The discovery thread!
Aug 2, 2023 at 8:55 PM Post #84,301 of 105,039
I'm looking for a bass iem that cost under 200 usd. I already have est 50 and 10th, and i think they both do bass very well. I also own oh10 which is also a bassey iem.

But i am looking for budget basshead iem, which doesnt care about anything else then bass. Thinking about getting legato but is there any other good options?

The original Reecho SG-03 not to be confused with the more recent SG-03S which is not as bassy as the original. This thing has 15dbs of pure sub bass rumble using a Titanium plated dynamic. Yes it is a deep V shaped sound but one with surprising technicalities, a larger stage and a semblance of balance. This is what I would personally recommend. Costs $69 and is worth every cent for pure dynamic titanium bass goodness. Throw on Penon Bass cables on these and these will shake your eyeballs.
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Aug 2, 2023 at 9:00 PM Post #84,302 of 105,039

Symphonium Meteor

I have been having the Symphonium Meteor on loan the last few weeks, the little red Meteor.
This is a 4 BA (Balanced Armature) IEM, costing $599.

This will not be a review, more like a small impression. Also going to compare it to one of my favorite IEMs, the AüR Audio Neon Pro am 10 BA set with a slight U shaped sound signature. I am not trying to offend anyone with this, this is a set I have been hyped to buy.


This is also a very subjective hobby where everything from experience, anatomy or age will affect what we hear. Also keep in mind that it is easy to use bold words when talking about differences, while it may be perceived as a small change for you. While I can perceive something as natural sounding, I do believe we can never get a perfect performance similar to what is achieved live.


Driver Crossover - Custom Tuned True 3-Way Crossover with PHAT Technology
Frequency Response - 12Hz - 21kHz, ± 3 dB
Sensitivity - 111dB/Vrms @ 1 kHz
Impedance - 9.7 Ohms @ 1 kHz
Socket - Spring Loaded 0.78mm 2-Pin
Cable - 26 AWG OCC Copper
Cable Impedance - 0.18 Ohms (3.5mm). 0.17 Ohms (4.4mm)
Limited 1 - Year Warranty


Meteor sound impression

Most of my listening has been done with the Cayin N7 DAP, I have also used my desktop setup with Topping E70 + A90 Discrete. Tips have been Kbear 07 and Spinfit.

Must admit I had a hard time with the shell and finding a good seal, they are really small in the body and the nozzle has a different angle than the rest of my IEMs. There is also no vent on the IEM, I have never had problems before this set with pressure buildup. With lots of tip rolling and some advice, I found the Spinfit model I have to provide the seal. Also cable rolled to a better cable, the stock is okay sounding. But it doesn't sit well and makes Meteor being pushed out of the ear.

The meteor is described like this:


The Meteor, simply put - sounds MASSIVE. We created the Meteor to shock you the very first second the music starts playing - extracting the speed, detail and raw energy from your music and delivering it in a fun way that keeps you on the edge of your seat. Bass so physical that you feel air pushed into your ears and basslines vibrating from the thick bass strings. Treble so extended with its cymbals sounding ethereal and textured

The Meteor’s “U-shaped” sound signature puts its bass and high treble in the spotlight, yet maintaining a sophisticated balance to form a coherent and exciting experience so that you will spend hours listening in pure fun. All this in a compact form factor well suited for music listeners with smaller ears.

Give it a go - you will not want to miss this.


For me this description is not totally correct, the mids are very recessed. And make the sound more like an extreme V shape, bass is very present and also the upper treble. They say that the bass and upper treble is in focus and that is true, when listening to cymbals as they explain it has a good sparkle.

Overall the sound is soft and veiled, with full low end. As the bass is strong and full it is wrong saying it's thin, but the mids is thin and lacks presence.

Bass is big and soft, it's not the more visceral style that most DDs have and especially the fast DDs. It digs deep and can please most bass bass lovers, for me it sounds too soft and lacks impact. This is the same type of BA bass that many have complained of is not sounding like a dynamic driver, if you're not used to better BA bass this will probably sound good. Also using the set for a long time to get your ears adjusted makes it sound better and better, but then swapping over to a good DD makes it very obvious.

Mids is veiled for me, both instruments and vocals seem way too often like it's playing behind a carpet dampening the sound. While they sound okay, it's too distant and has not enough detail going on. I use Piano music very often to listen to how realistic it sounds, especially since I am used to hearing piano in my house from both my wife playing and myself. It is hollow on most ranges of the piano, and lacks a good realistic timbre.
Strings lack detail and fullness, going to brass instruments like Sax it is hollow and lacks detail. Good thing is that aggressive trumpet playing is tamed and less piercing, same for other instruments.
Male vocals are better than female, no doubt. Male vocals sound okay on most artists just a little thick, just a few that get more nasal sounding. Almost all females lack presence, and appear quite veiled.

Treble is better than the mids, and has some good detail and treble. Not on every song out there, depends how much of the detail is in the lower treble or upper treble. The cymbal hits on drums has a nice shimmer and has that extra making it sound more real, same for other percussion instruments. I also listen to much electronica where there are sometimes electronic sounds in the upper treble. I can then hear that Meteor has very good extension up top, almost too much where some tracks get very fatigued.

Soundstage is okay, more like a studio than an avenue in size. Would call it average in depth and width, it's also very circular. Imaging is very spot on.


Meteor vs Neon pro

First off this is not to trash Meteor, I wanted to try Meteor as I have heard so much praise. I love my Neon Pro and have it as a reference IEM, hoping for Meteor to be good as I love the design and wanted another all BA IEM. Using Neon Pro with switch ON as it makes the low end very similar in amount, the mids get then impacted slightly on some vocals.

Neon Pro is also not vented but the shell is larger so I never get any pressure build-up.

I will keep it short on this part, as it's in a different league and is not fair.

Bass is faster, more visceral. Not soft and actually sound close to a DD, resolution is high level above. Especially when listening to double bass playing with lots of resonances going on in the bass range. Drum kicks are as it should, not soft thuds like on Meteor.

Mids is leagues above, crystal clear sound on NP. Male vocals similar to Meteor is a little thicker sounding due to bass, but is more present and clear with more detail. Females have much more presence and are not veiled, even with the tuning switch on and gets even better with it off.
All instruments have more resolution, piano sounds real and true to life. Drums have a better impact and are actually present in the music. String and wind instruments, doesn't matter what instrument its clear and forward.

Treble is also super detailed with NP, even with the boosted upper air spike on Meteor the Neon Pro has more realistic air and shimmer. Super clear treble on acoustic and electronic music, and don't have that same fatiguing tendency.

Soundstage is very personal, Neon Pro has almost the largest stage and separation I have tried. Wider and deeper than Meteor, imaging also spot on perfect.





This is not the set for me, that is quite clear. I almost wish there was something wrong with the Meteor, I also got my wife with her petite ears to try it. She did say they were cute and small with nice ergonomics, but at first listen she also said the same, it was veiled and almost no detail in the music.

Had to ask a friend who also has many IEMs, and full BA sets. He demoed the Meteor at Zeppelin, first words this is totally not worth it. Unnatural, veiled and like listening from another room instead of in front of speakers

I am not sure what to say really, I have big problems understanding the $600 price. I have liked many BA sets before this (Bravery, SA6, RSV and Neon Pro).
Maybe it's good for intense music to relax it down, or this is just a tuning type some like.
We’ve all got our preferences and enjoyments. I lean way more toward liking the Meteor but, I’m also not the biggest fan of more resolving sets and also prefer the extra midbass emphasis on Meteor for my funk and reggae library. It also seems to be more forgiving of a lot of the older poorly recorded punk I like.

Thanks for the use of my database for your comparison. Nice to see it gaining some traction with established reviewers.
Aug 2, 2023 at 9:37 PM Post #84,303 of 105,039
The Quintet's time has come and gone. In the IEM world, you strike when you are released. There is no such thing as a slow burn in IEMs (yes, there are rare exceptions to EVERYTHING). So the Quintet will be an IEM that some might get as a completist, on deep discount on recc, or 2nd hand by someone who already owns them or lost them, but as far as finding it's feet as a best of 2023? That boat has sailed. Maybe the follow up?

Quintet is still relevant… but I’d submit that the Raptgo Bridge has more staying power.
Aug 2, 2023 at 9:38 PM Post #84,304 of 105,039
Good gear remains good.

But most of us in this thread are at the bleeding edge of the "industry", so we are always curious about the newer ones. I mean, let's face it. You guys would be bored to dead and start to suspect "hidden agenda" if one keeps mentioning an old IEM, regardless of how prestigious that old IEM is. And it's fine. It's discovery. We like strange new stuffs.

I'm looking forward for impressions about that IEM with ear vibration thingy.
There have to be a few standouts, that can withstand the constant wave of new and shiny or the hobby lacks depth.

I used to be into collecting flashlights (of Chinese origin), but the wave after wave of new, unneeded (for the most part) gimmicks got old. I keep a couple Nitecores and Fenix lights out, but the rest are in deep storage, like my collection of TFZs and TRNs.

[edit to add]
I’m more suspect of someone that just loves, loves, loves anything that goes in their ear:
IEM, love it
Baby carrot, love it
”Wet Willy, . . . You get the idea
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Aug 2, 2023 at 9:40 PM Post #84,305 of 105,039
I still think it’s unique and noteworthy, I mean it just came out? Not everyone is on a timeline like this forum here represents.

Come and gone in a matter of weeks? :) Do you own it? Oh wait? Have you even heard it?

I’m listening to mine right now. Masterful set. I’d say that it is still in contention as one of the best of 2023.
Aug 2, 2023 at 9:52 PM Post #84,307 of 105,039
Quintet is still relevant… but I’d submit that the Raptgo Bridge has more staying power.

I’m listening to mine right now. Masterful set. I’d say that it is still in contention as one of the best of 2023.
Thank-you! This obsession means I’m only 1/2 crazy, not full-barrel-of-monkeys yet!
Aug 2, 2023 at 9:53 PM Post #84,308 of 105,039
I still think it’s unique and noteworthy, I mean it just came out? Not everyone is on a timeline like this forum here represents.

Come and gone in a matter of weeks? :) Do you own it? Oh wait? Have you even heard it?
Here's the things, purchasing it or owning it or hearing it doesn't make it anymore successful or in the mouth of tastemakers. Do you really think that my listening to it is gonna magically turn it into a best seller? It takes more than a reviewer and enthusiast who happens to like something, will it into notoriety. I wanted more eyes and ears on the Ling Long, and sang it's praises, but that only got it so far. Loving something with all your heart doesn't guarantee it's going to stick with buyers.
Aug 2, 2023 at 10:05 PM Post #84,309 of 105,039
Woo Audio Tube Mini dongle

Contains an ESS Sabre DAC + 2 vacuum tubes

$499 USD!!!! Pricey stuff for a dongle!


Outputs: 4.4mm balanced or 3.5mm unbalanced
ESS SABRE Audiophile DAC up to 24-bit/384kHz PCM, and up to DSD256 (11.2MHz)
USB bus-powered, Plug and play
Compatible with Apple, Android, Mac and Windows computers with USB or USB-C / Thunderbolt 3 input
Two vacuum tubes [one per channel]
Maximum power output: 1W @ 8 Ohms
Frequency response (amp): 20 Hz - 46 kHz (-3dB), signal to noise ratio: 100dB
Anodized aluminum chassis
Available colors: black, silver, blue, and red
Dimensions (W, H, D): 107mm x 35mm x 7mm, Weight: 49g
Aug 2, 2023 at 10:05 PM Post #84,310 of 105,039
Quintet is still relevant… but I’d submit that the Raptgo Bridge has more staying power.
The IEM's that have staying power are the ones that continue to get recc'd when someone asks "what should I get..?" The IEM's that constantly come up, are the ones that are going to be not just the best sellers, but the ones that will continue to be mentioned 1 month, 5 months, 1 year later. I'm afraid, as good as you as red like the Quintet, it's sorely lacking in recc even a month later, while there is no lack of recc for the EA500, Penon 10th and Serial, EPZ 530 or hell, even the Sound Rhymes of various levels! Even the Legato gets recc'd constantly when someone asks for a basshead IEM! That's STAYING POWER.
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Aug 2, 2023 at 10:06 PM Post #84,311 of 105,039
Woo Audio Tube Mini dongle

Contains an ESS Sabre DAC + 2 vacuum tubes

$499 USD!!!! Pricey stuff for a dongle!


Outputs: 4.4mm balanced or 3.5mm unbalanced
ESS SABRE Audiophile DAC up to 24-bit/384kHz PCM, and up to DSD256 (11.2MHz)
USB bus-powered, Plug and play
Compatible with Apple, Android, Mac and Windows computers with USB or USB-C / Thunderbolt 3 input
Two vacuum tubes [one per channel]
Maximum power output: 1W @ 8 Ohms
Frequency response (amp): 20 Hz - 46 kHz (-3dB), signal to noise ratio: 100dB
Anodized aluminum chassis
Available colors: black, silver, blue, and red
Dimensions (W, H, D): 107mm x 35mm x 7mm, Weight: 49g
usb type A ? not for the smarphone
Aug 2, 2023 at 10:08 PM Post #84,312 of 105,039
usb type A ? not for the smarphone

Well you can perhaps use a USB A to USB-C/lightning adapter, but I suspect this dongle is gonna burn a lot of battery - 1W @ 8 Ohms. So may not be the best option to use with a smartphone?
Aug 2, 2023 at 10:21 PM Post #84,313 of 105,039
Here's the things, purchasing it or owning it or hearing it doesn't make it anymore successful or in the mouth of tastemakers. Do you really think that my listening to it is gonna magically turn it into a best seller? It takes more than a reviewer and enthusiast who happens to like something, will it into notoriety. I wanted more eyes and ears on the Ling Long, and sang it's praises, but that only got it so far. Loving something with all your heart doesn't guarantee it's going to stick with buyers.

The IEM's that have staying power are the ones that continue to get recc'd when someone asks "what should I get..?" The IEM's that constantly come up, are the ones that are going to be not just the best sellers, but the ones that will continue to be mentioned 1 month, 5 months, 1 year later. I'm afraid, as good as you as red like the Quintet, it's sorely lacking in recc even a month later, while there is no lack of recc for the EA500, Penon 10th and Serial, EPZ 530 or hell, even the Sound Rhymes of various levels! Even the Legato gets recc'd constantly when someone asks for a basshead IEM! That's STAYING POWER.
I totally agree in the subjectivity of both the group and the individual. And in a way this shouldn’t be any kind of contest to find out which one (IEM) gets recommendations or not. Why, because some like redheads, some like blonds and some like brunets. All of them make music, except you start to focus in and identify with certain aspects of replay. But Head-Fi does exist to further the agenda to finding one (or a few) that many agree are good. Because there is truth in that.........a style of truth anyway. Ya, a month later to the day, and not much talk of the Quintet? But also look at the RAPTGO Bridge? That one has been out a while, and now more and more are talking about it, like a sleeper kind of?
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Aug 2, 2023 at 11:10 PM Post #84,314 of 105,039
There have to be a few standouts, that can withstand the constant wave of new and shiny or the hobby lacks depth.

I used to be into collecting flashlights (of Chinese origin), but the wave after wave of new, unneeded (for the most part) gimmicks got old. I keep a couple Nitecores and Fenix lights out, but the rest are in deep storage, like my collection of TFZs and TRNs.

[edit to add]
I’m more suspect of someone that just loves, loves, loves anything that goes in their ear:
IEM, love it
Baby carrot, love it
”Wet Willy, . . . You get the idea

IEMs world are already niche hobby around my circles.
But that flashlight hobby is definitely rarer 😄

Glad you're enjoying your life
Aug 2, 2023 at 11:13 PM Post #84,315 of 105,039
Woo Audio Tube Mini dongle

Contains an ESS Sabre DAC + 2 vacuum tubes

$499 USD!!!! Pricey stuff for a dongle!


Outputs: 4.4mm balanced or 3.5mm unbalanced
ESS SABRE Audiophile DAC up to 24-bit/384kHz PCM, and up to DSD256 (11.2MHz)
USB bus-powered, Plug and play
Compatible with Apple, Android, Mac and Windows computers with USB or USB-C / Thunderbolt 3 input
Two vacuum tubes [one per channel]
Maximum power output: 1W @ 8 Ohms
Frequency response (amp): 20 Hz - 46 kHz (-3dB), signal to noise ratio: 100dB
Anodized aluminum chassis
Available colors: black, silver, blue, and red
Dimensions (W, H, D): 107mm x 35mm x 7mm, Weight: 49g

Alright seems like 2023 hype isn't about switches, its about tube amps!

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