Upgrade from Focal Elegia - Clear MG, or Arya Stealth?
Jun 19, 2022 at 10:08 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 6


Feb 4, 2021
United Kingdom
Hi, so I've been loving my Elegia's (upgraded from DT 1990's), for 6 months. But they have some real flaws.

I love the soundstage - the "bubble around head" presentation. Great presence, it fires directly towards my head, and I'm surrounded by music. Layering, depth and separation are outstanding.
By contrast, the DT 1990 (and HD 599) have this "three rows behind" effect. It's never present or engaging enough. It sounds diffused or faded, despite the punchy dynamics.

However, the Elegia sounds artificial, with 'brittle' dynamics. Maybe it's a closed-back issue? It slams hard, but feels like plastic. The 1990's have an organic timbre + slam. Harmonics are full and rich too. The Elegias are missing that. Despite careful EQing. Not to mention the sharp, metallic treble.

Take "From Now On" by Supertramp. The bass guitar vibrates and resonates, the toms "thud", lots of rich harmonics. The DT 1990 does this perfectly, but the Elegias sound overly clean/stripped out.

So the Clear MG seems like a good upgrade. I'd EQ it too. But does it sound more organic? Is the treble less metallic than Elegia? I really miss the rich harmonics + timbre of the 1990.

The Arya V3 is my other option, but I've never heard a Hifiman set. I'm worried they won't feel present like Focals do. I don't really enjoy "three rows back" presentation. The HD 599 and DT 1990 are like that.
But, the Arya seems like a great headphone. I just need to know how it compares. How are the presence, timbre and dynamics on them?

Or the ZMF Auteur - I don't know much, but they've been compared a few times. Might be harder to find in the UK. Any advice is appreciated!
Jun 19, 2022 at 11:58 AM Post #2 of 6
The Arya is a great headphone--I actually find it more natural sounding than the Clear, but in terms of timbre, the Auteur is the better choice I think.

The Arya also won't punch as hard as the other two, but stage and dynamics are very good.
Jun 20, 2022 at 3:31 AM Post #4 of 6
The Arya is a great headphone--I actually find it more natural sounding than the Clear, but in terms of timbre, the Auteur is the better choice I think.

The Arya also won't punch as hard as the other two, but stage and dynamics are very good.

I've narrowed it down to Clear MG vs Auteur... But I'm not sure how the Auteur's clarity/imaging/depth compares (with Elegia at least). The good timbre is appealing. Elegia's staging and depth is great, but they're so artificial. I miss the organic slam + timbre of the 1990, every time I hear it again.

I mostly listen in bed too. I'm worried the Auteur could be too big for lying on a pillow? Just another thought. My current headphones are all fine.
Jun 20, 2022 at 3:36 AM Post #5 of 6

Ah I've heard good things about the A30 pro. I currently use an Atom. I'll likely upgrade soon; I heard all 3 headphones improve a lot with amps.

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