The Qudelix-5K thread
Nov 7, 2023 at 4:58 AM Post #4,353 of 4,830
*When the EQ is separated, all existing EQ presets will be erased. Please make a backup before updating.
Sounds like we might need to be a bit careful with that update?
Nov 7, 2023 at 7:51 PM Post #4,356 of 4,830
I have spent many hours tweaking several EQ. I have downloaded them as text from the web app, but I'm still not going to upgrade
Qudilex makes good products, but are very adamant and set in their ways and logic for support and firmware/feature development.
Also, it is often hard, lost in translation issues occur with their posting.
They announce changes, but do not take user feedback to changes, insisting user must prove to them they "have a valid argument against the change". And keep saying you (the user) do not understand.

Last year, they pushed their enhancements and gave user a 20 band EQ. The rollout of this was not done well, and many users lost all their existing profiles and had to start over if they did not have a recent backup/screenshot of settings. But, many welcomed the expanded EQ. I sure did, after a long while of tweaking and comparing, the 20 band refinement gave me fuller and more refined sound signature.

Now, they revert this enhancement, back to 10 band EQ. But, make it complicated, as 2x 10 band EQ. (10 + 10 = 20):xf_rolleyes:
Speaker EQ is to "adjust the physical environment", to adjust your headphones to "perfect tone", flat reference signal response.
User EQ is to adjust to "perfect for you" needs. ie, add more bass, treble etc. What we been using EQ for in the first place all this time.

This makes no sense to me.
They say "everyone" does this 2 step process, make headphones reference, then adjust separately from there.
Maybe in studio, or for audio testing in reviews or something.
I do not frequent audio forms, but, never heard of the average DAC user, doing this kinda thing.
We just go to the one EQ to adjust how we want.
Never seen any typical audio equipment (or music player software / apps) have 2x EQs and this logic. Maybe in some super high end studio DAC over $500+ or something??

Anyways, they confirm, the "workaround" to make the new system work as before, is change the freq bands of each PEQ to match 20 band range steps, but split up, half on one, the rest the other. (Cascade EQ setup)
Example. SPK EQ the higher 10 bands, USR EQ the lower 10 bands.
But, then now, your Profile is split into 2 and you have to match and be sure are both correct profiles is enabled for your use case.
If you want to change Profiles, now have to change both corresponding profiles in each EQ.
Tedious, but, only option to retain a "20 band" EQ.

I do not plan on updating either, but, it is likely this radical change, like last time, will be a requirement in order to use their app to adjust the DAC, once they push the updated app. In iOS, you can not set a single app to not auto update. You can in Android though. And can find older apk versions of apps online.
I will be forced to use an old Android phone, with an older APK of their app, in order adjust my 5K DAC ( i have 3 of them).

Really, imo, they should just release a 2nd gen 5K, or a newer model ~$100 - $150 range DAC, and leave the current 5K alone. It is perfect as it is now.
The only other DAC they have, the T71, is much more costly, and is 7.1 USB DAC, no Bluetooth. Very different product.
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Nov 7, 2023 at 8:44 PM Post #4,357 of 4,830
Maybe they should have implemented a migration step in the app and ChromeOS the extension.
When they pushed the 20 band EQ change last year, the firmware update did save users current 10 band profiles, in most cases. Some had it not save and had all profiles wiped.
If you made any new profiles, then they would be 20 band. You could even switch between "old" 10 band and newly made 20 band profiles fine.

Seems, they will not have any saving or migration this time, going from 20 band to 10 + 10 style.
The user will have to remake their 20 band profiles into 10 band. Or split profile and apply each half of band on each EQ.
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Nov 8, 2023 at 6:25 PM Post #4,358 of 4,830
Qudilex makes good products, but are very adamant and set in their ways and logic for support and firmware/feature development.
Also, it is often hard, lost in translation issues occur with their posting.
They announce changes, but do not take user feedback to changes, insisting user must prove to them they "have a valid argument against the change". And keep saying you (the user) do not understand.

Last year, they pushed their enhancements and gave user a 20 band EQ. The rollout of this was not done well, and many users lost all their existing profiles and had to start over if they did not have a recent backup/screenshot of settings. But, many welcomed the expanded EQ. I sure did, after a long while of tweaking and comparing, the 20 band refinement gave me fuller and more refined sound signature.

Now, they revert this enhancement, back to 10 band EQ. But, make it complicated, as 2x 10 band EQ. (10 + 10 = 20):xf_rolleyes:
Speaker EQ is to "adjust the physical environment", to adjust your headphones to "perfect tone", flat reference signal response.
User EQ is to adjust to "perfect for you" needs. ie, add more bass, treble etc. What we been using EQ for in the first place all this time.

This makes no sense to me.
They say "everyone" does this 2 step process, make headphones reference, then adjust separately from there.
Maybe in studio, or for audio testing in reviews or something.
I do not frequent audio forms, but, never heard of the average DAC user, doing this kinda thing.
We just go to the one EQ to adjust how we want.
Never seen any typical audio equipment (or music player software / apps) have 2x EQs and this logic. Maybe in some super high end studio DAC over $500+ or something??

Anyways, they confirm, the "workaround" to make the new system work as before, is change the freq bands of each PEQ to match 20 band range steps, but split up, half on one, the rest the other. (Cascade EQ setup)
Example. SPK EQ the higher 10 bands, USR EQ the lower 10 bands.
But, then now, your Profile is split into 2 and you have to match and be sure are both correct profiles is enabled for your use case.
If you want to change Profiles, now have to change both corresponding profiles in each EQ.
Tedious, but, only option to retain a "20 band" EQ.

I do not plan on updating either, but, it is likely this radical change, like last time, will be a requirement in order to use their app to adjust the DAC, once they push the updated app. In iOS, you can not set a single app to not auto update. You can in Android though. And can find older apk versions of apps online.
I will be forced to use an old Android phone, with an older APK of their app, in order adjust my 5K DAC ( i have 3 of them).

Really, imo, they should just release a 2nd gen 5K, or a newer model ~$100 - $150 range DAC, and leave the current 5K alone. It is perfect as it is now.
The only other DAC they have, the T71, is much more costly, and is 7.1 USB DAC, no Bluetooth. Very different product.
Exactly. It is like they said: we know what you want better than you. Try this and ST*U
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Nov 8, 2023 at 6:36 PM Post #4,359 of 4,830
Exactly. It is like they said: we know what you want better than you. Try this and ST*U
There really does not seem to be many active users of this DAC on here or Qudelix forums. Or not many seem to care.. or, most users not bother to follow online.
Over there on their forums, its 99% people that are like "Qudelix engineers know best" and "you are the only one complaining..."

Also, keep being told "experts in the audio field who make studio equipment" state you do not need more than 10 bands EQ.. here is proof. Some vids of experts using a $1K studio DAC, showing waveforms and oscilloscope readings.... and stating that a change of 1db is not audible, and thus not needed etc.
I do not care what some "expert" says. I am not in a studio. I do not hear the same as them. Do not have the same tastes in sound.
Do not tell me what i do not need. or that what EQ profiles i like are erroneous.

Right. Yea, i am mad about this change. I finely got things perfect with 20 band, and now they goanna completely negate that, saying their new way is better and more usefull.

It is like i bought a new car, specificly with an automatic transmission. Few years later, i bring it into the dealership for needed routine maintenance.
They return it to me, stating they changed it to a Manual Transmission because they believe it is better and will enjoy it more.
No, that is not what i wanted and will not enjoy it more.
If i wanted that kinda of transmission, then i would have bought a different car.

Wondering how bad the waves of complaints will be once users just tap update, and wipe their profiles and now can't re-apply their 20 band saved profiles.
And those who not read changelog, and see new EQ names, and be like, SPK EQ? For Speakers, not headphones? Confused.
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Nov 8, 2023 at 6:49 PM Post #4,361 of 4,830
I’m glad I don’t use eq.
Just currious, why don't you?
According to Qudelix, every single headphone/speaker has to be set to a Flat Reference signal via EQ as that is what "everyone" does.

Personally, I have never come across any headphones or speakers that are perfect and not in need of some sort of EQ or adjustment in some way,.
Nov 8, 2023 at 11:24 PM Post #4,362 of 4,830
So... Qudelix does read this form. But does not comment here....
Been a bit of a scene over on their forms, i have been.
They just tagged me saying
We saw your posts in the head-fi forum, as well as the posts in this forum.
It seems you're trying to advertise this update plan to every user.
We thank you for your effort.
But why do you advertise the drawbacks only?
Very frustrating and very unfair.

My one reply to one or two user here, and the one link posted by one other user here to their form update page.... is "advertise this update plan to every user"?

Yea. Wrote a novel back...

Is it a cultural thing? They way they interpret users posts as hostile or "unfair" ?
Or am i just swimming in a pool full of fanboy sharks that believe that the company engineers can do no wrong and that users are to do what they think is best for them?

Their response to my post: "We suggest you to review your previous posts honestly."
What does that even mean?? :confused:
Everything i been saying is my honest opinion and honesty how i use the product.

All i went on there to say is, hey, i love the way the 5K is right now. It is already perfect for me. It took me much much time to set up my 20band EQ, and i do not want to have to re-do that and use your 10+10 system. I praised their current enhancements they put out last year ( can be found in their thread from last year when they released update HERE) and its my go to product, but they act as if they being attacked when someone provides honest feedback.
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Nov 9, 2023 at 1:19 AM Post #4,364 of 4,830
Don't update the fw. Case solved.
OK detective. How do you solve the case of being able to manage and adjust the DAC? Or to change equalizer presets ? Since the updated app will require you to update the firmware order to connect to the DAC. Same with the chrome browser extension. This is what happened the last time they pushed a major update.

Not everyone will have a spare android phone (or even uses, android )they can load an old APK onto. Even so it’s a major usability issue and inconvenience at that point
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