The discovery thread!
Jan 22, 2024 at 4:51 PM Post #93,571 of 104,300
Jan 22, 2024 at 4:51 PM Post #93,572 of 104,300
Hmm I’m … not sure I’m getting on with these Pula-02 shells. Something about the shape of them feels like it’s digging in a little, just can’t get them to feel seamless and like they’re not there. I can identify exactly where it’s uncomfortable too, it’s where the text is on the IEM with the small bump.

If the OD200 is a 10 for comfort, this is maybe a 7 for me. Maybe even a 6. It’s just not something I can feel will disappear into my ears and if it’s not comfortable then that’s an immediate no-go really.

I’ll give them a bit more time but I think I might have to chalk this one up as a loss and move them on.
That's how it turned out for the SR5. I really enjoyed the sound, and was sad to let them go, but the fit just was not there for me. No matter what tips or cable I used, it just wasn't working for me, but they found a good home, so I'm happy for that, but not the fit for me.
Jan 22, 2024 at 4:53 PM Post #93,573 of 104,300
I do, yes. And it scales crazy good on my desktop, they just come alive with power. Even on my M8 DAP I use Turbo mode (highest gain), and they just come alive and pop! And the bass is great too.....:)
That's how the Wu Zetian operate. They are decent to good without juice, but give them some power, some ampage, and they shine! They come alive and are simply brilliant.
Jan 22, 2024 at 4:59 PM Post #93,574 of 104,300
That's how the Wu Zetian operate. They are decent to good without juice, but give them some power, some ampage, and they shine! They come alive and are simply brilliant.
This is pretty true for every planar I have tried/own
Jan 22, 2024 at 5:11 PM Post #93,575 of 104,300
Jan 22, 2024 at 5:34 PM Post #93,576 of 104,300
Jan 22, 2024 at 6:46 PM Post #93,577 of 104,300
The Pluto Beasts just snuck in the house. Celest sure puts out distinctive and good-sounding IEMs for the money. Solid bass, deep, thumping and well controlled. I don't find the lower mids infected with much of the bass - very slight - giving nice fullness for my taste. Vocals are clearly articulated and I don't find the mid treble as sharp or shouty as some have reported. Upper treble yields a very mellow signature with cymbals present and accounted for without sounding splashy.

Good sounding, these Beasts iz.... They are keepers for sure, adding to the Phoenix and the Gumihos (which for the money also sound good and musical for groovin' non critical listening sessions). I continue to be astounded at the value proposition in the $100 category. Just gets better and better.

As an aside, I received a pair of CC-FLAs @12.00 thrown in as part of package deal with another purchase. Wasn't expecting much - wrong! No, they are not killers (I have the Krillas for that :wink:) but one can groove with them. They satisfy the musically listenable criteria for out and about duty where you might not want to risk your more expensive ones. Incredible to me coming from spending a small fortune on headphones, high-end tube amps, cables etc. Granted, a very different listening experience, but still...
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Jan 22, 2024 at 9:20 PM Post #93,579 of 104,300
here on HeadFi.The Pluto Beasts just snuck in the house. Celest sure puts out distinctive and good-sounding IEMs for the money. Solid bass, deep, thumping and well controlled. I don't find the lower mids infected with much of the bass - very slight - giving nice fullness for my taste. Vocals are clearly articulated and I don't find the mid treble as sharp or shouty as some have reported. Upper treble yields a very mellow signature with cymbals present and accounted for without sounding splashy.

Good sounding, these Beasts iz.... They are keepers for sure, adding to the Phoenix and the Gumihos (which for the money also sound good and musical for groovin' non critical listening sessions). I continue to be astounded at the value proposition in the $100 category. Just gets better and better.

As an aside, I received a pair of CC-FLAs @12.00 thrown in as part of package deal with another purchase. Wasn't expecting much - wrong! No, they are not killers (I have the Krillas for that :wink:) but one can groove with them. They satisfy the musically listenable criteria for out and about duty where you might not want to risk your more expensive ones. Incredible to me coming from spending a small fortune on headphones, high-end tube amps, cables etc. Granted, a very different listening experience, but still...
Plutus is the beast!

My happy little discovery with Plutus was that the removal of the mesh filters freed the treble and brought relatively more balanced "V" from the original "L" sound signature that I enjoyed more with my penchant for treble.

The pipe organ music is mighty great with Plutus!

I put together my brief impressions here on HeadFi.

One of the motivating reasons for getting another Celest was the splendid art of their bookmarks:

The pallette of the Plutus bookmark felt quite autumnal - harvest, abundance, prosperity.
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Jan 22, 2024 at 10:16 PM Post #93,580 of 104,300
I am now comparing them to the Phoenix and the Beasts are indeed 'The Beast'. They are way more intense. The Phoenix are the masters of cool. That's what I like about this hobby. As long as an IEM meets the mandatory clarity and musicality standard, the differences and nuances in presentation make it so addictive. As my wife once asked, "why do you need so many of them, its all just music after all" To which, "why do you need so many shoes, they are just feet".

Been in this hobby since boyhood and it is so much better than those early oatmeal days...
Jan 22, 2024 at 10:33 PM Post #93,581 of 104,300
Jan 22, 2024 at 11:24 PM Post #93,582 of 104,300
Be careful. When my wife started up on me about my audio obsession with headphones (we seem to revisit this issue every now and again), I responded with, "they are pleasing to my ears and when I'm done I can turn them off, unlike..."
Jan 23, 2024 at 12:09 AM Post #93,583 of 104,300
New NiceHCK DB2 typical Harman V but the driver sounds decent and nice bass on first listen.
Jan 23, 2024 at 12:49 AM Post #93,584 of 104,300
New NiceHCK DB2 typical Harman V but the driver sounds decent and nice bass on first listen.graph-7.png20240122_173824.jpg20240122_174008.jpg20240122_174303.jpg
Looks like a solid package, especially at the price. Looking forward to the review.
Jan 23, 2024 at 12:51 AM Post #93,585 of 104,300
Coming soon!
Though it has come to my attention this will be 2BA/1DD/1Piezoelectric

Screen Shot 2024-01-23 at 2.02.08 PM.png
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