The unofficial Skyrim thread.
Nov 20, 2011 at 8:37 PM Post #106 of 426

I haven't been to Markarth or Riften yet. I absolutely love the designs of the other cities and towns.
Maybe I'll pop down to Riften once I'm done finishing up quests around Windhelm.

Oh yes go to Riften, should be interesting right from the get go, you must have heard stories about that town by now.
Nov 21, 2011 at 7:15 PM Post #109 of 426
I just discoverd a place called ''Blackreach''.. Has anyone been here? Its like being in space... (Thats no spoiler btw
I don't even know how to get out of here)
Nov 23, 2011 at 1:10 PM Post #113 of 426
One of my favorite moments when I first had the game, was when the guard told me "Let me guess, someone stole your sweetroll" and my mind switched back to Fallout 3 immediately. Then I knew this game was going to be epic. Or when I finally killed 1 dragon when I was still on a low level, another one came straight after it making it impossible for me to fast travel, tried to kill it again and got killed by a snow sabre cat in the back in the middle of the city -_-, also reminded me that the most random things can happen. (Winterhold)
Nov 23, 2011 at 2:26 PM Post #114 of 426
One of my favorite moments when I first had the game, was when the guard told me "Let me guess, someone stole your sweetroll" and my mind switched back to Fallout 3 immediately. Then I knew this game was going to be epic. Or when I finally killed 1 dragon when I was still on a low level, another one came straight after it making it impossible for me to fast travel, tried to kill it again and got killed by a snow sabre cat in the back in the middle of the city -_-, also reminded me that the most random things can happen. (Winterhold)

What race is your character? I wonder if that sweetroll comment is race-based, because I get it a lot on my Altmer.
I got into an epic fight between a dragon, two giants, a mammoth, and a group of three patrolling Stormcloaks. Everyone ganged up on the dragon first and made short work of him, then I fireballed everyone until the Stormcloaks were dead and ran circles around the mammoth and one remaining giant until I had the magicka to kill them. I love what they've done to the AI, reminds me a lot of modded Oblivion.
I've learned to save often! There's no telling what might pop out around a corner, and since I've spent all but a few stat points on Magicka I'm pretty squishy.
P.S. For kicks and giggles, PC users should turn on god mode ("tgm" in the console) and blast everything in sight with the Ice Form shout. I turned a castle into an ice sculpture museum that way, but it eventually became too much to handle and the game crashed (first and only crash in 40 hours! Is this really TES?)
Nov 23, 2011 at 3:52 PM Post #115 of 426
Yea Skyrim really is remarkably stable, I have only had a few crashes, but in strange areas.
Got two crashes in a row inside a small cavern? but the big demanding areas with plenty of things going on are rock stable.
In early versions of Daggerfall, all you needed to do to get a crash, was to walk backwards in to the wall on the lowest deck of your ship, in later versions this only caused you to fall through the wall

Nov 23, 2011 at 4:39 PM Post #116 of 426
Skyrim may be stable, but Steam crashes on me every 5 hours or so. And if you Alt+Tab Skyrim, there seems to be a ~30% chance that it will crash when you tab back in.
Although I think Skyrim is probably my favorite Elder Scrolls game yet, it is not without faults. My list of complaints is much shorter than it was with Oblivion, however:
  1. Can't craft arrows
  2. No ability scores
  3. Too many cool ruins that you can only get into by going to the College of Winterhold
  4. Getting a house in Markarth is an annoyingly obtuse process
  5. Elves look weird about the forehead
  6. Skill trees (I like perks, but I don't like the sequential way you need to take them)
  7. Soul gems don't show the identity of the trapped soul
  8. Why can't you make weapons out of dragon bone?
The rest of the complaints I have aren't specific to Skyrim and are instead things I've never liked about Elder Scrolls games (for instance, I don't like Daedric equipment as much as Ebony, but if you stick with Ebony you're handicapping yourself unless you make a sacrifice for style).
As a fairly random note, does anyone know a good source of Common souls in the ~40 level bracket? I've worked out good places to get Grand, Greater, Lesser and Petty souls, but I can't seem to find many creatures which have Common souls.
And yes, I know that mods can probably fix all of these complaints, but I hate modding games. I suppose since most of these are simply mechanical problems I wouldn't mind using a mod on them too much. The arrows and the soul gems, for instance.
By the way, I get the sweetroll comment a lot (Breton), but I don't actually 'get' it at all. I suppose if I'd played Fallout 3 I might.
Nov 24, 2011 at 1:00 PM Post #120 of 426
What race is your character? I wonder if that sweetroll comment is race-based, because I get it a lot on my Altmer.

I am a Imperial, but on my other save I was a Khajit and also got the comment. A friend of mine is a Stormcloak and he told me about it first.

Although I think Skyrim is probably my favorite Elder Scrolls game yet, it is not without faults. My list of complaints is much shorter than it was with Oblivion, however:
  1. Can't craft arrows
  2. Why can't you make weapons out of dragon bone?

I would also love to see those two, I am saving up Ebony Arrows but they are not that easy to come by, I wish I could create them myself. Dragon Bone weapons would also be a really nice addition, too bad they did not put them in. Ill stick with my Daedric weapons & armor, don't like the Ebony nor the Dragon armor that much. A quick way to rank up when you are higher level is to use the things you never used before. Now I am level 45 and its a pain to rank up fast, so I use archery alot now because I almost never used it in the beginning, same with illusion & conjuration etc. Makes it easier and alot more fun since you experience a bit of everything. Only thing that I just cannot seem to get up fast is Alchemy.

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