The Hobbit Movie Thread (and anything else related to Lord of the Rings & J.R.R. Tolkien)
Dec 4, 2013 at 11:55 PM Post #61 of 115
I liked this movie a lot guys, they really harmed animals during the filming? Unexpected cruelty? 
Dec 5, 2013 at 7:39 AM Post #64 of 115
Christopher Tolkien holds the rights to The Silmarillion and he didn't like what they did to The Lord of The Rings.

What did he find wrong with the LOTR? It was a successful trilogy that garnered a lot of awards and profit thanks to P.J. I've read the original books and watched the extended edition extensively and P.J did not change that much compared to the book.

I've recently noticed that the LOTR have some similarities to the Witcher which in itself the game and translated novels another masterpiece that I wouldn't mind a take on a film.
Dec 5, 2013 at 12:04 PM Post #66 of 115
What did he find wrong with the LOTR? It was a successful trilogy that garnered a lot of awards and profit thanks to P.J. I've read the original books and watched the extended edition extensively and P.J did not change that much compared to the book.


My uncle and his best friend could go on an hour-long rant on what they believe is wrong with the movies compared to the books. It's been almost 30 years since I read the LOTR trilogy so I am OK with the movies.
Dec 7, 2013 at 8:29 PM Post #67 of 115
My uncle and his best friend could go on an hour-long rant on what they believe is wrong with the movies compared to the books. It's been almost 30 years since I read the LOTR trilogy so I am OK with the movies.

But do remember no movie can be a 100% perfect adaptation off a book period. No one will watch it.

I've read some post reviews from self claimed professional Tolkien hardcore enthusiasts online that didn't not like the movie.
Dec 7, 2013 at 9:43 PM Post #68 of 115
I have always been torn on the LOTR movies. On the one hand, I think they did a very good job bringing the books to life - something that is certainly never easy to do. OTOH, I did not like the way some of the characters were portrayed - particularly not Frodo & Sam. In all the times over the years that I have read the books, I never saw Frodo & Sam as the tragic, whining, achingly noble types that were shown in the movies. Sure, I thought they were heroes in the books, but I always saw them as a bit more of accidental heroes - they were still silly hobbits - they were just silly hobbits that were thrown into a situation that forced them to act with bravery - bravery that no one actually thought they possessed. But all the whining & tragedy? No - I never saw that in the books.

Now - I also very strongly believe that a film made from a fantasy or sci-fi book is NEVER "right". It simply can't be. The ENTIRE POINT of a great fantasy or SF book is that the book causes the reader to create an entire world (or universe) in their mind. No two readers are going to see exactly the same world in their mind's eye. It's just not possible - and even if it were, putting that world onto film exactly as it appears in your mind also isn't possible. If this is going to cause someone to not like the film, then they should never see ANY film rendition of a fantasy or SF book they have read. It will always disappoint them.
Dec 8, 2013 at 12:40 AM Post #69 of 115
Now - I also very strongly believe that a film made from a fantasy or sci-fi book is NEVER "right". It simply can't be. The ENTIRE POINT of a great fantasy or SF book is that the book causes the reader to create an entire world (or universe) in their mind. No two readers are going to see exactly the same world in their mind's eye. It's just not possible - and even if it were, putting that world onto film exactly as it appears in your mind also isn't possible. If this is going to cause someone to not like the film, then they should never see ANY film rendition of a fantasy or SF book they have read. It will always disappoint them.

Brilliantly stated! 

Dec 11, 2013 at 8:50 PM Post #70 of 115
I had a real problem with the Orcs chasing the Dwarves BEFORE they got to Rivendell in the movie.
I thought it was rather pointless.
On this point I wish they would have stuck to the book.
But what I really want to know is who is that cute Elf maiden playing the harp at Rivendell in The Hobbit?
Dec 12, 2013 at 6:08 AM Post #72 of 115
Now - I also very strongly believe that a film made from a fantasy or sci-fi book is NEVER "right". It simply can't be. The ENTIRE POINT of a great fantasy or SF book is that the book causes the reader to create an entire world (or universe) in their mind. 

Right on. Different readers will render different aspects of the book differently, though I think it becomes more troublesome when filmmakers deal with more intricate worlds (which is true for Tolkien). 
I know last year it was rather difficult for me to watch The Hobbit the second time around after having read the book. It was adamant what they were doing given the kind of audience they're appealing to... Suffice to say that when I left the theater I was glad that I hadn't read LoTR years back.
However I maintain that the music and visuals are worthwhile. "Into the West" and Minas Tirith comes to mind for me.
Dec 12, 2013 at 6:50 AM Post #73 of 115
I found The Hobbit movie to be too dark, plus far too many scenes were rehashed from The LOTR movie:
the battle prologue at the beginning of both movies
Gandalf rises in anger in Bag End
the ring falls on Bilbo's finger when he slips and falls,
 a few others slip my mind right now
Dec 12, 2013 at 6:56 AM Post #74 of 115
Yes that Elf is cute.  

They came up with Into the West after the first song was rejected, sang by Annie Lennox as well.  
Dec 13, 2013 at 12:44 PM Post #75 of 115
  Yes that Elf is cute.  

They came up with Into the West after the first song was rejected, sang by Annie Lennox as well.  

We have to come up with a name for the Elf in The Hobbit, kinda like everyone did with Bret McKenzie in LOTR. If you remember Bret McKenzie was the guy known as FIGWIT.
How about:
Bilbo is Great, She Is Totally Hot?

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