The Ipod Stock Bud Appreciation Thread
Aug 24, 2005 at 12:40 PM Post #31 of 60
My wife loves her ipod buds. She won't even try my etys. I offered new tips too.
Aug 24, 2005 at 4:42 PM Post #32 of 60

Originally Posted by The Monkey
Sometimes I like to try Bose headphones just to remind myself what rubbish they are.

OK now i'm starting to get offended
Aug 24, 2005 at 4:45 PM Post #33 of 60
I happen to like the stock iPod earphones' non-shrieky, unfatiguing (and OK, relatively unresolved) sound. There's a fit aspect of course in that these don't sit well in many people's ears but they do in mine and I prefer the stock iBuds by some margin over the Sennheiser MX500 for example (although my incompatibility with the MX500 could of course be a reversal of the fit problem).
Aug 24, 2005 at 5:02 PM Post #34 of 60

Originally Posted by dommica
"What's the point, Ipod buds are the best available?"

No they're not, BOSE is the best available!


Originally Posted by dommica

Aug 24, 2005 at 6:25 PM Post #35 of 60
quote from one of my friends, "Dude I can't belive you spent over 200 bucks on your headphones(ety er4-P). You are insane, Im sure that the Bose car stereo in my mom's mini van sounds way better than those stupid little things. Bose is the best, you should return those and get some triports."

i should say that after that comment.....were not friends any more
Aug 24, 2005 at 6:53 PM Post #36 of 60

Originally Posted by DJ Jester
Did you slap the piss out of your brother and knock some of that wax out of his ears?

I find that ususally works when you are talking to those afflicted with audio incompetency. Its a very frightening disease.

For example, I was at Quiznos today getting a delicious Chicken Milano sandwich. I just happened to have my new UM2's in my ears and the guy behind the counter say "Oh, those are some cool looking headphones, what are they?" I proceeded to tell him and he just blows me away with this:

"Oh yeah, well I'm a true audiophile ( he actually said that ) I don't ever settle for anything but the best. I'm sure those sound decent, but I know they're just plain crap compared to my Bose QC2's."

I just gagged and vowed never to go to that Quizno's again.


You should have schooled him and wrote down the head-fi address for him (or you could have just slapped him!)
Total side question but what happened to those little Quizno's creatures?? Those guys kicked @$$, they were too funny!

Someone needs to start a site for Boseophiles like Bose Re-hab or something
Aug 24, 2005 at 7:57 PM Post #38 of 60

Originally Posted by wakeride74
You should have schooled him and wrote down the head-fi address for him (or you could have just slapped him!)

Or you could have just stolen his wallet and thrown it in the river.


Originally Posted by wakeride74
Someone needs to start a site for Boseophiles like Bose Re-hab or something

Try this cute little Bose club, or even better, this.
Aug 24, 2005 at 8:15 PM Post #39 of 60
This is a great thread~
I have demoed my home and portable gear to all facets...
On more than one occasion I have been asked the horrid question...
"What do you think of BOSE?"

I take in a deep breath and slowly dissect the cess.
Aug 24, 2005 at 9:35 PM Post #42 of 60

Originally Posted by bangraman
I happen to like the stock iPod earphones' non-shrieky, unfatiguing (and OK, relatively unresolved) sound. There's a fit aspect of course in that these don't sit well in many people's ears but they do in mine and I prefer the stock iBuds by some margin over the Sennheiser MX500 for example (although my incompatibility with the MX500 could of course be a reversal of the fit problem).

Agreed. They also fit a lot better than the MX500 for me, and although there were slight improvements in sound (tighter bass, clearer and more resolved sound), I'd be perfectly happy to live with the stock buds if I had to chose between the two. And also the earbuds are free!
Aug 24, 2005 at 9:49 PM Post #43 of 60

Originally Posted by chaostic
Since some of you are so adversed by your unused ipod headphones, mind donating them to someone with less refined tastes??

Yeah, I'm not sure why one wouldn't take them out of the packaging. I took my stock earbuds (Cresyn AXE something) out of the packaging and tried to compare them to Senn MX400s, but failed, since it's well known that those stock earbuds are made for people with elephant ears and I couldn't even get it to stick in my ear
Aug 24, 2005 at 10:08 PM Post #44 of 60

Originally Posted by overlunge
Have to confess that I am currently using the iPod buds since I'm in transition from the 'carry-an-amp-around' phase to 'straight-out-of-the-headphone-jack' phase...

Getting some ER-4P's are high on my headphone to-do list... or maybe mini terminated Blackdragon recabled Qualia > iPod for portable like Bangraman.

"Check out my _____ (insert your 'fav' Bose headphones here), they are the best"
"Wow, that's awesome, but check these Qualia out"


FYI, I'm not using Moon Audio cables anymore.
Aug 24, 2005 at 11:02 PM Post #45 of 60
I think I did a favor for the whole head-fi community the other day. I was in the apple store, listening to an ipod photo with some triports just to see if they really did suck, and for £150 or whatever they really did! Trouble is, when I was taking them off, they, er, snapped in half lol. Aaah well!

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