The Woo Audio 2
Jan 24, 2009 at 4:58 PM Post #46 of 1,758
Thanks a lot JayG for writing down your impressions in a such detailled fashion.
It clearly re-assured me that this amp is the one I need. I'll try to add comment when I'll receive mine but as english is not my mother tongue, I guess it will be a tricky exercise !
Can't wait very much longer that the USD/CAD drops !!! arrghhhh
Jan 24, 2009 at 5:05 PM Post #47 of 1,758

If you haven't rolled the power tubes yet, I would do that before rolling the rectifiers. Both have room for improvement, but I think if I had to choose one to leave stock, it would be the rectifiers. Of course, 5998s are more expensive than good EZ80s, so there is that to consider.

Since you already have the Amp. Holland E88CCs, I think I'd try some other flavors of 6DJ8 before buying Bugle Boys. Depending on the vintage of your Miniwatts, they could be basically identical to gold pin Bugle Boys.
Jan 24, 2009 at 5:24 PM Post #48 of 1,758
Excellent impressions JayG.

I have not started rolling tubes yet, as I want to get used to the stock tube sound first. In the next couple of days the rolling will begin. The only negative thing I read in your review is that rolling the 6DJ8/6922 makes a nice difference
...The price on some of those is downright crazy sometimes. Where did I leave my wallet?......I have plenty of power tubes and a pair of Tungsram EZ80 on the way.

Great to hear the bass tightened up with the 5998s. Those will be my first to try.

Thanks again. Great job.....
Jan 24, 2009 at 5:36 PM Post #49 of 1,758
You're right, some of the 6DJ8 prices are crazy, but most of that, I suspect, is due to rarity more than night/day superiority to more reasonably priced options. Someday I will probably succumb and try one of the high priced ones that people rave about just to see if it's all true or not, but I'm here to tell you that you need not spend hundreds to get great-sounding 6DJ8s. I bought a quad of Bugle Boys, used but still very strong-testing and in great shape, for just over $50. Hopefully I will be able to compare them to some other options, both similarly priced and more expensive, but regardless of how they end up comparing, these Bugle Boys are outstanding tubes and only cost about $13 each.

What power tubes do you have coming? I am anxious to hear how they are and also what you think of the Tungsram EZ80s. I believe those are very reasonably priced, no? If they are a nice upgrade, that would be a very good choice for someone who wants to get a little better performance without breaking the bank.

I definitely suggest rolling the tubes as there are some very satisfying improvements to be found, but this exercise has also taught me that these stock tubes (and, I suspect, stock tubes in many other amps) are not nearly as poor as you would think from what some people around here would have you believe. Their performance is very good, and the amp is superb without any tube-rolling. Lucky for us, though, there is still room for improvement.
Jan 24, 2009 at 6:14 PM Post #50 of 1,758
A quad of BBs for 50.00 is a great price..Nice
I have some RCA JAN CRC 6AS7G, GE 6AS7G, TS 5998 and 6H13Cs to try out.
Yes, the Tungsram were about 9.00 each. If it's a nice upgrade that would be great at that price...

As you stated, the important thing with the WA2 is that it sounds great with the stock tubes already, so tube rolling is a plus not a necessity.
Jan 25, 2009 at 10:38 PM Post #52 of 1,758
I've tried several amps with my GS1K such as Earmax SE ,MAD Ear+ , Grado RA1 ,Graham Novo ,Lavry DA10 and LISA III.
None of them goes well with the GS1K .

I'm now satisfied with Grace m902+GS1000.
The mid is more forward and the treble is not harsh anymore and the rest is almost perfect to my ears.
Until I read this thread,I want to try WA2!
I know I want tube amp.
I'm saving up now.

Once I have enough money,should I go for maxed wa2?
At that price ,the other amp in my mind is Zana Deux.
Hard to make a decision.
Jan 26, 2009 at 4:43 AM Post #53 of 1,758
That is a really tough call, and I am not sure if anyone has heard both. That said, I am particularly fond of the large soundscape the WA2 provides; with a little warmth and body, and loads of musicality. My personal experience with the 6C33C tube is that it is very neutral, even somewhat cold, though very powerful. I have not heard the ZD though and of course a lot depends on implementation.
Jan 27, 2009 at 1:31 AM Post #54 of 1,758
I just ordered a WA2 myself. Now just 3-4 weeks to wait. When I asked Jack about the differences between the WA6SE and the WA2, he said that they have a similar level of performance, but that the WA2 has a softer and warmer presentation.
Jan 27, 2009 at 3:47 AM Post #56 of 1,758
Does anyone have experience using the WA2 as a pre-amp? Is it as good of a pre-amp as it is a headphone amp....will it compete with higher end pre-amps like Cary, Mcintosh etc. or more like mid-fi stuff like Jolida and ASL?
Jan 27, 2009 at 5:03 AM Post #57 of 1,758

Originally Posted by mmwwhats /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Got the 'your amp shipped' message from Jack. Should be here in a few days, and I have some RCA 6as7g, JAN 6as7g, and bugle boy 6dj8s to roll.

I anticipate your review!
Jan 27, 2009 at 5:13 AM Post #58 of 1,758

Originally Posted by SmoothSound /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Does anyone have experience using the WA2 as a pre-amp? Is it as good of a pre-amp as it is a headphone amp....will it compete with higher end pre-amps like Cary, Mcintosh etc. or more like mid-fi stuff like Jolida and ASL?

Another good question. Although I am leaning toward a passive preamp at the moment.
Jan 27, 2009 at 3:43 PM Post #59 of 1,758

Originally Posted by mmwwhats /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Got the 'your amp shipped' message from Jack. Should be here in a few days, and I have some RCA 6as7g, JAN 6as7g, and bugle boy 6dj8s to roll.

I am also really looking forward to your impressions, even initial ones. I also would love to see some glamor shots, especially tube glowing in the dark ones. It makes waiting easier...
Jan 28, 2009 at 8:57 PM Post #60 of 1,758

Originally Posted by SmoothSound /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Does anyone have experience using the WA2 as a pre-amp? Is it as good of a pre-amp as it is a headphone amp....will it compete with higher end pre-amps like Cary, Mcintosh etc. or more like mid-fi stuff like Jolida and ASL?

I wish that I could answer this for you, especially since that was one of the major considerations in choosing the WA2 over the WA6SE. Unfortunately, my current apartment is too small to accommodate my speaker rig, so it is in storage. Someday I will have it back up and running, and I can't wait to see how the WA2 does as a pre-amp. Jack, of course, said it is an outstanding pre-amp, but I am inclined to believe him judging by its performance with headphones.

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