The Official 64 Audio Thread | apex & tia Technologies
Dec 16, 2023 at 11:53 PM Post #23,071 of 23,686
Yep. This confirms the Volur's treble problem I've heard about. I was hoping the Volur was basically a U12t with isobaric DD bass. I think it had potential to be, but apparently it is not.
Probably a minority here, but I actually hear Volur to be a combination of U18t and Nio. Volur is V-shaped with excellent technicals reminiscent of U18t. To me Volur's treble is a bit sharp and I would prefer it for short listening sessions.
Dec 17, 2023 at 12:04 AM Post #23,072 of 23,686
Probably a minority here, but I actually hear Volur to be a combination of U18t and Nio. Volur is V-shaped with excellent technicals reminiscent of U18t. To me Volur's treble is a bit sharp and I would prefer it for short listening sessions.
If it is a combination of U18t and Nio, then that actually would sound wonderful IMO. I wonder if a little EQ could fix the treble sharpness?
Dec 17, 2023 at 12:16 AM Post #23,073 of 23,686

1. For your genres, yes it is.
2. Nope, compared to 7hz Timeless and Meze 109, Volur perform butter smooth sounding treble (and upper mid too)
3. No idea
4. Radon will be better in technicalities (detail, transparency, speed and soundstage) but also come with more expensive price tag. Radon also has "semi open" design means when use in very noise place (like in flight), the overall SQ of radon would get reduced and isolation not as good as Volur. Fibae 7 would closer to U12t in term of character, but less punchy and bite. I don't think Fibae suits your music genre better than Volur.
Yeah but I cannot visit... I live on an island :wink:

Awesome! Thank you very much!

Thanks! :) I will buy them due to their Amazing Bass!
Also, if you do get the Volur or any other z64 Audio IEM, then Clarion Wide Bore Eartips are a must try! They have enhanced my U12Ts more than I ever imagined... especially with their tia drivers that are positioned in the nozzle.
Dec 17, 2023 at 12:20 AM Post #23,074 of 23,686
Yep. This confirms the Volur's treble problem I've heard about. I was hoping the Volur was basically a U12t with isobaric DD bass. I think it had potential to be, but apparently it is not.

So this guy went to the m20 module and then did the review and measurements with that. That's a silly way to review the Volur. The m20 is for bassheads, as I have mentioned above, it is just way towards one end save for certain playlists. The m15 and m12 are where it is at, for myself and most it is the m15. The m20 is an extreme, this guy needs to start from scratch, and this was an awful short review. The Volur comes with the m15 in, a review should be with the default, not the extreme bassy module.

I lean more towards the other 30 reviews that did a more reasonable and comprehensive job. Also I had the U4s and the Volur. The Volur's bass is not 2.5x better at all, there are always diminishing returns, but it is definitely better by more than the negligent amount this guy implies.

I would also say a huge improvement of the volur over the U4S are the mids.
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Dec 17, 2023 at 12:34 AM Post #23,075 of 23,686
If it is a combination of U18t and Nio, then that actually would sound wonderful IMO. I wonder if a little EQ could fix the treble sharpness?
Yes. I find turning down 16k (by ~3-5db) allowed treble to tame a bit.
Dec 17, 2023 at 3:00 AM Post #23,077 of 23,686
Hi again

Well, I am a bit worried now... 😟

About this treble "issue", I do not know what to believe. Never owned a 64 Audio IEM.

I have read about this "issue" on various reviews, like for example here, here, and also here. Perhaps others referred to this, as well.

So, I would like to ask those of you who are currently owning and listening to the VOLÜR, is there a real problem with the treble?

I definitely do not want to use any EQ on such an expensive IEM, so which ear-tips would you suggest for "fixing" this issue, if it does exist?

I already have these TRI Clarion tips, also the JVC SPIRAL DOT tips, the SpinFit CP100+, the Whizzer EASYTIPS SS20 and all the rest of the tips that came with my IEMs

Which tips would you suggest that
a) can stay on the IEM
b) can tame the treble "issue"?

Finally, I am thinking of suggesting to the retailer to send me a Demo unit by paying 50% of the price as a deposit, with the commitment of a full refund, if I won't like the VOLÜR or a full payment and the dispatch of a brand new unit, if I will [like it]. I'm not sure if this is feasible.

What do you think?

Thank you
Dec 17, 2023 at 3:51 AM Post #23,078 of 23,686
Got the M12 module while it's half off, I hope it becomes Nio's secret sauce. Although I've come to enjoy Nio a little more when I take off my critical listening hat and just vibe with the music.
Dec 17, 2023 at 4:31 AM Post #23,079 of 23,686
Hi again

Well, I am a bit worried now... 😟

About this treble "issue", I do not know what to believe. Never owned a 64 Audio IEM.

I have read about this "issue" on various reviews, like for example here, here, and also here. Perhaps others referred to this, as well.

So, I would like to ask those of you who are currently owning and listening to the VOLÜR, is there a real problem with the treble?

I definitely do not want to use any EQ on such an expensive IEM, so which ear-tips would you suggest for "fixing" this issue, if it does exist?

I already have these TRI Clarion tips, also the JVC SPIRAL DOT tips, the SpinFit CP100+, the Whizzer EASYTIPS SS20 and all the rest of the tips that came with my IEMs

Which tips would you suggest that
a) can stay on the IEM
b) can tame the treble "issue"?

Finally, I am thinking of suggesting to the retailer to send me a Demo unit by paying 50% of the price as a deposit, with the commitment of a full refund, if I won't like the VOLÜR or a full payment and the dispatch of a brand new unit, if I will [like it]. I'm not sure if this is feasible.

What do you think?

Thank you
Definitely worth reaching out to the Hifonix to see what they can do, as I said before they are really friendly and helpful.

I use Eletech Baroque tips, they are similar in bore to the spiral dots but rounder in profile which I find incredibly comfortable. These have never even come close to coming off the stems.

Not sure what to say about the treble, to me they sound very smooth and vibrant but not close to being sibilant. I’ve had IE900s and Odins before and they were brighter sounding to me.
But if it’s there in the measurements it must be real, so for some people it could be an issue if that frequency bothers you I guess.
Dec 17, 2023 at 4:41 AM Post #23,080 of 23,686
Reading over and over can end up talking yourself into confirmation bias, if unable to travel for a demo then may be prudent to wait for more reviews, move on, or wait patiently for CanJam London 2024 (assuming 64’s European distributor attend again). It is a financial commitment, however, the Volur is not limited edition and even if it were limited edition sets remain available for a good time before selling out these days
Dec 17, 2023 at 6:10 AM Post #23,081 of 23,686
Hi again

Well, I am a bit worried now... 😟

About this treble "issue", I do not know what to believe. Never owned a 64 Audio IEM.

I have read about this "issue" on various reviews, like for example here, here, and also here. Perhaps others referred to this, as well.

So, I would like to ask those of you who are currently owning and listening to the VOLÜR, is there a real problem with the treble?

I definitely do not want to use any EQ on such an expensive IEM, so which ear-tips would you suggest for "fixing" this issue, if it does exist?

I already have these TRI Clarion tips, also the JVC SPIRAL DOT tips, the SpinFit CP100+, the Whizzer EASYTIPS SS20 and all the rest of the tips that came with my IEMs

Which tips would you suggest that
a) can stay on the IEM
b) can tame the treble "issue"?

Finally, I am thinking of suggesting to the retailer to send me a Demo unit by paying 50% of the price as a deposit, with the commitment of a full refund, if I won't like the VOLÜR or a full payment and the dispatch of a brand new unit, if I will [like it]. I'm not sure if this is feasible.

What do you think?

Thank you
I think you're overthinking this and seem somewhat impatient.

Reading the three reviews (+ the one referred to by Drock6) I came to a different conclusion about the treble. The only one that outright complains about the treble claims to hear to 18.5 kHz - this is way beyond average for anyone over 17. (Here's a guide to see if you hear that high or if you're like the rest of us at 15-16kHz That he can hear this high suggests a level of treble sensitivity in the author well and truly outside the norm. The other reviews refer to an emphasis in certain parts of the treble but this doesn't differ from the emphasis the describe in the midrange or the bass.. The headphone list calls it smooth and natural, Techpowerup notes that cymbals may be too sharp but that "Keep in mind that the graphs above are not the most accurate past 8 kHz anyway and matching the coupler resonance there also exaggerates the mid-treble dip/upper treble peak more than I perceived it in my ears." Major Hi-fi says "The highs have a forward presentation but never overextend into excessive brightness." In reading these I see the one you didn't refer to as an outlier. By the way I have demoed them extensively and I'd say the Sony Z1R is easily more trebly than the Volur. Nice iems by the way.

Given you're thinking of spending 2,400 pounds on a set of iems, I'd really wait until they come into stock somewhere nearby (its the UK nowhere is far away) and go and listen. I would find it difficult that a retailer would send something out for a trial for 50% of the list price. !00% and you pay freight and insurance, that I'd believe, so you'll end up paying 100 pounds or so for a demo...

Just my 2p...
Dec 17, 2023 at 6:29 AM Post #23,082 of 23,686
A shop near me lets you take gear home to try as long as you leave your card details, they wouldn't do that for iem's or headphones though.
If a shop in the UK does have iem's available for demo it's likely to be a single unit and when new it'll be popular so definitely won't leave the store.
Dec 17, 2023 at 8:28 AM Post #23,083 of 23,686
I'd say the Sony Z1R is easily more trebly than the Volur. Nice iems by the way.
I believe Z1R sounds more trebly because 1) it has a dip in upper mids 2) it has its treble peak at ~9-10k, where more audiophiles are sensitive to that region compared to the 16-17k peak of Volur.

(cr. precogvision)
Although graphs don't tell the whole story, they are usually representative of an iem's signature in my opinion.

Compared to Volur, I personally hear Z1R to be richer in mid treble but less rich in upper treble/air. Both are a bit treble-heavy for treble-sensitive guys like me, but yeah both are good iems nonetheless.
Dec 17, 2023 at 1:15 PM Post #23,085 of 23,686
Interesting conversation. Explains why some people complain of upper frequency stridency in my favorite IEM, Trio. As they say in the South, "Bless your little heart", but if it's over 15Khz, I'm not going to hear it.
I can't speak for the Volur but I find the relative balance of the upper treble to be better on the Trio's than say the U12t which goes from normal sounding in the treble to huge resonance at 17k-ish hz for me.

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