The Stax Thread III
Dec 25, 2014 at 11:42 PM Post #4,036 of 25,640
Hi everyone at Headfi. I just wanted to let you know that I am still enjoying all my Stax headphone and amplifier equipment. I have been absent from headfi for a couple of months; but now I am back. I look forward to getting into the swing of things again and blogging with all of you soon.
Dec 26, 2014 at 12:14 AM Post #4,037 of 25,640
Hi Scott, when are you coming back to Japan, maybe Stax wants an interview again :wink:
hope you're well,arnaud
Dec 26, 2014 at 12:19 AM Post #4,038 of 25,640
And whenever you want to sell one of your 4070...well... 

Dec 26, 2014 at 5:24 AM Post #4,039 of 25,640
Hi Arnaud and all my other friends. I was just in Sydney, Australia for ten days. This was my vacation of the year. I looked for some audio stuff to do in Sydney but could only find a cd/vinyl record store chain and a nice guitar shop in the downtown shopping area. I was right on the corner for the Sydney Hostage Seige on my last day in Sydney. I am thinking Shanghai for my next big trip; but not in 2015.  I am not up date on the latest and the greatest in headphone audio. Because of all my travels for audio, Peter Bruenninger of AV Showrooms has nominated me to one of the candidates for Audiophile Of The Year. Nothing further has happened with this award so far. I do remain humble. 
Dec 28, 2014 at 6:58 AM Post #4,044 of 25,640
Hello all,
So ,I have my SR404 for two weeks now and I enjoy what I hear :wink:
I jsute noticed a bass increase when I move apart slightly the bottom or the upper part of the cups of my head. Did somenone noticed the same effect ? Does that signify my pads are a bit too worns despite they seem to look good ?  Does anyone knows Which Lambdas' pads are deepest ?

Dec 28, 2014 at 8:15 AM Post #4,045 of 25,640
Well known effect, indeed. Used in Sigma's to get kind of loudness FR.
Deepest pads are old synthetics ones (Lambda NB, Lambda Pro), but I'm not quite sure SR-202/207 ones are exactly the same. is your source, BTW.

Dec 28, 2014 at 9:10 AM Post #4,046 of 25,640
  Hello all,
So ,I have my SR404 for two weeks now and I enjoy what I hear :wink:
I jsute noticed a bass increase when I move apart slightly the bottom or the upper part of the cups of my head. Did somenone noticed the same effect ? Does that signify my pads are a bit too worns despite they seem to look good ?  Does anyone knows Which Lambdas' pads are deepest ?

Have the same experience with my 009....Glad to know I was not losing my mind !
Dec 28, 2014 at 9:27 AM Post #4,047 of 25,640
Thks Mates :wink:
@Ali-Pacha ! yep that's exactly this : Kind of Loudness effect. Not really accurate but fun ! .
I was just afraid that mt SR404 had some flaws which denaturate its stock Soungd sig but if it's not the case, it's ok. I much prefer to listen headphones at their vanilla state. :wink:
Dec 28, 2014 at 5:02 PM Post #4,049 of 25,640
I have a pair of Stax SR-5 Gold that recently developed a 'honky midrange' in the right channel. If I tap on the left cup, it sounds normal/dampened. If I tap on the right cup, it resonates and has a similar honkey sound to when music is played. So it seems (and I'm hoping) it's just an old cup that can be fixed up, rather than the driver itself. 
I can't figure out though, for the life of me, how to open the things. There are a few screws I can remove, but after that, I can't get the cups open. I might just be too gentle/paranoid, but if anyone has any tips, I'd appreciate them 
Got some fresh pads hopefully I can bring them back to working order and get those on, too.
- Michael
Dec 28, 2014 at 5:22 PM Post #4,050 of 25,640
Take off the pads. You may have two small glue squares that hold them.
Then 3 screws to unscrew. It opens without any problem.
On my SR-5, drivers are glued on the grid, but there's no glue on my SR-5 NB, and they look like on the previous link (SR-3 BTW).


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