The Stax Thread III
Mar 1, 2015 at 9:31 PM Post #4,577 of 25,638
  Question for those who have a SR-009 and a SR-007, why both?

Because both are wonderful headphones and I love owning both. They are different enough to justify having both; that said, I do prefer the SR-009s, but my SR-007Mk1s get a lot of head time too.
Mar 1, 2015 at 11:59 PM Post #4,578 of 25,638
Im about to (hopefully at least) be joining the ranks of stax owners. The amp im looking at is the SRM-313, and has both normal and pro bias outputs, so it has the capability to drive both new and old stax earspeakers. However, I was wondering about the quality of this amp when paired with headphones that are better/more expensize than the SR-303 I plan to first use them with.
Say i was to buy a SR-007 later on. Would this amp pair well with those headphones? I just want to future proof myself to some degree if possible
Mar 2, 2015 at 2:20 AM Post #4,579 of 25,638
  Question for those who have a SR-009 and a SR-007, why both?

For me the SR009 & SR007 compliment one another really well.  The SR-009 is ultra revealing and super transparent nature can be bad for bad or bright recording.  The SR007 is much more forgiving and energetic thus making it a perfect compliment to the SR009.  I personally like the SR009 better on the KGSSHV & KGST, but the SR007 on the BHSE is just as good for less money.
Mar 2, 2015 at 3:31 AM Post #4,580 of 25,638
I have the SR-404 for 2 month now and after hours and hours of listening, I still have problems with its tonality. I really appreciate it for many things, it's fast and clean as I could expect from a stat , the soundstage is not great but it's good enough to be enjoyable for me ( I really dig HD800 or Abyss Soundstage capabilities) , I can even stand the Brightness  but I stil have problem with the slight midrange shout. Nothing really bothersome but I still find this upper midrange annoying , especially for Classical.  I'm currently using my Stax combo during hours and hours while my HD800 is at Colorware for a paint job.
So after my HD800 will be back, I think I'll sell my SR-404. I need money to fund another DAC. but I would like to keep my SRM1-mkII
Could you advice me a sidegrade in the lambda family ? . SIdegrade who does not have this upper midrange coloration ? . I don't want warmth and brightness is not a problem . for example, The ESP 950 is too soft/warm to my taste and I'm currently selling mine.
I thought to the SR207 or SR507 ? is it good idea considering my experience with the SR404?  What could be the best option for me in the Lambda family ?
I would really appreciate to keep a Stax combo in my CD rig :wink:
Mar 2, 2015 at 4:52 AM Post #4,581 of 25,638
I have the SR-404 for 2 month now and after hours and hours of listening, I still have problems with its tonality. (...) but I stil have problem with the slight midrange shout. (...)
Could you advice me a sidegrade in the lambda family ? . SIdegrade who does not have this upper midrange coloration ? . (...)
I thought to the SR207 or SR507 ? is it good idea considering my experience with the SR404?  What could be the best option for me in the Lambda family ? (...)

The Lambda's I owned all had this weakness (202, 507, Lambda Signature). I would advise against a sidegrade to the 507. It would cost you a lot and won't solve your problem. I will be testing a 207 this weekend, but I'm pretty sure it does the same thing. It's a family trait I'm afraid.
The only Lambda of which I've read a lot of good things about its midrange, is the original normal bias Lambda, but it's very old and a bit harder to come by second-hand. Disclaimer: haven't heard it myself. Your amp does have a normal bias output, right?
If you really want a great midrange for classical, the 007 can deliver that. (Haven't heard the 009.)
Mar 2, 2015 at 5:14 AM Post #4,582 of 25,638
Yup my SRM1-mkII has a pro and normal bias output. Omegas are a bit expensive for a secondary rig. It would be an option If I decide to get rid of my HD800 but it's definitively not my plan as the Senn is still my favourite and most used headphone. I tried the 009 but not the 007 though but I doubt I'd prefer the 007 over the 009.
I'd really appreciate to keep a Stat rig though. I really like a lot this specific kind of sound. I thought the Koss would be my best bet but I was wrong. I prefer the SR-404 despite this upper midrange slight shout.
Mar 2, 2015 at 5:46 AM Post #4,583 of 25,638
Try the Lambda Nova Signature, it is more neutral and would probably suit you more.
If you like the HD800 you should probably also look into a Lambda Signature. It is probably one of the fastest and clearest sounding headphones around. It is quite like the HD800 that way, except with Stax sound throw in and not as lay back (not that HD800 is very lay back).
I have a 407 and don't like it as much as I like the older Lambda. It seem to be more tuned like modern headphones and quite different to what other Lambda headphones sound like. Don't get me wrong it is still a pair of Stax, but at the same time it sounds a bit off and seem like something is not quite right with it. To me it sound a bit more muddy than other Stax with a little too much bass. The word on the street is the 507 use the same driver as the 407, but a different frame and ear pad.
Mar 2, 2015 at 8:17 AM Post #4,584 of 25,638
  For me the SR009 & SR007 compliment one another really well.  The SR-009 is ultra revealing and super transparent nature can be bad for bad or bright recording.  The SR007 is much more forgiving and energetic thus making it a perfect compliment to the SR009.  I personally like the SR009 better on the KGSSHV & KGST, but the SR007 on the BHSE is just as good for less money.

So do you mainly use one headphone versus another depending on the recording? That is do you have them connected to the same amp, and pull out one or another based on what you're listening to?
Because both are wonderful headphones and I love owning both. They are different enough to justify having both; that said, I do prefer the SR-009s, but my SR-007Mk1s get a lot of head time too.

What makes you do one versus another, variety? That is do you pull out one or another depending on your mood or some such?

Curious, thanks. 
Mar 2, 2015 at 10:32 AM Post #4,585 of 25,638
Since I have one of the first SR007 MK1 ever made I clearly prefere that headphone on my BHSE to any SR009 I had ever heared. But if Birgir is right there and there are more of the different toned 009 out here as he has one, that might change. Still curious hearing one of those. the last was from the first half this year and sounded on the BHSE as allways. I am aware this is audiophilia nervosa and splitting hair, because both are different flavours of the best.
Mar 2, 2015 at 1:01 PM Post #4,586 of 25,638

I have the SR-404 for 2 month now and after hours and hours of listening, I still have problems with its tonality. I really appreciate it for many things, it's fast and clean as I could expect from a stat , the soundstage is not great but it's good enough to be enjoyable for me ( I really dig HD800 or Abyss Soundstage capabilities) , I can even stand the Brightness  but I stil have problem with the slight midrange shout. Nothing really bothersome but I still find this upper midrange annoying , especially for Classical.  I'm currently using my Stax combo during hours and hours while my HD800 is at Colorware for a paint job.

So after my HD800 will be back, I think I'll sell my SR-404. I need money to fund another DAC. but I would like to keep my SRM1-mkII

Could you advice me a sidegrade in the lambda family ? . SIdegrade who does not have this upper midrange coloration ? . I don't want warmth and brightness is not a problem . for example, The ESP 950 is too soft/warm to my taste and I'm currently selling mine.

I thought to the SR207 or SR507 ? is it good idea considering my experience with the SR404?  What could be the best option for me in the Lambda family ?

I would really appreciate to keep a Stax combo in my CD rig :wink:

Check out my sorbethane mod for the lambdas in this forum.  I found the modified 404 and LNS sounded better than my unmodified 007. $10 will get you a sheet of 1/8 in thick  40-50 duro self stick sorbothane on ebay
Mar 2, 2015 at 1:36 PM Post #4,587 of 25,638
I have the SR-404 for 2 month now and after hours and hours of listening, I still have problems with its tonality. I really appreciate it for many things, it's fast and clean as I could expect from a stat , the soundstage is not great but it's good enough to be enjoyable for me ( I really dig HD800 or Abyss Soundstage capabilities) , I can even stand the Brightness  but I stil have problem with the slight midrange shout. Nothing really bothersome but I still find this upper midrange annoying , especially for Classical.  I'm currently using my Stax combo during hours and hours while my HD800 is at Colorware for a paint job.
So after my HD800 will be back, I think I'll sell my SR-404. I need money to fund another DAC. but I would like to keep my SRM1-mkII
Could you advice me a sidegrade in the lambda family ? . SIdegrade who does not have this upper midrange coloration ? . I don't want warmth and brightness is not a problem . for example, The ESP 950 is too soft/warm to my taste and I'm currently selling mine.
I thought to the SR207 or SR507 ? is it good idea considering my experience with the SR404?  What could be the best option for me in the Lambda family ?
I would really appreciate to keep a Stax combo in my CD rig :wink:

I just thought of another pair of headphones that might suit your taste really well: the Sennheiser HE60. Hard to come by and expensive when in good condition, but I absolutely loved its midrange for classical music, and its very airy presentation. It is bright though, but you said that's not a problem. It's a bit HD800-like.
By the way, I disagree with rx79ez08: I think a Lambda Signature still wouldn't give you the midrange quality you're searching for.
Mar 2, 2015 at 3:11 PM Post #4,588 of 25,638
Dunno if I really l really look for a so specific midrange. I just would like something more neutral , less emphasized around 2 khz , less shouty.  The HE60 is like omegas... a bit expensive for what I really need right now.  If I had 1500€ to spend in a stat, I think I'd save more €€€ and purchase a SR009. 
Indeed , I thought to try some mods of my 404. Spritzer mod or sorbothane why not. this Lambda seems easy to open and mod.
I'll try a Lambda signature pro and a SR007 mkII  tomorrow. I'll give you some feedback if I have something interesting to say.
Mar 2, 2015 at 3:23 PM Post #4,590 of 25,638
  Dunno if I really l really look for a so specific midrange. I just would like something more neutral , less emphasized around 2 khz , less shouty.  

I know *exactly* what you mean when you talk about "shouty" midrange and specifically with the Lambdas (I've always thought of this as mid range "glare") ... my SR-404LE's are the least "shouty" in the mids that I've tried, especially with the Stax tube amps ... but my previous SR-307's were *really* bad ... it's always in particular female vocal areas and often times with classical piano music (especially classical piano music) and I've never really heard anybody describe it as well as you with that term (shouty).  It's a really fatiguing/annoying quality when it occurs...
I've never heard the SR-507's and so I'm not sure how they fair in this regard ... but like I said, the SR-404LE's are the least problematic I've heard in regards to this...

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