The latest music you liked that others hated?
Jun 2, 2006 at 11:31 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 27


Headphoneus Supremus
Sep 22, 2003
I was really enjoying 'Driving Me Backwards' from the 'Here Come The Warm Jets' album by Brian Eno when SHE said "that's just awful".
Jun 3, 2006 at 1:26 AM Post #6 of 27
None of my friends or family appreciate any of my music, they either don't listen to music or listen to what's popular on the radio
I still can't understand how someone can live without music
Jun 3, 2006 at 3:52 AM Post #7 of 27

Originally Posted by saturnine
None of my friends or family appreciate any of my music, they either don't listen to music or listen to what's popular on the radio
I still can't understand how someone can live without music

I know what you mean. There's a lot of people who live their life without any kind of appreciation of the arts but they should at least have some kind of interest. My step dad has absolutley no clue of what good music is. He does not own any CDs and has no clue of any kind of artistic appreciation. He doesn't even watch movies either and has no concept of fine cinema. He's basically a bland robot. Sadly, many people in this world are like this.

But he does like sports and is really into golf so at least he has some kind of hobby. Personally, I'm not into golf or sports. Maybe an occasional ball game here and there. I can understand how sports can be interesting and I enjoy a great game but overall, it's the arts that reigns supreme. To me, life is about the arts and music, not competition. So this is why for me music and the arts is more important than sports. But I do support sports as well.

Anyway, back on to the topic, I can understand having family members not really into music. Even my mom has little clue and she gets depressed a lot. I think if she were to open her ears and mind and realise the universe of music, she will have a happier existance.
Jun 3, 2006 at 4:28 AM Post #8 of 27
Lots of people I know don't like what I listen to.. but I've come to terms with the fact that I listen to some whacked out stuff that the average music listener probably will not be able to get into without some serious and genuine desire.

My brother is totally indifferent to music. He has told me straight to my face multiple times that it's just background noise for other activities. However, I don't really blame him.. he has an extremely busy life right now and actually used to be really into music back before he got married, had a kid, bought a house, bought a car, got a demanding job, etc.

My mother takes interest in what I listen to.. I mean REALLY takes interest - she wants to listen to everything I have. Some stuff she likes, some she doesn't, but she manages to appreciate all of it and has started to see modern music under a new light. I'm lucky to have her.

With the exception of one other person, the remainder of my family has a passing interest in music.. and basically none in my music.

My friends back home in Northern VA share some of my musical interests, but 99% of my friends here in CA just hate it. The only person here that even attempts to appreciate what I listen to is my roommate's wife.. and that's cool.. even one person is enough for me. I'm always burning CD's for her to listen to, and she always comes around with welcome feedback. She normally listens to stuff like Broken Social Scene and the Brazillian Girls, but I had her listening to Dark Tranquility and Plaid. I really appreciate people like that.. since they're so few and far between.

Nobody at work has any interest in what I listen to either, except for one guy who made a positive comment while I was listening to Bubblemath one day. I was glad to hear it.

Personally, I couldn't really imagine not having an interest in music.. but then again, 10 years ago I couldn't have imagined myself listening to what I listen to now.
Jun 3, 2006 at 6:43 AM Post #9 of 27
Well no one in my family likes the music I listen to, with perhaps exception of Diana Krall (my dad, mum) and a few of the lighter more folky cds I have (Blackmore's Night etc)

The rest of the stuff I am the only person I know who likes the majority of it, obviously there's alot of people out there who like Iron Maiden. But I go looking for music that I want to hear and I'll search far and wide until I find it, and most people are not willing to look past TV/Internet Advertisments, Popularity, Charts and whatever their local CD store has in stock (and that's people that are into music).
Jun 3, 2006 at 7:14 AM Post #10 of 27
My wife and I are both music lovers. She likes current commercial garbage along with Garth Brooks,Barry Manilow,Green day,Bon Jovi and worships American Idol crap.Also,she makes her point abundantly clear how she abhors my musical taste.Sometimes, she's pushed her attitude a little too much. One day it got to the point where I told her,"see that nice stereo and large music collection..well,it was here before you and will remain after you leave" !

Me,I listen to all sorts of older hard rock( Early Iron Maiden,Sabbath,Robin Trower,Mahogany Rush,J.Priest,Motorhead),punk(buku hardcore from the 70's and early 80's),and new wave/indie from long ago. I have never shoved it down her throat.I still have to endure her crass statements at times.

I've also had friends over the years call what I listen too as "Tim's sh** music"--this coming from Jimmy buffet fans.I'm older now and just let the comments slide like water off a ducks back--I put in my music,on goes the headphones,and drift awayyyyyyyyyyyyyy...........
Jun 3, 2006 at 11:09 AM Post #11 of 27
U2 and all Metalcore bands I listen to, my friend dislikes U2 while they are one of my passion. Most of my friends dismissed Metal and harcore music as "from the devil" type of music before even listening to them.

Lifehouse, head-fi hates them, I like them.

See how you can't everyone to agree with you?
Jun 3, 2006 at 11:40 AM Post #12 of 27
My family hate Bjork, which is a pity since I'm a big fan.
Jun 3, 2006 at 2:56 PM Post #13 of 27
Well I've become a great fan of Flamenco ever since I studied in Sevilla for a year, both the traditional and newer forms, much to the dislike of everybody around me.

I don't get it though: it's a fascinating style: GREAT rythms and some interesting and more complex melodies than the usual Nothern Western stuff. It's also technically very impressive: the guitar players (Tomatito, Paco Pena, Paco de Lucia, Vicente Amigo, Manolo Sanclúcar, ...) are just worlds above all the others.

It's very similar to The Blues in some ways (well it IS Blues really, just with a different culture around it): it conveys raw emotion (very tense chords and very emotional singing), making the music a little difficult to appreciate at first maybe but just the BEST once you get used to it.

I guess Flamenco suffers from excessive stereotyping. Give it a serious listen yourself before making your mind up - that's all I can say.
Jun 3, 2006 at 6:11 PM Post #15 of 27
One of my best friends and I, have an absolute inverse taste in music.

I love Peter Gabriel. He hates Peter Gabriel.
He loves the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I hate the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
I love Simon & Garfunkel. He hates Simon & Garfunkel.
He loves Phish. I hate Phish.


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