The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread
Oct 4, 2014 at 7:17 PM Post #14,266 of 29,032
ive also heard the valhalla 2 with the hd800 and it pairs very well IMO.
Oct 4, 2014 at 7:56 PM Post #14,267 of 29,032
So I finally made up my mind on the new amp/dac for my HD800
I bought the  Decware CSP3 and the Mousai MSD192 and also the Norne Vanquish cable...
Hope it's a good combo :)
Oct 4, 2014 at 7:57 PM Post #14,268 of 29,032
  So I finally made up my mind on the new amp/dac for my HD800
I bought the  Decware CSP3 and the Mousai MSD192 and also the Norne Vanquish cable...
Hope it's a good combo :)

You will LOVE the CSP3!  Enjoy the new system!

Oct 4, 2014 at 8:01 PM Post #14,269 of 29,032
Thanks longbow. I'm sure I will. 

Oct 4, 2014 at 9:01 PM Post #14,271 of 29,032
I will probably get beaten up for this, but I'm happy with my HD 800 with cardas clear eventhough i can't stand it with certain music.

So, how would you say the Cardas Clear sounds compared to the Norost Heimdall, and what music do you hate with it- and did you mean the cable per se, or the 800s, or the combo.
Sorry for so many questions, but inquiring minds want to know.
Oct 4, 2014 at 11:17 PM Post #14,272 of 29,032
I agree - from having had the Valhalla 2 and having read a lot about the Bifrost Uber, I'd say that's one of the best chains you could get for the HD800, keeping it under $1000, total.

Thanks again for the advice Mike. I'll read into it a but more and will seriously look at getting this
Oct 4, 2014 at 11:21 PM Post #14,273 of 29,032
Welcome, brother!  You've opened a can of caviar that will become addicting.  
The HD800 is a bottomless pit that continues to reward the more you spend on improving the signal quality.  Like no other headphone, it will scale with your wallet.  My advice is to spend big early on (whatever that amount happens to be for your budget) so that you will spend less in the long run. In other words, skip the Vali, for example - as tempting as that might be. 
I've been making improvements to my HD800 chain since I first got it last December - precisely because I'm a tight wad and don't want to lay out the big bucks to do this headphone justice.  I'm not there yet (will I ever be?), but with each improvement, I realize the HD800 has more to offer.
If you're lucky, you'll have a high tolerance / preference for what the HD800 sounds like with inexpensive amps.  Whatever you do, don't go to any meets where people are using amps like the Cavali Liquid Glass or an Eddie Current design with the HD800.  It will haunt you.


You got me scared. 
 I never imagined before getting into this realm that i am opening a whole new level of pandora's box. Thinking HD800 as be all end all of all the headphones ever. Senn'zhr wanted to create the best headphone ever a very though provokating idea, but.. why on earth make the whole system so complex to drive?
However your suggestions are fantastic, on spending the buck right away, than getting something puny and later spend more money to get something better. I could spend 2000-2200 but not right away... in probably 4-5 monthsn (when i get my tax returns). but now just to get my music madness going with the hd800 i need something that does justice to this headphone with under a 1000 dollar budget, or even 500. You mentioned not to get the Valhalla 2? But most here swear by it for this price range. Is it that bad?
Regarding cable.. do u really think its a good investment. I read that the senn's cable itself is good enough, and spending another 700 bucks for the cables makes no sense instead invest in the amp. True? isnt signal in binary 0's and 1's. Unlike the HDMI cables, u could spend a fortune, and get one from monoprice for 10 bucks, sound and picture quality remains the same.. isnt this the same logic with headphone cables... well they all have copper wire's in them... does this hold true?
I thought the V200/V800 stack sounded good and the V200 on its own was fine as well. I do think they are overpriced, though. To me they sounded like $500-600 components which are actually $1000+.

Thanks for this genuine review. I'll stay away from these combo.
If that was a recommendation for me I'm not sold with that last sentence of yours

Seriously, I need DAC + amp recommendations for around $1k any help appreciated. If not I'm just going to go grab the Audio GD NFB1 and NFB6

Can someone tell me a little more about this, i mean i will definately google this, but if someone can explain in laymans terms, it be great.. why does one need a DAC and an AMP togather? I guess thats why people are asking to use combo's. Why would you need a dac and an amp togather to run the headphone?

I agree - from having had the Valhalla 2 and having read a lot about the Bifrost Uber, I'd say that's one of the best chains you could get for the HD800, keeping it under $1000, total.

So, valhalla 2 and Uber Bifrost is the best i can get that do justice to the HD800 for under 1000? 
By the way, thanks all for taking my questions impatiently.
Someone also mentioned Schiit Asgard 2 any good?
I'll braincraze u for a few more hours, till i get a general consensus on what i should get under 1000 for both dac/amp.
P.S. Looks like today and tomorrow the thread is going to get bombarded with whats the best amp/dac for hd800 as more and more people will try to get their hands on the deal from buysonic.
Oct 4, 2014 at 11:26 PM Post #14,274 of 29,032
You got me scared. :confused_face_2:  I never imagined before getting into this realm that i am opening a whole new level of pandora's box. Thinking HD800 as be all end all of all the headphones ever. Senn'zhr wanted to create the best headphone ever a very though provokating idea, but.. why on earth make the whole system so complex to drive?

However your suggestions are fantastic, on spending the buck right away, than getting something puny and later spend more money to get something better. I could spend 2000-2200 but not right away... in probably 4-5 monthsn (when i get my tax returns). but now just to get my music madness going with the hd800 i need something that does justice to this headphone with under a 1000 dollar budget, or even 500. You mentioned not to get the Valhalla 2? But most here swear by it for this price range. Is it that bad?

Regarding cable.. do u really think its a good investment. I read that the senn's cable itself is good enough, and spending another 700 bucks for the cables makes no sense instead invest in the amp. True? isnt signal in binary 0's and 1's. Unlike the HDMI cables, u could spend a fortune, and get one from monoprice for 10 bucks, sound and picture quality remains the same.. isnt this the same logic with headphone cables... well they all have copper wire's in them... does this hold true?

Thanks for this genuine review. I'll stay away from these combo.

Can someone tell me a little more about this, i mean i will definately google this, but if someone can explain in laymans terms, it be great.. why does one need a DAC and an AMP togather? I guess thats why people are asking to use combo's. Why would you need a dac and an amp togather to run the headphone?

So, valhalla 2 and Uber Bifrost is the best i can get that do justice to the HD800 for under 1000? 
By the way, thanks all for taking my questions impatiently.

I'll braincraze u for a few more hours, till i get a general consensus on what i should get under 1000 for both dac/amp.

P.S. Looks like today and tomorrow the thread is going to get bombarded with whats the best amp/dac for hd800 as more and more people will try to get their hands on the deal from buysonic.

My HD800s are coming and Iile you I'm looking to spend about $1k. Based in what little I've read and the recommendations so far sounds like the Valhalla 2 and Bitfrost with Uber will be a good match for the HD800. I'll read a bit more before I make up my mind
Oct 4, 2014 at 11:28 PM Post #14,275 of 29,032
Holyindian, you shouldn't drop any big $ until you've arranged a way to try out different gears. There are plenty of people that are happy with the O2/ODAC, etc. Even taking the 'general consensus' into consideration - you may not like what's popular.. You haven't yet established any real preferences. So at this point, ignorance is bliss.
Oct 4, 2014 at 11:34 PM Post #14,276 of 29,032
You got me scared. 
 I never imagined before getting into this realm that i am opening a whole new level of pandora's box. Thinking HD800 as be all end all of all the headphones ever. Senn'zhr wanted to create the best headphone ever a very though provokating idea, but.. why on earth make the whole system so complex to drive?
However your suggestions are fantastic, on spending the buck right away, than getting something puny and later spend more money to get something better. I could spend 2000-2200 but not right away... in probably 4-5 monthsn (when i get my tax returns). but now just to get my music madness going with the hd800 i need something that does justice to this headphone with under a 1000 dollar budget, or even 500. You mentioned not to get the Valhalla 2? But most here swear by it for this price range. Is it that bad?
Regarding cable.. do u really think its a good investment. I read that the senn's cable itself is good enough, and spending another 700 bucks for the cables makes no sense instead invest in the amp. True? isnt signal in binary 0's and 1's. Unlike the HDMI cables, u could spend a fortune, and get one from monoprice for 10 bucks, sound and picture quality remains the same.. isnt this the same logic with headphone cables... well they all have copper wire's in them... does this hold true?
Thanks for this genuine review. I'll stay away from these combo.
Can someone tell me a little more about this, i mean i will definately google this, but if someone can explain in laymans terms, it be great.. why does one need a DAC and an AMP togather? I guess thats why people are asking to use combo's. Why would you need a dac and an amp togather to run the headphone?
So, valhalla 2 and Uber Bifrost is the best i can get that do justice to the HD800 for under 1000? 
By the way, thanks all for taking my questions impatiently.
I'll braincraze u for a few more hours, till i get a general consensus on what i should get under 1000 for both dac/amp.
P.S. Looks like today and tomorrow the thread is going to get bombarded with whats the best amp/dac for hd800 as more and more people will try to get their hands on the deal from buysonic.

DAC will convert digital signal to audio that we can hear (analog).  The HD 800s need the additional power and everything else offered by an amplifier.
Some people find the HD 800 to be too analytical when paired with a transparent/neutral amp and DAC.  These people will prefer to pair the HD 800 with a quality tube amp.  
I auditioned the HD 800 with both a Headamp GS-X Mk2 which is a transparent solid state amp (Ayre Acoustics QB-9 DAC was used), and I also tried it with a Woo Audio WA22 (unsure of what DAC, might have been the Woo WDS-1).  I preferred the WA22 pairing.  Although both of these amps are out of your budget, it made me realize that I prefer the HD 800 with the additional warmth of tubes.  It makes them more inviting and more musical, and less sterile.  But this is just my preference and it will vary from person to person.
Like paradoxper said, you will have to audition them for yourself, before spending big money.  But if you get something like the Valhalla 2, you can swap tubes to modify the sound more to your preference.
Oct 4, 2014 at 11:37 PM Post #14,277 of 29,032
Being able to scale infinitely is definitely a strength of HD800, but it will also mean bad news for our wallet. While there seems no limit how high HD800 can scale, all of us have a limit on our budget. However, it doesn't mean HD800 can't be enjoyed on a lower budget. As many have recommended, there are good and decently priced gears that can do justice to HD800. Don't worry too much about upgrading as there will be no stop to it. Just work within your budget and enjoy your HD800! :)
Oct 4, 2014 at 11:50 PM Post #14,278 of 29,032
I too always prefer the HD800 with tubes. I hear some raspiness in vocals on the 800, some roughness, that annoys me with solid state. Somehow, tubes add some welcome liquidity and continuousness.
Oct 5, 2014 at 12:02 AM Post #14,279 of 29,032
Upgrading the cable is probably the last thing you should look at.  Focus on the DAC and AMP first.  You'll go even more nuts trying to figure out the cable thing so I'd recommend leaving that out of the equation for now.
You will get a ton of opinions but really, in the end you will figure out what's right for you. I've had 5 amps alone in the past year (Lyr, WA7, Vali and my current WA6 and Naim DAC-V1 both of which I will be keeping) and will probably pick up an HDVA-600 at 'tax time'. My insanity has to stop :wink:  You get the picture.
As far as spending $1K now and then doing it all over again in 4 months with twice the budget, that's a tough choice.  Heck, you can get a Modi/Vali now for 1/4 of the price to hold you over, have a great little system and have $3K when you're ready.
As usual, audition if you can.  
  Regarding cable.. do u really think its a good investment. 

Oct 5, 2014 at 2:05 AM Post #14,280 of 29,032
Regarding cable.. do u really think its a good investment. I read that the senn's cable itself is good enough, and spending another 700 bucks for the cables makes no sense instead invest in the amp. True? isnt signal in binary 0's and 1's. Unlike the HDMI cables, u could spend a fortune, and get one from monoprice for 10 bucks, sound and picture quality remains the same.. isnt this the same logic with headphone cables... well they all have copper wire's in them... does this hold true?

Focus on amp and DAC first.  Some people here will tell you upgraded cables make a big difference, even subjectively 20% improvement.  I am not a cable believer and never will be one but that's just cuz I don't hear the difference and don't believe in such phenomenon.  Yes, I have done quite a few blind tests with various cables I made myself and some purchased (returned of course).  Be honest to yourself but do try different cables out if you have the opportunity.  Who knows... you might hear something I don't after spending $$$.  

Gluck and sorry for wallet.

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