UPS Sucks!
Oct 7, 2011 at 2:46 AM Post #46 of 71

Canadians love USPS and hate FedEx/UPS like no tomorrow.

LOL. There's always trouble with local post offices.
Oct 7, 2011 at 6:44 AM Post #47 of 71
I bought a pair of technics 1200 mk3d turntables and the seller wanted to have the UPS store package them "securely" I argued with the seller that those morons could not tell the difference between a turntable and a rice cooker. So I sent him instructions on how to safely package the turntables. Asking the UPS to package stuff for you is like asking for trouble.
Oct 7, 2011 at 6:54 AM Post #48 of 71
I like Ceasar's pizza. When I order my pizza, I am there. The kitchen is in front view. I am watching the guy preparing my pizza. No funny stuff like Dominos.
Wow, i hope that doesn't happen over here. My brother works for Little Caesars, do ill have to ask him if stuff like this happens.

Oct 9, 2011 at 10:51 PM Post #49 of 71
Strangely enough, UPS/USPS have both been very reliable around here. Any packages shipped with them, I've gotten in a timely manner. USPS did mess up once, which was how I got two Backbeat 326's. FedEx was the only trouble shipper, as they flatly don't read notes or anything. I had to pick up my Droid 2 from a facility on that one. Perhaps having a Dunkin Donuts every two blocks helps.
Oct 9, 2011 at 11:07 PM Post #50 of 71
I use UPS for my business, shipping several packages daily.  They have been pretty much flawless and since most of what I ship is COD, they in effect do collections for me. Once, I did have a  major claim (a train derailed and pretty much destroyed everything) and it was handled smoothly and quickly.  They made both me and my customers 100% whole.  On a personal and audio related claim they were just as good.  I shipped a pair of Apogee Stages and it appears a forklift blade went straight into one of the ribbons.  UPS paid for a pair of new ribbons and shipping from Australia (where the replacement ribbons were made).  They did not balk at all about getting two ribbons once I explained that there might be an imbalance in SQ if only the damaged ribbon was replaced.  What more can you ask for?
Oct 9, 2011 at 11:31 PM Post #51 of 71
Take it to a computer store and have them write you a quote that says it is "beyond repairs" or something tricky like that :wink:
If that doesn't work then just file already!
I have never had any of these types of problems with UPS or FedEx, and I haven't used USPS. My father uses UPS and Fedex for multiple packages daily and they are just fine apparently. Both UPS and FedEx seem to not like to deliver even one day before the estimated 3-10 days ground (3-6 UPS, 7-10 FedEx) shipping, or whatever else it would be for other shipping options. 
And what is up with the shipping speed estimate differences?? UPS ground is 3-6 business days and FedEx is 7-10 business days. FedEx minimum shipping time, which they don't like to be there before even the maximum 10 days waiting and be good to customers, either does UPS, is one day after the MAX ground time on UPS. Hmmmm........
OK, you know what, never mind, UPS still sucks!
After they agreed to grant me my claim for the $1K they're up to no good once again.  I called back to check status last week only to be told I needed to submit proof of value, so I showed my paypal transaction and ebay listing.  
Today, almost two weeks later, I call in once again to check status and they say the claim is on hold because they need proof of repair costs.  That I need to go to a repair shop and get a quote for repair costs.
Who the heck repairs broken graphics cards?!  

Oct 9, 2011 at 11:33 PM Post #52 of 71
Like someone said Twitter could work but there is the stupid character limit. Maybe make it a forum and use a forum host and have that be the domain? IDK lol. If it's convenient enough for you, you could get stories by email and post them yourself.
You guys, I have been thinking about this. What is the best way we can all fight back? I thought about starting a blog but first you have to get a great .com name. The title of this thread, "UPS Sucks", is perfect but guess what? The domain name, "", is already taken by guess who? UPS! So I searched some more and voila, I got it: ""! Now that I have a great .com I need to start a blog. I want to start a blog where anyone and everyone can rant against UPS and post photos and comments. Does anyone know of an easy template that I can easily set up that allows users of the blog to participate? I am sure there are some tech savy people here on Head-Fi that can help me out. I would appreciate it.

Oct 9, 2011 at 11:43 PM Post #54 of 71 looks good and you could just forward the domain to the address of the forum. Google how to do that, it depends on your domain server (GoDaddy, 1&1, Network Solutions, etc.)
Great idea. Are there easy and simple forum templates? This could be better than a blog. 

Oct 10, 2011 at 12:12 AM Post #55 of 71
Take it to a computer store and have them write you a quote that says it is "beyond repairs" or something tricky like that :wink:

Already did it.  
Just waiting for an update now.
Il Mostro, I'm not surprised they took care of you - you're a repeat business customer.  I'm just a consumer that uses UPS about once a year.  
Oct 10, 2011 at 12:04 PM Post #56 of 71

Already did it.  
Just waiting for an update now.
Il Mostro, I'm not surprised they took care of you - you're a repeat business customer.  I'm just a consumer that uses UPS about once a year.  

When they took care of the claim on the Apogee's I was just a regular consumer.  But I did deal directly with UPS and not a third party.   
Oct 10, 2011 at 1:35 PM Post #58 of 71

Read my previous posts.  I dealt with the UPS store, found it through the UPS Store Locator on the UPS site.  

By "directly with UPS" I meant I did not deal with a UPS store.  UPS Stores are franchisee owned (formerly Mail Boxes Etc.).  I seriously doubt UPS is trying to screw you out of  a few bucks by scrutinizing your claim.  Or maybe not.  Maybe that is their master-plan for financial success. 

Oct 10, 2011 at 4:54 PM Post #60 of 71
I have no experience with UPS but this is discouraging. On the other hand, USPS has been very reliable if a little slow. Hell they even shipped straight to Lebanon!

That said, if I want speed, I use Aramex. It does cost me though.

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