The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread
Mar 14, 2013 at 6:09 AM Post #916 of 29,017
What was the one tube in your Peak for 500.00 lined with gold

Thought that might not come out right.  I had $500 in tubes for the Peak in the end.  Not singular, $500 for the collection.   Now if instead of the Peak I had a Super7... $3500 :O
Mar 14, 2013 at 6:23 AM Post #917 of 29,017
no offense was taken dude. i am just trying to tell you the truth. Like I said you can be happy with stock tubes but the quest does not have to be taken unless you want better sound. That was my pint. You asked if stock would sound like my amp and I was just being honest. I did not get offended though. It been a pleasant discussion so no prob;lens on my end. Please do not think I was offended. If you buy the CSP2 you will like the sound on the hd800. If you prefer solid state consider the V200

I would check out the GS-1 from headamp. Great amp in its price range. You may also like the SPL Phonitor. To keep it under a 1000 USD get it used. It pairs really well with HD800 and the crossfeed is really nice, especially if you listen to older rock recordings -- like zeplin, etc -- that may have the guitar recorded in just one channel. The corss feed really moves the music in front of your head. Most of all though, HD 800 does not sound hash on it. That is at least what others have said. To me they never sounded harsh.
Mar 14, 2013 at 6:31 AM Post #918 of 29,017
I would check out the GS-1 from headamp. Great amp in its price range. You may also like the SPL Phonitor. To keep it under a 1000 USD get it used. It pairs really well with HD800 and the crossfeed is really nice, especially if you listen to older rock recordings -- like zeplin, etc -- that may have the guitar recorded in just one channel. The corss feed really moves the music in front of your head. Most of all though, HD 800 does not sound hash on it. That is at least what others have said. To me they never sounded harsh.

I am very happy with my amps and will be checking out the new taboo Mk111 I dont want any more solid state amps. I like my V200 and tube sis and will always be my preference
Mar 14, 2013 at 1:47 PM Post #919 of 29,017
I would check out the GS-1 from headamp. Great amp in its price range. You may also like the SPL Phonitor. To keep it under a 1000 USD get it used. It pairs really well with HD800 and the crossfeed is really nice, especially if you listen to older rock recordings -- like zeplin, etc -- that may have the guitar recorded in just one channel. The corss feed really moves the music in front of your head. Most of all though, HD 800 does not sound hash on it. That is at least what others have said. To me they never sounded harsh.

GS-1 is discontinued, but there is a hope that Justin will still be making them based on market demand.
Mar 14, 2013 at 2:18 PM Post #920 of 29,017
GS-1 is discontinued, but there is a hope that Justin will still be making them based on market demand.

Really?! Sometimes I stalk Justin's site to look at the GSX pictures and drool. GS-1 still appears on the site. THen again the GSX pic are of MK1 configuration, so maybe it will soon be updated. sorry for wrong info
Mar 14, 2013 at 2:23 PM Post #921 of 29,017
Really?! Sometimes I stalk Justin's site to look at the GSX pictures and drool. GS-1 still appears on the site. THen again the GSX pic are of MK1 configuration, so maybe it will soon be updated. sorry for wrong info
But as Justin says in that thread "it can return".
Mar 14, 2013 at 3:00 PM Post #922 of 29,017
Can't say I was impressed with my Dynalo/HD800 combo when I tried it. Sure it was very detailed and resolving, but brittle, harsh, and lacking bass impact imo. Not sure how much a GS-1 could improve over that. My ZDSE proved to be just the ticket for the Senn, fixing all the weaknesses if you will, while not sacrificing the Dynalo's speed and clarity-much to my surprise. My .02.

Mar 14, 2013 at 3:49 PM Post #923 of 29,017
Can't say I was impressed with my Dynalo/HD800 combo when I tried it. Sure it was very detailed and resolving, but brittle, harsh, and lacking bass impact imo. Not sure how much a GS-1 could improve over that. My ZDSE proved to be just the ticket for the Senn, fixing all the weaknesses if you will, while not sacrificing the Dynalo's speed and clarity-much to my surprise. My .02.


You should really try it, esp. with new modules, honey to the ears. Harsh, brittle and lacking bass would be the last words I would use describing how HD800 sound out of it, as it's smooth like a pudding with bass to spare.

Sure it wasn't the source problem as the design is pretty transparent "wire with the gain"?
Mar 14, 2013 at 3:58 PM Post #924 of 29,017
How is the Red Wine Audio Signature 15 or 16 with HD800s?  Anyone tried it?
Mar 14, 2013 at 4:29 PM Post #925 of 29,017
You should really try it, esp. with new modules, honey to the ears. Harsh, brittle and lacking bass would be the last words I would use describing how HD800 sound out of it, as it's smooth like a pudding with bass to spare. :bigsmile_face:

Sure it wasn't the source problem as the design is pretty transparent "wire with the gain"?

Nope-I've used the same sources in conjunction with my ZDSE to great effect. I am looking for a highend ss amp to compliment my Zana though, and have always been intrigued by the Phonitor/Auditor more than any other. So if my EC Kraken plans don't come to fruition, I most certainly see an SPL in my near future. Plus I don't wanna wait x amount of months on a GS-X that would probably be a lateral move with the SPLs, for an HD 800 anyway.

Mar 14, 2013 at 4:32 PM Post #926 of 29,017
Nope-I've used the same sources in conjunction with my ZDSE to great effect. I am looking for a highend ss amp to compliment my Zana though, and have always been intrigued by the Phonitor/Auditor more than any other. So if my EC Kraken plans don't come to fruition, I most certainly see an SPL in my near future. Plus I don't wanna wait x amount of months on a GS-X that would probably be a lateral move with the SPLs, for an HD 800 anyway.


 - We sure shall see..   
Mar 14, 2013 at 5:10 PM Post #927 of 29,017
Disagree with that statement quite a lot. The Phonitor is interesting because of its tools, not its amping ability. There are many amps I would choose both SS and tube if I was not interested in the tools of the Phonitor. I've heard both.
Mar 14, 2013 at 5:21 PM Post #928 of 29,017
I've heard neither-this simply based on a lot of reading about both amps, and strengths of each are remarkably similar-at least in regards to high impedance headphones. The GS-X would seemingly pull ahead with low impedance cans and the balanced factor-neither of which I need at this point. There are more than a few Headfiers who have felt the same based on listening impressions. So based on that-plus my prior experience with a well built Dynalo-it makes more sense for me to try an Auditor next. I'm not really concerned with the Phonitor's bells and whistles, but I do think it's a gorgeous amp.

Mar 14, 2013 at 5:26 PM Post #929 of 29,017
I am at the same point now, really love the HD800 but still need HE 500 for Rock. If the amp could only solve this...
Mar 14, 2013 at 5:45 PM Post #930 of 29,017
Disagree with that statement quite a lot. The Phonitor is interesting because of its tools, not its amping ability. There are many amps I would choose both SS and tube if I was not interested in the tools of the Phonitor. I've heard both.

The phonitor, just as an amp, with all of the tools off gets you about 99% of the way of the Bryston.  The BHA has a nicer energy to it though.  The phonitor is a great amp, just way over priced.  

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