The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread
Feb 27, 2013 at 4:25 PM Post #346 of 29,032
So I spent last night listening to the BHA-1/HD800 combo after a conversation with another forum member. It occurred to me that I've never really given this pairing a fair shake, since I've always recently had a tube amp that was ostensibly "for" the HD800.
Well, I must say that the BHA-1 drives the HD800 extremely well. Some recordings were harsher the treble than with the Super 7/HD800 combo (which itself is not overly lush or lacking in transparency), but on the whole I found the pairing quite respectable.

The ole flip / flop I see.. 

Feb 27, 2013 at 4:39 PM Post #347 of 29,032
Short of sending them in for measuring... listening wise I think somewhere in the 19000+ models they changed the bass response.  It is very powerful and present.  My previous pairs were lean and passive.  This pair sent an LCD-2 Rev2 packing because even the bass performance of the LCD-2 couldn't keep up with this HD800.  In comparison the LCD-2 reached deeper but was slow and muddy with presence but loose.  This HD800 is tight, fast and visceral.  I don't regret dumping  Audeze in favour of this HD800.
The joke is I almost didn't order because my notes for the HD800 have been consistent and I thought I already know the outcome.  I was wrong... very wrong.  Loving this pair.
Feb 27, 2013 at 4:54 PM Post #348 of 29,032
Short of sending them in for measuring... listening wise I think somewhere in the 19000+ models they changed the bass response.  It is very powerful and present.  My previous pairs were lean and passive.  This pair sent an LCD-2 Rev2 packing because even the bass performance of the LCD-2 couldn't keep up with this HD800.  In comparison the LCD-2 reached deeper but was slow and muddy with presence but loose.  This HD800 is tight, fast and visceral.  I don't regret dumping  Audeze in favour of this HD800.
The joke is I almost didn't order because my notes for the HD800 have been consistent and I thought I already know the outcome.  I was wrong... very wrong.  Loving this pair.

Yes, exactly... Sold LCD-2 after hearing my pair. S/N 19008
Feb 27, 2013 at 5:06 PM Post #351 of 29,032
Short of sending them in for measuring... listening wise I think somewhere in the 19000+ models they changed the bass response.  It is very powerful and present.  My previous pairs were lean and passive.  This pair sent an LCD-2 Rev2 packing because even the bass performance of the LCD-2 couldn't keep up with this HD800.  In comparison the LCD-2 reached deeper but was slow and muddy with presence but loose.  This HD800 is tight, fast and visceral.  I don't regret dumping  Audeze in favour of this HD800.
The joke is I almost didn't order because my notes for the HD800 have been consistent and I thought I already know the outcome.  I was wrong... very wrong.  Loving this pair.

Yes, exactly... Sold LCD-2 after hearing my pair. S/N 19008

I own 19828 and I absolutely adore them. I was really uncertain about buying them reading all the reviews and half expected them to be bass light and clinical. Not a bit of it. In my rig they couldn't be more musical, balanced and extended. Even with electronic music like Bjork they really shine and the bass is genuinely spectacular.  
I'm so glad I sold my LCD2r2, they never did it for me.
Feb 27, 2013 at 5:31 PM Post #356 of 29,032
My 16k are plenty strong in the bass. It's not a new thing. :wink:
Feb 27, 2013 at 5:43 PM Post #357 of 29,032
My 11000s seem bassier than the 1000s I sold, but I don't know if that's related to the cans, my improved rig or wishful thinking.
Feb 27, 2013 at 5:45 PM Post #358 of 29,032
Without a 19K+ how do you know :p  My 07/2012 pair was quoting my notes...
lacking very bottom
somewhat flat
little emotional engagement
greyness to it
back of club feel
somewhat dry
This pair isn't any of those :wink:
Feb 27, 2013 at 5:53 PM Post #359 of 29,032
I got my 19k+ HD 800 even in 03-04/2012.
Feb 27, 2013 at 5:54 PM Post #360 of 29,032
Without a 19K+ how do you know :p  My 07/2012 pair was quoting my notes...
lacking very bottom
somewhat flat
little emotional engagement
greyness to it
back of club feel
somewhat dry
This pair isn't any of those :wink:

Is the rest of your system same as back in 07/2012?

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