The Entry Level Stax Thread
Apr 16, 2015 at 8:44 AM Post #1,486 of 3,323
  Thanks for the replies. I have read about the SB needing to be on for long periods of time. I have also read that if they come up to full volume in a few seconds as mine do they will not benefit from any more time switched on. I can't say I notice a big difference when run for a long time. I would like to try an non SB to see if they behave differently with it.
Reversing the channels is an interesting idea but unfortunately the problem seems even on both sides. Not a great surprise given vocals are usually mixed in mono.

I have never heard that you need to keep an amp on with a SB unit.  Mine has performed for years without doing this.  It only takes a few seconds for everything to engage.  now, amps take a while to warm up, but like 5-10 min for solid state, longer for tubes.  that might be whats up here.  new info to me though either way.
Apr 16, 2015 at 11:56 PM Post #1,487 of 3,323

I knew those test CDs would come in handy some day. I dug out the Stereophile Test Disc 2 and tried the spot frequency tone tracks. Started to be aware of something at 31hz, got solid response from 40hz. Ran all the way up to 12.5khz where I could hear the beginning and then it faded, noting at 14khz but that is probably me. I started at relatively low levels and repeated at higher levels until it was reasonably loud. I heard no evidence of the sounds that were bothering me leading me to conclude the phones and box are probably fine.
Does that sound reasonable or are there other types of tests I should run?
Apr 18, 2015 at 5:56 AM Post #1,488 of 3,323
Is there a huge difference between SRS 2170 vs SR 307+SRM 323S ?
Apr 18, 2015 at 6:57 AM Post #1,489 of 3,323
Is there a huge difference between SRS 2170 vs SR 307+SRM 323S ?

I'm going to guess no between the SR-207 and SR-307 but I haven't listened to the 307 before.

From Innerfidelity's measurements of the SR-207 vs SR-507, I'd say the differences are pretty small. Actually I'd venture to say the measurements look better on the 207.
Apr 18, 2015 at 7:11 AM Post #1,490 of 3,323
Well, i can't get a SR 207 alone (and I know that there is little differences between SR x07 ), only with SRM 252S.
The question was more about the whole combo and so, the amp.
Because I thought there would be a huge difference between the two amps (252S vs 323S)
Apr 18, 2015 at 4:51 PM Post #1,491 of 3,323
Hi everyone !

I don't want to derail the thread too much, but I'd be more than willing to temporarily trade my He560's for some stax goodness.

Feel free to shoot a line my way if you'd like to lurk around the other side...
Apr 18, 2015 at 5:23 PM Post #1,492 of 3,323
Hi everyone !

I don't want to derail the thread too much, but I'd be more than willing to temporarily trade my He560's for some stax goodness.

Feel free to shoot a line my way if you'd like to lurk around the other side...

Once you go Stax,
You never go back!

Apr 18, 2015 at 6:19 PM Post #1,493 of 3,323
Hi everyone !

I don't want to derail the thread too much, but I'd be more than willing to temporarily trade my He560's for some stax goodness.

Feel free to shoot a line my way if you'd like to lurk around the other side...

You should have seen some ad out there, in some nomad's world 

Apr 18, 2015 at 7:05 PM Post #1,494 of 3,323
Once you go Stax,
You never go back!


That's my fear, but I guess that curiosity got the best of me. I had an O2 quite a while ago, but I never fully came to gripes with it.

I also really like the idea of finding an "absolute" and stepping away from this hobby, even though I'm not optimistic about my abilities to do so :xf_eek:...

You should have seen some ad out there, in some nomad's world :D


Yup, indeed :D

I'm on my second exchange already, so far so good... It's a really lovely way to try cans on, and it makes the whole buying process a tad bit less passive, which is nice.
Apr 21, 2015 at 10:02 AM Post #1,495 of 3,323

  Is there a huge difference between SRS 2170 vs SR 307+SRM 323S ?

I think yes. I just upgraded from 2170+252 to 307+323S. The sound to me is more precise, open. I would say the headphone makes a much bigger difference than the amp.
Is the 2170 weak itself? Not at all - before I got the 307/323 combo, comparing the 2170 to my HD800, T1, LCD2F, it is a very good headphone - and, if you get it from Japan, for an absolutely amazing price (half of the HD800, but *including* an amp).
So, for me, it was definitely an enjoyable step up. But there are certainly many things you could do with the 700 or so bucks for the upgrade.
Apr 21, 2015 at 10:29 AM Post #1,496 of 3,323
Oh thanks !
I was just expecting someone like you!
Well I do not have the 2170 (juste heard them), and it's 400€~~ vs 700€~~, so I'm most likely leaning toward 3170, thanks.
(I'm still gonna think a bit more about it (hesitating vs he400i / HD 650 / some ATH....). )
The only things that rebute me is the soundstage, it was not really impressive on the 2170, and all the lambdas series seems to have a tiny soundstage, what do you think?
Oh and BTW, I suppose you imported it from Japan too, how did you do for the power supply? (230v vs 100v)
And now that you have the 307/323, what about the comparison against HD800/LDC2 ect...?
Apr 21, 2015 at 3:32 PM Post #1,497 of 3,323
  Oh thanks !
I was just expecting someone like you!
Well I do not have the 2170 (juste heard them), and it's 400€~~ vs 700€~~, so I'm most likely leaning toward 3170, thanks.
(I'm still gonna think a bit more about it (hesitating vs he400i / HD 650 / some ATH....). )
The only things that rebute me is the soundstage, it was not really impressive on the 2170, and all the lambdas series seems to have a tiny soundstage, what do you think?
Oh and BTW, I suppose you imported it from Japan too, how did you do for the power supply? (230v vs 100v)
And now that you have the 307/323, what about the comparison against HD800/LDC2 ect...?

Yes, the lambdas all have that soundstage which you are likely referring to. In some way I like it. It is small yet imaging is precise and it doesn't try to lie wrt that it is 2 speakers placed close to your ears. The planars I have tried do have slightly wider and ind some cases deeper soundstage but much more fuzzy imaging.
Apr 21, 2015 at 4:49 PM Post #1,498 of 3,323
Thanks you another  time!

I'm getting more and more convinced about taking a Stax. Really, loved this clear sound. And for the soundstage this is not a big deal finally (well, I will juste finally buy another cans for this + opposite sound signature?

Or maybe; like he said:
" Once you go Stax,
You never go back!


Apr 21, 2015 at 4:56 PM Post #1,499 of 3,323
I didn't care much for the 307, personally. Didn't dig the signature tbh.
Apr 24, 2015 at 6:40 PM Post #1,500 of 3,323
... The only things that rebute me is the soundstage, it was not really impressive on the 2170, and all the lambdas series seems to have a tiny soundstage, what do you think?
Oh and BTW, I suppose you imported it from Japan too, how did you do for the power supply? (230v vs 100v)
And now that you have the 307/323, what about the comparison against HD800/LDC2 ect...?

Soundstage wise, well, I would say, not bad for both, but certainly not HD800 level.
What I like about the Staxes is that I hear them as very balanced and clear, but not analytic.
Power supply, for the 2170, you just need a universal 12V supply - be aware that + and - are the other way around than normal.
If you plug it in wrongly, you'll have to solder in a new fuse.
3170, the power supply is internal, changing to 230V requires soldering. Also, in my 323, the way described somewhere else on Head-Fi does not work as some cables are just not there. BUT, if you import through Pricejapan, they offer a very affordable 230->100V converter which does the job perfectly.

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