sprang a cat
I could not stop I squashed him flat
I turned to see his little legs twitching in the air
I knew I'd run my karmic string out
I felt it deep without a doubt
I won't consume another beast again

Oh no no more dead animals
I had it with the dead animals
You can breed them you can bleed them if you want
But I can't seem to eat them
Or maybe some fish dead animals
Some kind of salmon dish of dead animal
But if it lives on land like me I want to look it in the eye and say I'm sorry

little piggy... precious moo cow... little chicken guy... friendly caribou... scrawny antelope... furry black bear... big fat elephant... scaly crocodile... little walrus... I'll never eat a yak again... fanged rattlesnake.... chippy chipmunk... little tree frog... little hedgehog... little porcupine...
Dec 9, 2009 at 7:30 AM Post #32 of 60
i know i probably posted things to the contrary in the past. i might as well come clean. if i did i was not telling the truth. this is because i catch so much trash talk for my ways. i will own animal "products". however i have not ingested them in over 40 years. that means,yes vegan.

i have actually had health problems atributed by my doctor to not eating for one thing, dairy. i just think eating something that was "alive" is really gross. it is not even for moral or ethical reasons or health reasons. i just think it is gross.

as to what it did for my hearing, nothing i know of good. i get regular serious sinus infections. i have been in the hospital and almost died from fluid in my eye socket. which my dr. also attributes to lack of proper nutrients. i don't mind.

for your hearing patrick, i suggest you must step up to odin! i did. it changed my life. no, not really. it is wallet to physcoacoustic ratio i am sure indeed. i'd like to feel it changed my life though. i actually kissed it when it arrived. not in a weird way, just to like bless it you know.

Dec 9, 2009 at 11:36 AM Post #33 of 60
Eat in moderation
Exercise daily
Die anyway.

I've heard that Vegetarians don't live as long as people on a "normal" diet.
Must be missing out on all those preservatives.

What really amuses me is that 100% fruit juice is sold unrefrigerated and only needs refrigeration after the container is opened.
Fruit juice with preservatives added is refrigerated from the word go.

As one cannibal said to the other as they were dining on a clown - "Does this taste funny to you?"
Dec 9, 2009 at 11:47 AM Post #34 of 60
Q. What do vegetarian cannibals eat?
A. Swedes.
(For those among us who are not au fait with this - a swede in England is somewhat akin to a turnip/parsnip/rutabaga.)
Dec 9, 2009 at 12:17 PM Post #35 of 60

Originally Posted by dallan /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If that is the case, give up wheat flour too as it is a known allergenic in something like 90% of the population.

I haven't eaten wheat for 12 years.
Dec 9, 2009 at 12:41 PM Post #36 of 60
I've been vegan for over 25 years now .. thank Darwin for beer and smokes! (well I've stopped smoking now ... and its more malt whiskey than beer .. but you really can't beat beer for breakfast!).

How do you corpse crunchers hear over the screams of the innocent?
Dec 9, 2009 at 1:10 PM Post #38 of 60
Hahahaaa. One of the funnier threads
Dec 9, 2009 at 2:15 PM Post #41 of 60

Originally Posted by BigTony /img/forum/go_quote.gif
How do you corpse crunchers hear over the screams of the innocent?

it is harder to chew meat, thus the chewing sounds in our heads block out the screams of the single cow that died to feed 100 of us.

however, since tofu is easy to eat, and thus requires little intense chewing, how is it that you do not hear the screams of the dozens of field mice that died to make your single loaf of bread?
Dec 9, 2009 at 2:58 PM Post #42 of 60
The human body is made to be carnivor, so meat can't be bad for you, depends on the kind of meat and quantities of course

Personally I eat as natural as possible, so meat from grass eaters who eat grass, no bio-industry meat, no processed food, raffined sucre, trans fats etc (food without barcode
) have some regular exercise and food supplements like multi vitamine from a good brand.

I eat lots of fruit and green stuff, preferrably without the DDT kind of stuff

Some people confuse sucre/callory addiction with joy of life, I can't disagree more
It's also hardly a big effort, you get used to 'normal' food and quantities very least I did..

O, and I don't think fysical health has much influance on your hearing, though a certain peace of mind might help
Dec 9, 2009 at 3:01 PM Post #43 of 60
I'm an anti vegan; I only eat animals that eat other animals..
Dec 9, 2009 at 3:14 PM Post #44 of 60

Originally Posted by BigTony /img/forum/go_quote.gif
How do you corpse crunchers hear over the screams of the innocent?

Well, animals consume other animals and this happens many millions of times per day all over the world and has been going on every day for hundreds of millions of years.

My modest portions of fried calimari, chicken alfredo, and pulled pork sandwich (a typical week's worth of meat for me) seems a drop in the bucket compared to the hundreds of trillions of 'innocent' lives lost so far to satisfy another animal's stomach.

Furthermore, why is it so terrible to kill and eat animals and yet so awesome and great to kill and eat plants?

Veganism taken to its logical conclusion should simply result in suicide.

And I say that as someone who has been off meat before and probably will be again in the future.

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