500+ Head-Fier
Well damn there goes more of my money and here comes a more angry wife haha.
I think I will probably just stick with the iesl for a while and get used to the sound of stats and down the road upgrade the amp. But how signigicant would you say the jump is from the L700 to the 009? Is it going to be a lot more detail or slightly more? I have heard some say they prefer the sound of the L700 to the 009 but maybe detail is not as important to them. What do you think?
You set up have plenty of power and it's sufficient to drive any HP or eSTAT's,the only reason I passed on iCan is tonality ,few mention iCAN having similar tonality no matter the source ,it's not IESL which is very natural with the pinch of dark
I would suggest different amp ,you want at list 6v~10V per channel combined (amp/dac with pre-amp or amp alone ) ,L700's should scale very nicely