Training 3 times per day = Full of muscle!
Apr 7, 2007 at 11:37 PM Post #76 of 93
Ermm, you actually pull individual strings while you train and that makes your muscels over regenerate but they aren't necessarily more healthy. They become stronger but they lose efficiency, so It's not really good. If you want funcitonal muscles swim and climb.
Apr 8, 2007 at 12:43 AM Post #77 of 93

Originally Posted by kool bubba ice /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Thank you.. But In the power lifting community, you wouldn't believe how many teens are benching 450 plus..Not a lot but more then you think.. Anthony Clark benched 550 as a teen..guys like 5'6 & weighs 350..Now hes benching over 800lbs with a underhand grip & can squat over 1,100lbs.. I personally know a meet director (Rick Couch) who benched 440 weighting 148lbs.. & one of my training partners benched 560 weighting 198..

my high school basketball coach used to tell us if you ain't benching you own weight, you're not fit. i was so called one of the best and i could only do 130 and i weight 170 pounds. i've not been working out like i used to for two years(i don't call two days per week for an hour a workout). i need to get back. i feel weak lately.
Apr 8, 2007 at 12:44 AM Post #78 of 93

Originally Posted by Patrick82 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
What do you do with all that extra muscle size? It would be hard to bend behind the rack when tweaking. I train my muscles so I can tweak my audio system easier. I don't want to fall to the ground in the middle of my soldering and get skin burns all over myself.

Stretch before, during, & after your workout..
Apr 8, 2007 at 1:07 AM Post #79 of 93

Originally Posted by Patrick82 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I train my muscles so I can tweak my audio system easier.

Patrick, you kill me.
Apr 8, 2007 at 1:34 AM Post #80 of 93

Originally Posted by Patrick82 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I don't want to fall to the ground in the middle of my soldering and get skin burns all over myself.

I recommend you not solder anything immediately after weight training, if your arms and hands become as shaky as they were in the video. You really could hurt yourself. Wrapping and taping ERS paper around cables would also prove difficult, but you wouldn't hurt yourself.
Apr 8, 2007 at 2:33 AM Post #81 of 93

Originally Posted by bonethugz /img/forum/go_quote.gif
my high school basketball coach used to tell us if you ain't benching you own weight, you're not fit. i was so called one of the best and i could only do 130 and i weight 170 pounds. i've not been working out like i used to for two years(i don't call two days per week for an hour a workout). i need to get back. i feel weak lately.

when I used to work out it took a lot of effort to be able to bench my own body weight. I started weighing about 150lbs, and by the end of the year going to the gym 2-3 times a week for 5-6 hours on end, I weighed about 138lbs and could bench 145 for reps, maybe 170 maxed.

Now I've slacked off for a couple years and I'm trying to get those numbers back up again. I started at a dismal 90lbs maxed, now I'm up to 110 for reps after a couple of months of work.

Any advice on how to get those numbers up? I really want to be able to bench 225. I have my own weights at home and usually do around 50 reps/90 lbs every couple of days, and on weekends I go to the gym and press free weights 50-65lbs.
Apr 8, 2007 at 2:52 AM Post #82 of 93

Originally Posted by nsjong /img/forum/go_quote.gif
It doesn't matter how far. It would still be a record.

Would it still be a record if you roll the barbell down stairs? It's off the ground...
Apr 8, 2007 at 8:31 AM Post #83 of 93
Well after reading this thread I'm reasonably sure that Patrick could destroy me in real life.
Apr 10, 2007 at 12:56 AM Post #84 of 93

Originally Posted by Icarium /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Well after reading this thread I'm reasonably sure that Patrick could destroy me in real life.

Yes, to win a competition I would shock the opponent with my Valhalla power cables.

In a chess tournament I would plug in the Valhalla and secretly buzz them under the table so they move the wrong piece on the board.

In a martial arts tournament I would screw heavy connectors at the ends and swing around the Valhallas and hit the opponent in the head.

In an audiophile blind test tournament I would secrectly wire the opponents systems with Valhalla cables so that when they listen they would get paralyzed from shock.

In a weightlifting tournament I would sit in the audience with Valhalla cables wrapped around my body and stroke them so my opponent gets turned on and fails to lift the weight.

In a sumo wrestling tournament I would hide under my Valhalla cables so he doesn't find me, then I would suddenly jump out (wearing ERS Paper clothing) and scare him out of the ring.
Apr 10, 2007 at 1:55 AM Post #85 of 93
In a weightlifting tournament I would sit in the audience with Valhalla cables wrapped around my body and stroke them so my opponent gets turned on and fails to lift the weight.


I keep seeing this thread and relise my "ill get back into training next week" has turned into 6 months...o gawd i wasted so much effort from just being lazy....

Do you guys know any ways to get a bit more motivated by training alone?? I use to go to a kickboxing gym with my mates, and then when they stopped i kept going, just because i lived close by. Now that ive moved, getting to the gym is quite annoying, i thought to train at home or at a local appartment gym, but me being the whole 49kg's i am, its real akward to go in a lone pump and pump for a bit. I dont mind going in with friends though, as i can match and beat most of my 60kg friends in strength (i was proud of my strength to weight ratio a little while ago, now i lost about 35% of my strenth), but i duno...i just got this stupid feeling of going alone.

Apr 10, 2007 at 2:06 AM Post #86 of 93

Originally Posted by Patrick82 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
In a weightlifting tournament I would sit in the audience with Valhalla cables wrapped around my body and stroke them so my opponent gets turned on and fails to lift the weight.

I'm not a weightlifter, but I'm getting turned on at just the thought. My proverbial dumbbell is lifting as I type this - wink wink, nudge nudge.

Would you have also snuck in some beef jerky to snack on during said tournament? If so, that would be hot.
Apr 14, 2007 at 5:21 AM Post #87 of 93

Originally Posted by Patrick82 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Yes, to win a competition I would shock the opponent with my Valhalla power cables.

In a chess tournament I would plug in the Valhalla and secretly buzz them under the table so they move the wrong piece on the board.

In a martial arts tournament I would screw heavy connectors at the ends and swing around the Valhallas and hit the opponent in the head.

In an audiophile blind test tournament I would secrectly wire the opponents systems with Valhalla cables so that when they listen they would get paralyzed from shock.

In a weightlifting tournament I would sit in the audience with Valhalla cables wrapped around my body and stroke them so my opponent gets turned on and fails to lift the weight.

In a sumo wrestling tournament I would hide under my Valhalla cables so he doesn't find me, then I would suddenly jump out (wearing ERS Paper clothing) and scare him out of the ring.

My roomate's probably wondering why I'm laughing so hard. Thank you for this thread.

But while we're at it, I need to go to the gym more often. I'm 6' and ~165lbs, go about 2-3 times a week normally but recently I've been slacking a lot.
Apr 14, 2007 at 11:28 PM Post #88 of 93
I like to workout too.. Is "bench press" the one for chest or is it the squat one? I got mixed up sometimes. The funny thing when I squat is that I could squat more when I'm using machines instead of free weights. Anyone knows why that is? Maybe coz using machine it's more stable? Also, I never hurt my back squatting/ leg pressing with machines while using free weights, I kind a hurt my back afterwards; only once tho.
Apr 15, 2007 at 12:09 AM Post #89 of 93
Thats exactly what it is, you don't have to worry about stabilizing the weight, all of your muscle and concentration is going into a single movement, instead of everything else. It's also easier to strain things and lift incorrectly with free weights.
Apr 15, 2007 at 7:24 AM Post #90 of 93
haha yeah, bench press is a mostly chest exercise, triceps as well depending on how you do it.

personally i dig freeweights more than machines, i like training all muscles, including stabilizing ones...

squats are great, but like bench pressing it's a compound exercise, and how you squat depends on which muscles you work. if you squat with your back upright the whole time and only use your legs, your back shouldn't hurt... if you want to try it with freeweights, try only putting a little weight on at first and getting the form right, and when you feel like the form you're using isn't working your back at all then up the weight and remember the form.

and also don't be one of the idiots who comes in and puts four plates on the bar and does 4" squats, try to squat down at least a foot or so, it helps if you watch yourself in the mirror. (but pay attention to the squatting rack too, don't lose your balance)

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