Ultrasone Edition9 & CanAmp Visit Qables: A Surreal audioXperience!
Jun 13, 2007 at 1:37 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 80


Headphoneus Supremus
Aug 27, 2006
This past Saturday, I had the pleasure of spending a most delightful afternoon with Hans Oosterwaal at audioXperience, his brand spanking-new high-end audio and head-fi specialty shop. Of course, many of you might already be familiar with Hans from Qables, his online emporium specializing in custom-made line-out docks and other related cable & connectivity solutions, as well as his patronage of this forum. And for those of us involved in the Belgium/Netherlands Head-Fi posse, Hans is more affectionately known simply as “Our Sponsor”, who’s participation has helped to assure the success of our last two meets, in Terneuzen and Maastricht, respectively.

Ever since I heard that Hans was opening a store well within driving distance of me here in Brussels, I have been absolutely itching to check it out. So when he PM’d me his interest in hearing the pair of Ultrasone Edition 9s that I currently have on loan, I had just the excuse I needed to scratch!

I had met Hans in person once before, at the Terneuzen Meet back in February. He brought such a silly amount of goodies with him that it was just overwhelming, all laid out with the most meticulous of care and attention to detail. The entire Audio Technica line of headphones. At least two RSA Tomahawks and two RSA Hornets. Three LaRocco PRII (mkII) in different, eye-popping colors. K-701s, Grados, Corda amps, loads of IEMs (which I have, to this day, never tried), and a veritable sea of LODs, mini-to-minis, mini-to-RCAs in all different lengths, materials, and colors.



Unfortunately for me, as it was my very first meet and I was already kind of nervous, I failed to take advantage of the vast resources lying just one table away from my own. Seemingly every time I glanced over in his direction, Hans had a very serious expression on his face and looked entirely absorbed in thought. What’s more, he rather resembled my freshman-year math professor who I still swear had it in for me from the very first day of class.

Nonetheless, I did need a line-out dock for my iPod, so toward the end of the afternoon I finally made my way over to Hans. When he greeted me with a warm smile and invited me to try anything I’d like, my math professor disappeared and in his place stood a terribly kind gentleman, brimming with enthusiasm for his own impressive range of products and an encyclopedic knowledge of pretty much everything audio. But all too soon, it was time to begin packing-up. Talk about misguided visual impressions and opportunities wasted!

I ended up choosing a sweet looking line-out dock-to-mini in Ultrasone blue, which has served me just wonderfully ever since. But I also left the meet looking forward to visiting Hans one day under more relaxed circumstances.

Qables/audioXperience is located in Nuenen, just east of Eindhoven, in the Netherlands, about an 80-minute drive from where I live. From the pictures on Hans’ site, I was expecting the shop to be located in the central Neunen shopping district, perhaps quaintly nestled in the shadow of the town church-tower. But MapQuest® had other plans in store for me entirely, directing me past a bustling plant nursery, some farmland and then finally into a sprawling modern industrial park, populated by import/exporters, storage facilities, and small high-tech concerns. Curiouser and curiouser!


Hans greeted me as if I were an old acquaintance and led me into his spotless domain. His building is divided down the middle, with two largish offices on the left, and a very spacious listening room on the immediate right. The foyer in between contained a glass display case loaded with IEMs, portable headphones, cables and accessories. Just down the hall a little, I spied one of those fancy cable-cookers, silently going about its business.

As I unpacked my gear, Hans offered me refreshments and asked if I had any trouble finding the place. When I said no, but I was certainly surprised by his location, Hans just smiled knowingly.

Removing the Edition 9s from my bag and gently placing their impressive travel case on the table before him, I could detect a gleam of delight in Hans' eyes when I invited him to do the honors of opening them up. “Oh my”, he said, lifting the lid, “these really are quite something!” I was unpacking my Heed Audio CanAmp when he lifted the Editions out of their aluminum sarcophagus, now smiling broadly, “Very substantial”, he remarked, becoming acquainted with their feel. “Please, try anything at all”.


Overall, I’d describe the interior of the space as having more of a gallery feel to it than retail, all impeccably clean white walls and very minimally, yet tastefully appointed with furnishings, spare artwork and custom-made wall-hangings. Which only serves to allow the product to stand out relatively unfettered, as well it should. So my own gaze was already distracted by the extraordinary array of equipment on view, plenty of stealthy black boxes from Naim (including the ultra high-end CD555), Wilson Benesch floorstanding loudspeakers and the gorgeous WB Circle turntable, and finally a phalanx of stacked headphone amps including the Naim Headline, Musical Fidelity X-Can v3, Sugden HeadMaster, and Lehman Audio Black Cube Linear. But the object of my most immediate desire was the LaRocco PRII (mkII) in combat-ready silver-gray. I grasped it firmly, already enjoying its smooth contours, and readied my PROline 2500s for their latest adventure.

“Shall we begin?” Hans asked, plugging the Edition 9s into the CanAmp. And so began our own little private mini-meet. So stay tuned, disco citizens, for more fun to follow.
Jun 13, 2007 at 2:14 AM Post #2 of 80
Great photos! Thanks for sharing!
Jun 13, 2007 at 9:43 PM Post #4 of 80
I think this is one of the best stories I've read here. I like your writing. =]
Jun 14, 2007 at 2:00 AM Post #6 of 80
Thanks for all your kind comments thus far!

So with Hans already headed toward an alternate reality via the Edition 9s, I was pretty much left to my own devices with the run of the entire place—woo-hoo! Then I remembered the solid little brick of milled-aluminum gorgeosity that I had been fondling and greedily clutching like some kind of fertility idol for the past 10 minutes, so I finally snapped out of it and gathered my 5G iPod for a listen to the LaRocco PRII (mkII).

“Hmmm”, thought I, since these are open cans, I oughta put a little distance between myself and Hans, so as not to disturb him (math professor returning momentarily). So I headed for a comfy-looking moderny-artsy-type chair at the opposite end of the listening salon, when HELLO!, I had inadvertently stumbled upon Hans’ secret Head-Fi Audio Enclave!



Well, maybe not that secret, but unquestionably an enclave, and 100% Head-Fi nonetheless, for only the comfy chair is visible from the remainder of the shop. A cleverly positioned divider wall insures that the Keys to the Kingdom here remain well isolated, revealing themselves only to the very fortunate occupant of the catbird seat. Only now, that occupant was moi!

Fleeting thoughts of insanity roared through my head, ranging from “if I sit here motionless, perhaps Hans will forget all about me and I’ll have this enclave to myself ‘til Monday morning—I already know he’s got a fridge, yeah” to “how many of these teeny-tiny amps could I actually balance along the outstretched length of one arm?” then I thought better of it after the second Hornet reached my elbow and, besides, my juggling days ended rather abruptly some years ago in that unfortunate incident at Coney Island. So I gathered my composure and plugged into the LaRocco.

Oh my word, this is very good indeed! Depth, dimension and bass authority very nearly approaching my CanAmp from a mere portable. Well, hardly mere anything, this. Oodles of power to spare, even with my current-devouring PROlines. Variable Bass Contour knob, extremely subtle and far less intrusive than I was expecting. OK, so now I know I want a LaRocco, what else is my pleasure?

Tomahawk next. Now this feels like a fine Swiss timepiece, as I rotate the volume knob and unscrew and then re-screw the thumb-screws just ‘cos I can. Even the microscopic gain switch ‘round the rear feels somehow worthy of launching a cruise missile. Low-gain sounds nice and clear with the 40 Ohm Ultrasones, while high-gain is fairly unlistenable. Overall, though, since I tend to listen a little more loudly than most, the Tomahawk lacks a little in oomph department with the Ultrasones.

Oomph arrives quickly enough in the form of the Hornet, however, which very kindly takes over where the Tomahawk left off. In fact, the consistency of sound signature between the two RSA siblings is uncanny and most commendable. Again, low-gain’s the charm, and I could travel happily with a Hornet in my rucksack. “Well, the LaRocco isn’t that much more expensive”, counters Satan.

But I shake him off with thoughts of puppies, and I pull out my Go-Vibe V5S (w/ my DIY 22v battery pack) for a little control-referencing. To my surprise and delight, it acquits itself quite nicely. It certainly ain’t the PRII, but neither does it seem too terribly wanting in the face of the Hornet. Maybe I can hold out until the Lisa III becomes available after all!

Then I glance at the time and see that it’s already 5:30. Panic sets in. An entire wall of world-class headphones and amps await and I’ve only tried three and only with my PROlines!


So I launch myself into a kind of lathered frenzy, pulling headphones off their perches and plugging them in to whatever hole will accept them. K701s into the LaRocco. Listen. RS1s into the Corda Aria. Listen. AT W5000 into the Raffinato. Listen. And so on, and so on.

I feel like I’m one of those bobby-sox sporting telephone switchboard operators at Macy’s in Miracle On 34th Street. O, the infinite possibilities! O, the humanity! But, ultimately, I failed to make it to the Xins before closing time (guess I was too intimidated by all them switches)!

More impressions? You’ve got to be kidding, my friends, this is mainline unadulterated decadent gluttony talking to you by now…why, I’m Caligula with Cans bwahahahaha!

Part Three posting anon.
Jun 14, 2007 at 3:50 AM Post #8 of 80
Man you should write a book! Your extremely descriptive and vivid about your experiences! Great story!
Jun 14, 2007 at 11:46 AM Post #9 of 80
Very nice, Dex!
Did some combination make you doubt your Ultrasones, if only for a second?
Jun 14, 2007 at 2:06 PM Post #11 of 80

Originally Posted by hoosterw /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Mooie avatar!

Die kun je ook bij mij beluisteren hoor!! :0

en kopen natuurlijk.

I will most certainly do that one day. As you probably already guesed; the avatar is more or less a wish list...
Jun 14, 2007 at 4:05 PM Post #13 of 80

Originally Posted by thrillmetoo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I will most certainly do that one day. As you probably already guesed; the avatar is more or less a wish list...

Yeah sorry about the Dutch, I was in kind a hurry I guess.

Well, I will do all I can to make the wish list come true.....!

And Dex, well we are all a sort of an addict aren't we
Jun 14, 2007 at 9:54 PM Post #15 of 80

Originally Posted by OverlordXenu /img/forum/go_quote.gif
This sounds great.

I just recently got a Qables LOD for my X5, and I must say, I'm REALLY impressed.

I hope the cable is as much impressive


Hans, and thanks for your trust in my products!

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