The discovery thread!
Oct 12, 2022 at 2:55 AM Post #65,821 of 106,418
didn't quite find the OG article about that blon parent company, but stumble on this, tuners perspective on fancy DD.
Companies such as DB Digital Technology Co., Ltd in Dongguan (parent company of BLON) uses low-energy production methods and much simplified manufacturing procedures, production capacity of DLC has improved by 3~4 times. More importantly, the reliability of DLC-coated diaphragm has improved as well. In addition to their BLON line of earphones, DB Digital Technology has been supplying DLC-coated transducers to several domestic and international earphone manufacturers under various brand names.
whoops, sorry. definitely misremember it. it was DLC coating not berry.
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Oct 12, 2022 at 3:25 AM Post #65,822 of 106,418
The BLON BL-03 use a 10 mm carbon diaphragm dynamic driver, don't think it is a beryllium driver.
Yeah, I remember seeing "new carbon driver" on a BLON-03 advertisement on AE. Then getting all excited thinking they had bought out a new CNT or DLC version as an upgrade! :triportsad:
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Oct 12, 2022 at 4:05 AM Post #65,823 of 106,418
Letshuoer S12
Yes, I have as yet to try or review the S12, but have a pair (Pro) which will be arriving any day. Also I haven’t reviewed the Zetain Wu yet but have had a pair for a while and will do a review of them soon. Maybe the reason for this planar popularity is just the fact that they offer a unique value? Meaning often maybe people simply like them because they bypass many of the negatives of other driver methods, yet are relatively low in cost. We can over generalize here, as no one method of sound production is superior, yet often if you find a home with a style of driver, then home can be your castle.

It’s safe to state many prior folks found their castle in the (original) S12, or Timeless? I’ve never heard those two. And while there is a chance you will meet-up with an issue in tuning or fit with what attributes the Zetain Wu brings..........why not think on the positive side? In that the Wu has an incredible shape and form factor which surprisingly fits great, plus there is a reason why the Wu tune is so well regarded. They, as a single gateway product into the world of planners, offer some truly exciting attributes. Just the other day I was using them with the Shanling UA3 and became fully spellbound by the entertainment factor! The Wu (maybe) walks that middle of the road line, where it’s not trying to be the most detailed, or offer any crazy up-front midrange that creates (Stellaris) polarization with-in the Head-Fi community. Think of the Wu almost as Ice Cream in (popularity) that there is a high probability you will find a new and exciting home. Maybe the Wu being a planar containing ownership of the basic fundamentals? The Wu offering a great character inside of a world of possible (other) IEM choices. Simply FR is the reason for 80% of (maybe) the reason a person has affinity with an IEM in the first place? Such is maybe the FR the Wu contains for you?

And...I totally agree with you in that fit is close to everything, as you can’t begin to hear an IEM’s true nature until fit takes place. Yet some IEMs fit a larger segment of listeners (Ice Cream). The ear canal distance/size/shape (interior) dimension does vary from person to person. Even the walls of the canal being dry for some, wet for others. And people maybe don’t realize, but different ear-tips actually will change the driver distance to the ear-drum. So a tighter fitting IEM may offer subtle changes in wave maturity, in contrast to another (farther out) ear-tip. Not to mention bore-diameter, shape of ear-tip, material, etc etc.
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Oct 12, 2022 at 5:39 AM Post #65,825 of 106,418
Oct 12, 2022 at 8:03 AM Post #65,827 of 106,418
Uh oh...

Oct 12, 2022 at 8:21 AM Post #65,828 of 106,418
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Oct 12, 2022 at 8:32 AM Post #65,829 of 106,418
Just a heads up, I listened to the pair that my guitarist ordered and I think they're pretty bad. Even the owner, who's a Moondrop fanboy and has been looking forward to these ever since he heard about them, agreed. You know that I'm not particularly sensitive to pinna gain, but the Stellaris are a shouty and sometimes painfully aggressive mess.

Comparing them side by side with the S12s I had on hand, it was immediately clear that the two IEMs are really operating in different leagues. Stellaris also doesn't have that nice deep reaching fast bass which is one of the things I love most about the S12s and planar based transducer mediums in general. Without going into a ton of detail, the whole tuning on the Stellaris sounds wonky/off, for a planar I thought the technicalities were pretty average although they do have a big soundstage, and timbre on both vocals and instruments was largely inaccurate.

This is just my opinion from spending 1.5 to 2 hours killing time with the Stellaris (and the S12s for comparison). I did some tip rolling and I tried multiple cables just in case @Redcarmoose was on to something with the cable thing. I didn't hear any appreciable changes from the cables (tried 16 core single crystal oxygen free copper, 16 core silver plated copper and 8 core pure silver).

For tips I tried spinfits, xelastecs, and 3 different types of foam which were all the tips my guitarist and I had on us. The tips were able to make a difference, but none of the tips we had were able to reign in that upper mid, lower treble shoutiness. They didn't even come close so, IMO, the Stellaris are an IEM that requires EQ to be usable. I'm glad my guitarist bought these and not me because I was curious to try them, but I would have been burnt if I had spent my money on these.

Yes this arrangement of the Stellaris seems strange...!

So I try a possible explanation, the Plans are sometimes very sensitive to break-in. it may be that this material recovers db in bass and also in medium to attenuate the +13db ??? it is possible, those who have it can tell us. Ah obviously changing the cables did nothing. Ok with that. These cable stories are a total myth, simply psycho-acoustics. For more than 40 years I have challenged music-loving friends to prove by tests, I offer them a pair of Magnepan 😁! Of course, they were never able to repeat and detect. Yet came with their IEMs, their cables, my cables. Time, we spent hours, days, sometimes weeks there because convinced that such and such a thing disturbed it... The psycho-acoustics are terrible, the brain is an infinite matter of subjection and influence, micro details can smoke out the best and most neutral of brains. Of course the vision enchants or destroys an impression. I would even go as far as the smell, I practiced an incredible ruse, by putting a faint imperceptible smell, but detectable if you say so. Well there we had repeatable tests! The day was not over, we continued, with color, visual tests this time, but unknown cables for the subjects. And of course without them knowing what I was testing. Here convincing results but not as much as for those perfumed, of almost 90% we had 70 to 80, which was already largely an obvious proof. We multiplied rapid tests, on the three friends and 5 cables, reds, a greenish, a gray, a very bright blue. Bingo! I don't even give the results you found. The little thing that lowered the good average of the expected deductions, was that some cables had a very striking difference in section (so a few rare units of the grays and greenish were in the "warm, open, .. and not only the reds!). Tests could be done on the thickness indeed, with the hundreds of current choices.
Young people will may do it, finished for me.

Testing the earmolds is really critical, it changes the frequencies so much. Sometimes it can confuse people yet seasoned. For example my ORACLE is very difficult on these choices. The bass is almost absent with silicones, you have to be stubborn to find shoes that fit. Foams solve the problem... but give rise to another! the nozzle is so short that the foams are a little long, the signal passes through a very long tube, and ... the high mids and highs are attenuated!!!So find fairly short foam tips, or else possessing a firm, neutral or slightly clear inner tube.

To come back to the Stellaris, it seems like the absolute opposite of the CCA pla13, with its gigantic bass and a more discreet midrange. Besides having fun this Plan, I really appreciate it. A little equalized, minus 5db at 32hertz and it competes with my S12!!! Even it is faster, more airy! In fact, small adjustments here and there on Our favorite gear could really change the tones and the perceptions we have of them. And apart from the aberrant choices in frequency, it is the other points which are important and give the deep quality. In frequency it is nothing, it can easily be balanced, except at extreme values and the phase rotation in medium and high frequencies.

Plan membranes are very qualitative, they have a faster impulse response, it's lightning and lightness. That's why this little sound revolution is a benefit that I've been calling for for a very long time. I have 5 Plans IEM, all equally pleasant. Different quality certainly, but common virtue, finesse subtlety space! I also enjoy other IEMs in dynamics, however Plan will always be special.


PS sorry for my English, I have to translate everything, I hope it remains understandable.
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Oct 12, 2022 at 9:11 AM Post #65,830 of 106,418
Moondrop Stellaris FR via IEC711 coupler:

Moondrop Stellaris.jpg

The Stellaris is quite hard to drive, amplification is recommended.
The shells are a bit heavy and huge, with a long nozzle, but I found the comfort to be quite good actually.

On to sound, impressions using stock silicone tips and stock cable. The tuning is bright neutral. Note weight is thin and sterile. If you have heard the Moondrop SSR, the Stellaris is a SSR on steroids. The Stellaris hence pairs better with warm/analoguish sources, rather than something bright or analytical.

The Stellaris is very good in technicalities - clarity, instrument separation, micro-details, imaging, transients are great. If one wants a set for critical listening and to analyze every fine nuance of music, the Stellaris is one to consider. Will do some A/B comparisons with the S12 Pro and report back.

Bass is fast and tight but lacks sub-bass extension/movement of air. The upper mids region is actually not as scary as the graphs, but it can veer to shoutiness, especially at louder volumes (Fletcher munson curve). Treble is extended and airy, though sibilance and splashiness of highhats/cymbals is on display. The treble can be fatiguing with longer sessions, and perhaps treble sensitive folk may find the tuning polarizing; trebleheads will like it though.

Unfortunately, the boosted upper mids/treble and thin note weight give an unnatural timbre for vocals and acoustic instruments. Vocals sound nasal and notes just lack weight and density. This may not be an issue if you are not sensitive to timbre, or perhaps listen to music genres that are not acoustic/vocal focused.

TLDR: The Stellaris is unique compared to the usual V-shaped/harman tuned gear, it brings great technicalities to the table. Unfortunately, the tonality and timbre may be polarizing. It isn't as scary as the graphs would suggest, but the Stellaris is not recommended for treble sensitive folk, but treble heads may have a field day.
Those who enjoyed the SSR previously will probably like this too. The Stellaris hence is a very niche planar.
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Oct 12, 2022 at 10:44 AM Post #65,831 of 106,418
I have a sneaky feeling, next year will bring its own hyped drivers, and the planar hype may die down somewhat.
I hope piezos (piezoelectric transducers) can be next. They can offer ultimate precision, just to get larger amplitudes out of them requires some good technical implementation., otherwise they would remain limited mostly to treble.
Oct 12, 2022 at 12:20 PM Post #65,832 of 106,418
Those who enjoyed the SSR previously will probably like this too.

Stellaris market in nutshell:

95%: Members of the SSR cult founded by Mark Ryan from Super Reviews (Spring tips not sponsored.)
4%: SSR cult members who were kicked out from the cult due to admitting the SSR is shouty.
1%: Shilleos *hrr I mean* Zeos Pantera from Z Reviews, #Buytheeze

Jokes aside, there's no way this IEM is not getting a revision soon.
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Oct 12, 2022 at 1:35 PM Post #65,834 of 106,418

Moondrop Stellaris: FIRST IMPRESSIONS

After 30 minutes of listening to the Stellaris, here are my first impressions.

I’ll describe the sound of the Stellaris as “bright V-shaped”.

Fit sucks big time (refer to Picture 2). Shell is on the heavy side and the awkward ear hook is pulling the IEMs down. Nozzle is long (like the Moondrop SSR) so they have to go deep into the ear canal to fit well. Problem is, the nozzle is on the wider side so getting a deep fit isn’t something everyone can do. With a terrible fit, the Stellaris sounds damn bad—Bright, harsh, bass-less. Eww.

I have to cut off the ear hooks, use a smaller ear tip size (size S) to get them to fit (Refer to picture 3 & 4). But once I get the fit right, the sub-bass texture and definition is quite good. Refer to picture 5 to see a picture of Stellaris with good fit. Treble is also quite well-defined and sparkly (although on the brighter side). Vocal presentation is very similar to SSR where it is very forward and “in your face”.

If you dislike the SSR, you won’t like Stellaris’ vocal presentation. If you are looking for an SSR upgrade, I think the Stellaris might be a good pick up.

The Moondrop Stellaris is definitely not an “all-rounder” set. You either love it or hate it.

With tracks that are quite light in bass, the vocal and treble presentation definitely do come off as a bit too forward and aggressive. In this case, you do have to turn down the volume a bit else you’ll get fatigued.

Alright. Enough of my first impressions of the Moondrop Stellaris. Will post my FR graph measurement and my full review of the Moondrop Stellaris in around a week.

Thanks for reading. Peace

Thank you HiFiGo for loaning me the Moondrop Stellaris for review.

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Oct 12, 2022 at 2:10 PM Post #65,835 of 106,418
Yes this arrangement of the Stellaris seems strange...!

So I try a possible explanation, the Plans are sometimes very sensitive to break-in. it may be that this material recovers db in bass and also in medium to attenuate the +13db ??? it is possible, those who have it can tell us. Ah obviously changing the cables did nothing. Ok with that. These cable stories are a total myth, simply psycho-acoustics. For more than 40 years I have challenged music-loving friends to prove by tests, I offer them a pair of Magnepan 😁! Of course, they were never able to repeat and detect. Yet came with their IEMs, their cables, my cables. Time, we spent hours, days, sometimes weeks there because convinced that such and such a thing disturbed it... The psycho-acoustics are terrible, the brain is an infinite matter of subjection and influence, micro details can smoke out the best and most neutral of brains. Of course the vision enchants or destroys an impression. I would even go as far as the smell, I practiced an incredible ruse, by putting a faint imperceptible smell, but detectable if you say so. Well there we had repeatable tests! The day was not over, we continued, with color, visual tests this time, but unknown cables for the subjects. And of course without them knowing what I was testing. Here convincing results but not as much as for those perfumed, of almost 90% we had 70 to 80, which was already largely an obvious proof. We multiplied rapid tests, on the three friends and 5 cables, reds, a greenish, a gray, a very bright blue. Bingo! I don't even give the results you found. The little thing that lowered the good average of the expected deductions, was that some cables had a very striking difference in section (so a few rare units of the grays and greenish were in the "warm, open, .. and not only the reds!). Tests could be done on the thickness indeed, with the hundreds of current choices.
Young people will may do it, finished for me.

Testing the earmolds is really critical, it changes the frequencies so much. Sometimes it can confuse people yet seasoned. For example my ORACLE is very difficult on these choices. The bass is almost absent with silicones, you have to be stubborn to find shoes that fit. Foams solve the problem... but give rise to another! the nozzle is so short that the foams are a little long, the signal passes through a very long tube, and ... the high mids and highs are attenuated!!!So find fairly short foam tips, or else possessing a firm, neutral or slightly clear inner tube.

To come back to the Stellaris, it seems like the absolute opposite of the CCA pla13, with its gigantic bass and a more discreet midrange. Besides having fun this Plan, I really appreciate it. A little equalized, minus 5db at 32hertz and it competes with my S12!!! Even it is faster, more airy! In fact, small adjustments here and there on Our favorite gear could really change the tones and the perceptions we have of them. And apart from the aberrant choices in frequency, it is the other points which are important and give the deep quality. In frequency it is nothing, it can easily be balanced, except at extreme values and the phase rotation in medium and high frequencies.

Plan membranes are very qualitative, they have a faster impulse response, it's lightning and lightness. That's why this little sound revolution is a benefit that I've been calling for for a very long time. I have 5 Plans IEM, all equally pleasant. Different quality certainly, but common virtue, finesse subtlety space! I also enjoy other IEMs in dynamics, however Plan will always be special.


PS sorry for my English, I have to translate everything, I hope it remains understandable.

I have never been fortunate enough to hear the difference between different core materials in my cables either. As long as the cable is of good quality then it will sound the same as every other good quality cable to me regardless of what it's made out of. When someone is pretty insistent that they're hearing a difference on a particular IEM because of a cable and I am bored and happen to have multiple cables available, as @Redcarmoose was, I figured why not test them? It didn't cost me anything to do it so I did.

For me personally, I only "upgrade" cables for aesthetics or quality reasons and not for differences in sound signature or tuning. That said, I trust other people's ears to tell them what they're hearing. Regardless of if the differences Red is hearing are based in psychoacoustics or are caused by an actual phenomenon, when he says that he hears a difference between cables I believe that he does. I'm actually kinda jealous that I don't hear cool sonic changes with cable rolling, but my wallet thanks me for having avoided one rabbit hole anyways.

I just mentioned the cable rolling experiements because it was a topic brought up in previous comments so I wanted it to be clear that I took those comments into account when I listened to the Stellaris. That's all. It take all different kinds of folks to make this hobby and community as unique as they are and there's plenty of room for all of us regardless of whether or not we agree on the sonic properties of different cables.

Thanks for the detailed reply! Your English was very good and I can almost guarantee that your English was MUCH better than if I had attempted to communicate in your first language lol! 😂

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