The discovery thread!
May 21, 2024 at 7:51 AM Post #102,451 of 106,281

Out of nowhere, a banger dropped. Intuaura Splendor II

  • Single 10mm DD, no further info available
  • This is the first time I see an IEM with a dongle in the box. And the dongle actually sounds decent.
  • The sound signature can be described as L shaped. Its bassline is masculine and powerful.
  • Soundstage, particularly the depth and height are surprisingly good. The presentation reminds me of Noble Audio Spartacus with dense, thick midrange at the phantom center of the stage, and background elements sitting further at the back and wrapping around.

My conclusion so far

How would they compare to the Origins and Himalaya's out there? ..roughly the same price range :thinking:
May 21, 2024 at 8:00 AM Post #102,452 of 106,281
How would they compare to the Origins and Himalaya's out there? ..roughly the same price range :thinking:
I haven’t tried either, unfortunately. I don’t think they compete in the same field. Those IEMs are either neutral bright or neutral-ish, this one is L shaped. If you want to focus on bass without sacrificing the upper frequencies too much, this is the one. First single DD with this signature I have seen for a while.
May 21, 2024 at 8:09 AM Post #102,453 of 106,281
ZiiGaat x Fresh Reviews Arete seem to drop soon... but yet another "usual" 1DD+4BA Hybrid, let's see.

May 21, 2024 at 8:49 AM Post #102,454 of 106,281
May 21, 2024 at 8:54 AM Post #102,455 of 106,281
Not sure why the option isn't on similar price range, they can be good on their own class, but I would put Pilgrim OG in between them. The price is between those two, but the tuning for me is better than those two.

The Davinci trapped in 6khz too deep valley, as lot of "anti sibilance" cut like HBB collabs. The anti sibilance cut is needed but should be on 7khz and not affecting 6khz too much. The 6 khz should be around +4db until +6db to to have nice balance between "not too dull" or "not to bright", just nice amount with lower treble sparkles with little fun bite. The treble extension also ok but not great (someone mentioned it as Hype 4 without treble extension and I think I can agree with this)
Davinci also have mid bass bleed seeing from +8db on 100hz, mid bass will take lead on overall presentation.

The Pilgrim Noir is darker tuning, with big bass, but more forward upper mids but fall in treble region, the extension of the treble is like lot of budget / previous years midfi tuning, rolled off. Unless you personally prefer this tuning (little bit niche, darker, bass tilted tuning with minimum sparkles) I wouldn't bet on such a price. The Pilgrim Noir will go head to head with Symphonium Meteor with similar niche tuning.

the Pilgrim OG on other hand have balance and great tuning. I really like it as they are very close to my personal target tuning but I have 1 concern with little shouty bright that I perceived at the first listening and turned out that is the 5khz peak, not to be worried about actually, more just a nitpick feedback from me and definitely not a deal breaker. The Pilgrim OG tuning is nice


+1 for yincrow X6, nice budget earbud set along with their bigger brother yincrow RW-9 for $20ish

Sony house DAP is warm smooth with details that please lot of people and fans. It is musical tuned DAP with effort towards analog style from the team with very good technicalities too but technicalities aren't their first strength point. Compared to other neutral and technical DAPs like Fiio or ibasso, detail retrieval, soundstage and imaging is slightly behind them (depend on the dap class also) But even the WM1A / WM1Z also behind M17 for technicalities. I couldn't get similar wide and deep soundstage as from M17 when I'm using my Mr Walkman WM1Z tuned modded WM1A. Don't get me wrong the Sony still have very good width and depth though. And power also not on the strongest category, just sufficient enough for most IEMs, even planars or Z1R.
I would say its kinda "unique" style instead only "warm" tuning. Not like hiby's warmness also. Not the smooth as A&K Ultima series DAPs where trebles and extensions are like filtered from sharp attack to crispy but smooth (in good way, just imagine like BA treble extension become EST smoothness in A&K magic), but Sony house tune is like "uniquely thick with details" that made vocals are rich and thick.

As for FR of the DAP, they are kinda flat, but their processing is yes its more like tuned with EQ, like their vynil processor is turned out actually using this kind of EQ preset :
Sony WM1A measurement without any processing :
it is quite flat will little rolled off on both end to end extensions (watch on 20hz-16khz human hearing capability)

and then, here the vynil processing on WM1A (its not that extreme, the graph is stretched on Y axis to show clearly the differences, but actually the tuning plays are less than 1db EQ :

And DC phase linearizer / bass processing (direct means no post processing applied), there are little differences from 200hz below :


*note : shout out to our new member @Alex-D for all his hard work capturing these measurements.

and I believe other enhancements also made using similar way.
but the richness and house tuning I believe its more complex tuning with those capacitors , their s-masters chipset etc that beyond my knowledge so far.

I enjoy Sony house so much but at some point when I'm not at home, I kinda miss the soundstage and imaging presentation from my M17, I wish the WM1A or WM1Z have that or close to at least.


To tell you all, actually the Conch driver is really really good

here the RAW driver measurement I did few months back :
TRN conch vs Hana vs Kato (Filterless).jpg

Only Few and Conch driver have this kind of treble extension that doesn't roll off among hundreds of DD on budget and midfi class, even Simgot's (I also have the measurements actually) that's why the Conch driver is special. See the treble extension until 15khz.

The drawback of course the original Conch always sounded tizzy no matter what filter are used, because the nylon filter on 3 filters taming high mids region only but don't affecting treble extension at all, that is too much, and here the magic with your wife face cotton :

cotton materials absorb trebles and extension so much, so this cotton only can be use with peaky treble extension depends on the amount of the cotton.
just ditch the original nylon filter (I suggest using the transparency filter since you won't use it anyway) and replace it with metal grill for earwax protection and better looks :

then use this cotton damper :
Cut small rectangle cotton roughly 7mm x 10mm and tape it on back side so it won't wooly and then roll it with small stick like watch tools or tiny screwdrivers or even toothpick will work

Push in slowly with help of tweezer, make sure the center part still have hole that go through (this is important for clean non smeared, tactile bass)
It will be looked like this :
You can open up the centre hole with tweezer also

And thats it voila!

Best if you have measurement rig for mod to ensure your damper amount and balance channel.

Here the result, the green one is the modded one, extension looked tamed, but actually very detail and extended because this is dampened from that peaky raw extension.
TRN Conch Mods.jpg

And measurement of the final mods L and R unit, with my target tuning reference, not the best but close and I can say this is one of the best single DD I've ever heard and made something like Kato, Hana, EA500 etc obsolete practically.

TRN Conch Mod.jpg

great impact bass while very tactile, minimum bleed mid bass (can't help it) thick yet detailed mids, nice sparkles, great treble extension and superb technicalities with sharp imaging. All for $30 + 1 layer of your wife face cotton. Oh yeah, not an advertisement as always as I bought them with full price and I don't have any relation with TRN.
Sorry but I like the treble… ever since j heard the ZS6, I realized I wasn’t actually a bass head haha but preferred a large amount of treble.
May 21, 2024 at 9:30 AM Post #102,456 of 106,281
This is the first time I see an IEM with a dongle in the box. And the dongle actually sounds decent.
The QT-X has a couple of dongles included in their 2 packages, mine had an r-300 or something and it’s kind of a sweet little 3.5mm dongle… if I had simpler audio tastes, that little cable would be all I needed.
May 21, 2024 at 9:33 AM Post #102,457 of 106,281
ZiiGaat x Fresh Reviews Arete seem to drop soon... but yet another "usual" 1DD+4BA Hybrid, let's see.

That's kinda cool as far as collabs go. I don't always totally agree with Fresh Reviews(I simply cannot abide Quintet slander...), but he's got a unique perspective as a former pro FPS player. I don't need these, but I'm curious how they turn out, especially for gaming obviously.

I like the look too.
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May 21, 2024 at 9:34 AM Post #102,458 of 106,281

Out of nowhere, a banger dropped. Intuaura Splendor II

  • Single 10mm DD, no further info available
  • This is the first time I see an IEM with a dongle in the box. And the dongle actually sounds decent.
  • The sound signature can be described as L shaped. Its bassline is masculine and powerful.
  • Soundstage, particularly the depth and height are surprisingly good. The presentation reminds me of Noble Audio Spartacus with dense, thick midrange at the phantom center of the stage, and background elements sitting further at the back and wrapping around.

My conclusion so far
I got one coming soon for review as well. Hadn't seen a graph or anything. L-shaped sounds like a fun departure from the usual Harman stuff. Now I'm getting more excited to get them in my ears for a listen!
May 21, 2024 at 9:44 AM Post #102,459 of 106,281
long time no back for good now.

this is my last review, BGVP Phantom, quite underdog i feel...its a 2DD+2BA+2BCD+2EST IEM priced 900$ but i see it cheaper...

to note, their 2 version and i suggest to go for metal nozzle....

technical monster, energic and effortlesly analytical without feeling too much sincce balance is organic overal...sure due to BC ''instrument presencce and details patching''...

anyway, i love those alot but it's not as intense in sound value nor as fun sounding than BGVP DMA

-well balanced energic W shape tonality
-bright, crisp and clean resolution
-excellent technicalities
-near analytical level of prime imaging
-bone conduction bypass any macro muddyness and bass bleed
-addictive thumpy, round, weighty and speedy bass
-very focused mid range with excellent definition and energic yet non fatiguing intensity
-fast snapp treble with hint of brilliance
-captivating sens of immediacy
-intimate and holographic spatiality
-excellent passive isolation
-most competitivel priced 8 drivers with BCD and EST (other option is UM Mest MK3)
-excellent modular cable
-generous accessories
-decent sound benefit
-not the biggest nor airiest soundstage
-not the lushest mids and vocal
-2EST do produce less sparkle and energic snap than 4EST
-instrument lack air around them
-sonion BCD timbre is a bit rough and edgy
-big conic nozzle was a con but it's now solve

May 21, 2024 at 10:08 AM Post #102,460 of 106,281
ST7 arrived, burning in. Quick impression: Very clean, well balanced, extended treble. Bass is fast, almost BA-like, mids do not bleed. Detail retrieval is very good as well. Very promising.
May 21, 2024 at 10:22 AM Post #102,462 of 106,281
Because I also intend to use Hydro's upgraded 784-core cable, alongside a balanced QDC (- to be added later.)
I needed to upscale the N3's SE output in order to bring the current porta rig in line with my balanced DAP's. Hence I connected The Cayin via DAC of the Topping NX4 DSD. It's a noticeable bonus that the N3's battery doesn't drain as much - cos the output gain stage is being bypassed via the NX4's DAC.

Wowser !! Rhapsody now really pops - sounding even more incredibly "airy." Does it also increase visceral slam / mid & sub-bass rumble ?? You betcha !!
Any perceived hint of metallic timbre (pre burn-in) has now subsequently developed into a much warmer analogue tonality.
If this pairing is just a taster of the Hydro??...then bring it on !!


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May 21, 2024 at 10:24 AM Post #102,463 of 106,281
I have been trying out my KZ all-BA models, and I have been very impressed by the AS12 via the NiceHCK Black Cat and Xduoo X20. Wonderful detail, especially good for classical string music but excellent with all genres. Bass is solid and the transient response is fast with precise leading edges. An underrated IEM, IMHO.

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