The PENON official thread
Apr 21, 2024 at 2:27 AM Post #13,561 of 13,977
Не знаю. В комплект поставки хорошо входит соответствующий модульный кабель Obsidian. Очень похоже на то, как он использовался в Impact, чтобы придать звуку более богатый характер. То же самое происходит и с напряжением. Кабель Obsidian отлично справляется с поставленными задачами, но есть возможность поэкспериментировать с другими кабелями, но об этом позже. Слушал их время на своем усилителе PB5. Звучит чертовски хорошо. Невозможно иначе описать то, что я слышу от этого комбо. Как и во всех наушниках Пенон, сцена в этих наушниках очень пропорциональна. широкий, глубокий, насыщенный. Обожаю этот звук. Я продолжу их сжигать и напишу больше о том, что слышал о них, и сообщу здесь. На данный момент это именно то, что, по моему мнению, должно быть подходящим преемником Вольта, и он понравится многим людям, поскольку он может перейти от нейтрального к мягкому V с превосходной динамикой всего звучания.

Я видел устойчивый прогресс, услышанный Пеноном на протяжении многих лет, и должен это сказать. Эти ребята явно извлекают уроки из того, чего они добились в прошлом. Что работает, а что нет. Четка напряжения является индикатором того, что они используют все, на что они способны. Настройка просто фантастическая, уже не говорю о том, что на них просто потрясающе смотреть. Огромный объем инженерных работ потребовался для установки 4 EST, 4 Sonion BA и динамиков 2x8 мм для баса.

Корпуса, кстати, довольно компактны и больше по размеру, поэтому и можно ожидать, что количество рекомендуемых в них драйверов будет. По форме и толщине они примерно аналогичны 10-летнему. Немного громоздкие, но посадка в ухе очень похожа.
Боже, как они прекрасны! Мое сердце горит...
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Apr 21, 2024 at 5:13 PM Post #13,563 of 13,977
What's the nozzle diameter?
1/4th inch. Roughly 6mm diameter. Its wider due to 4 sound holes
Apr 21, 2024 at 5:15 PM Post #13,564 of 13,977
Voltage. They remind me of a lot of the prior Penon stuff but all the good parts of them. The switches brings a new flavor. Base tuning is fairly neutralish/ harmonish with excellent balance. Folks that was worried about treble roll off, with treble switch on it gives a nice additional sparkle and shimmer to the treble notes handled by the ESTs. So far, all of it sounds good with or without the switches. It will be a matter of what you prefer. Want a less colored sound, use the base balanced mode. Want a bit more bass, lower mid warmth/ fullness. Turn on the 1 bass switch. Want a bit more extra treble and air the treble 2 switch.
Want all of it, both switches does a great job and this is where these remind me of a much more refined 10th anniversary.
4 sound tubes with 4 distinct zones of sound separation all jiving at once. Bass end is fantastic. I prefer the bass switch. It's nothing like the 10dbs of bass for something like the TSMR-X but more like the bass end of the balanced 2 switch or about 7dbs of bass. Tasteful. Solid impact and texture is fantastic. So far quality all around. Definitely one of Penons best efforts. It shows just how much they paid attention to detail of the overall design on this one. The switch thing is not a gimmick on these. They are for real.
The base tuning itself could have been an IEM people would have gladly bought but them added switches brings real variability.
As per my custom item. I recently saw this item on Penon web site. It is a USB-C to USB-C cable but with one very important distinction. It is using the Totem material.

For those of you that don't know anything about what the TOTEM is. It so happens to be one of Penons greatest achievements in cable land. Take a look at this.

The cable itself is flagship material which sells for $699 for the IEM cable version

Penon already makes a 4.4mm interconnect to 4.4mm, pigtails, extenders. All sorts of goodness with this marterial.

Sells for $59. But my only issue with this cable was that it is a bit too short. So I asked them if they can make one with double the length. Or about 8 inches. Then the idea came to me they have custom plugs as well. So I asked if they can make an 8 inch one with something like the purple plugs or Rhodium plugs and. Whala. This is the result.
Dont know how much you all believe in what cable material does for a sound but the reason why I had Penon make these for me was I knew as soon as I got the PB5. These had to be a part of the chain. The stock interconnect Ibasso provides is decent but is by no means optimal. These Totem interconnects on the other had. Is optimal. Going back to the Stock interconnect. There is no comparison what these Totem cables do. What makes these customized was that I am now able to connect any of the 3 plug materials on the shorter interconnect as it is modular on both sides. So what does that do for the PB5 you ask? Hows about supercharging that sound. Greater note weight, fullness, better textures, even a greater expansion of sound.-- And this is exactly what the Totem IEM cables does for your IEM sound as well.. I know a lot of you might think a small portion of the TOTEM material can't make much of a difference... OH it does. There is no going back to the stock included interconnect. For folks that invested in the IBasso PB5.. Get yourself at least the stock Totem interconnect. Or if your interested in getting one with modular plugs that will cost a lot more but being able to change out plug material does make a slight shift. I prefer the purple or palladium plated plug the most out of the 3. Believe me if you never thought you would hear a change using a simple interconnect. Thats because you have never used a TOTEM interconnect. These make a very noticeable difference. When you get one thank me later. It will make what is already ground breaking in the PB5. That much better.

You know upon looking at the Standard 4.4mm interconnect. That cable is too short. If you do order one you might want to ask Penon if they can make a longer one or mention my name and my version of the interconnect and they might be able to accommodate. Might set you back a few more bucks but it will be worth it.
Thank you, I have the PB5 and been using their ic. Will do as you recommend, makes great sense to me.
Apr 21, 2024 at 5:21 PM Post #13,566 of 13,977
Arguably one of the best-looking IEMs Penon has ever made.
Finally… an aesthetically pleasing mainline Penon release.
Apr 21, 2024 at 5:22 PM Post #13,567 of 13,977
Does anyone else think it's time that Penon offer their own version of EA ConX or ET Versa connectors?
Apr 21, 2024 at 5:26 PM Post #13,568 of 13,977
Does anyone else think it's time that Penon offer their own version of EA ConX or ET Versa connectors?
would rather they support one of those rather than make their own. too much fragmentation.
Apr 21, 2024 at 10:34 PM Post #13,571 of 13,977
would rather they support one of those rather than make their own. too much fragmentation.
I would be very happy if they offered ConX terminations.
Apr 22, 2024 at 1:17 AM Post #13,573 of 13,977
Will definitely be interesting to see what the new Voltage brings to the table! But if this is a kilobuck type offering, well the competition at TOTL levels is tough… And if priced as high mid-fi, the competition will be tough with new entrants like the IO Volare and Hisenior Mega5EST. I hope Penon brings its A-game, otherwise…
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Apr 22, 2024 at 7:02 AM Post #13,574 of 13,977
Does anyone else think it's time that Penon offer their own version of EA ConX or ET Versa connectors?

Nice to have, not essential, and only if they can nail the implementation. Not only is the market very fragmented, I’m not sure their implementation will stand up to the competition.

As it is, their friction fit modular plugs are far from ideal, require some dexterity and are more prone to failure. My modular white Obsidian died shortly after I received it; I asked to have it replaced with a fixed 4.4mm plug and never looked back. In the end, it was their solid customer service that carried the day, and not the modular implementation.

So, likewise with modular connectors - there either needs to be an OEM that already does it, or they would have to custom make their own or support one of the existing options, both of which would also drive up the price.

Otherwise I'm happy to stick with 2-pin and use adapters where needed.
Apr 22, 2024 at 9:49 AM Post #13,575 of 13,977
Here's a review of the Penon Tail dongle:

Tail 13.jpg

Generously accessorized
Small and compact frame, lightweight with solid build
Pause button with gain settings available
Musical yet neutral sonics, pleasant tonally
Transparent midrange with good bass texturing
Does not get hot during use
No hiss
Relatively decent power output for most IEMs other than outliers
Good soundstage width

No DAC filters, no app compatibility, no PEQ available
No independent volume controller, volume steps are a bit widely spaced
Not the absolutely most powerful dongle
"Pop" sound on disconnecting transducers

Tail 3.jpg

Tail 10.jpg
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