The diary entries of a little girl in her 30s! ~ Part 2
Feb 4, 2013 at 11:39 PM Post #5,566 of 21,761
Were you cafe side with Jingles? Your mobile stack looks pleasing...

Thanks, I'm really digging the current setup right now. An yeah I was at a Starbucks enjoying some green tea while waiting on my bus.
Feb 4, 2013 at 11:48 PM Post #5,567 of 21,761
I really wanted to like Kids on the Slope. After all you have Watanabe, Kanno, Jazz and the 1960's. How could it possibly fail? But, it got hung-up on teen romance, and not much else. Very disappointing. Watanabe's protege, though, is fantastic. Sayo Yamamoto impresses me with everything she does: I loved A Women Called Fujiko Mine, and Michiko to Hatchin. I hope she does a lot more work in the future.
Feb 5, 2013 at 12:50 AM Post #5,568 of 21,761
Oooo looks like Cesar has started to tinker in an attempt to get a finalized new Portaphile 627X out the door. The new model will now have a run time of 8 to 10 hours, very nice.
Feb 5, 2013 at 1:09 AM Post #5,569 of 21,761
T o d a y . . . .



*  *  *  *  *  *  *
Also there were two new screen shots posted of the next ME3 DLC, one of them a casino-type area that appears to be on the Citadel. Why do I keep doing this to myself? I get excited, and I know it's going to suck. Last time I thought "how could they screw up an assault on Omega? Teaming up with Aria and a female Turian? The Adjutants finally showing up in-game?" Oh, they found a way. A few ways. BioWare, you keep finding ways of breaking my heart.
Feb 5, 2013 at 1:24 AM Post #5,570 of 21,761
T o d a y . . . .
*  *  *  *  *  *  *
Also there were two new screen shots posted of the next ME3 DLC, one of them a casino-type area that appears to be on the Citadel. Why do I keep doing this to myself? I get excited, and I know it's going to suck. Last time I thought "how could they screw up an assault on Omega? Teaming up with Aria and a female Turian? The Adjutants finally showing up in-game?" Oh, they found a way. A few ways. BioWare, you keep finding ways of breaking my heart.

Of course it'll suck. I'll still end up buying it in the forlorn hope it's not as bad as I thought. Return to Omega felt soo half-assed. The whole of Omega to explore and they gave us one room/bunker. We didn't even get to return to Omega to wander around like in ME2.
Feb 5, 2013 at 1:28 AM Post #5,571 of 21,761
That DLC does look exciting but you never know how it's going to pan out, Bioware broke my heart many times in the past
... that said, I am patiently waiting for the Alien Colonial Marines release for PC.
Feb 5, 2013 at 2:19 AM Post #5,573 of 21,761
That DLC does look exciting but you never know how it's going to pan out, Bioware broke my heart many times in the past
... that said, I am patiently waiting for the Alien Colonial Marines release for PC.

I'm waiting for the Android release of Baldurs Gate: EE.
EDIT: Just found out about Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt. Sqeeee!(in a manly way, ofc).

Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt open world RPG bigger than Skyrim
Feb 5, 2013 at 10:27 AM Post #5,574 of 21,761
That's ME3? Thought that was DS3 at first glance. I recently picked up Antichamber. It was on sale on Steam for $15. It's a very unique and mind bending first person puzzle game. I suppose it'll garner comparisons to Portal, but they're only similar on a surface level. I'd suggest maybe watching a trailer of the game and if it looks appealing, to go in as blindly as possible.
Feb 5, 2013 at 11:28 AM Post #5,576 of 21,761
Oh my gosh, I don't do anything like that. I have a tendency to say "surrender please" when I want a game that's lost to be over and it upsets my teammates to report me , I think. But I've never gone AFK or given up in the literal sense, so there's no cause for report. I just get really unlucky with tribunal...

I find way too many people want to surrender way too fast.  Not saying that about you, personally, but I really hate when people with short attention spans give up on very winnable games.
This has been amusing me when I should be working.

OMG.  I'm sure the man is nice, but I hope he has a good sense of humour.

I have tears on my glasses. If I am still sane when the sun sets, you will deserve some of the credit.  Thanks for sharing this.
I'd like to know what celebrity everyone who posts in this thread most closely resembles.

I'll have to ask my wife, I guess.  Fortunately, my ego can take the hit.  :)
Honestly, I'm not much of a visual thinker, so I'm not sure.
Question for the thread, was anyone else in here as floored as I am when they got their first real DAC?

Glad to hear you were.  I would guess my Creative X-Fi Titanium doesn't count, so I'll let you know.
 I don't really watch anime, but I've seen and enjoyed Spirited Away.

Feb 5, 2013 at 11:30 AM Post #5,577 of 21,761
That's ME3? Thought that was DS3 at first glance. I recently picked up Antichamber. It was on sale on Steam for $15. It's a very unique and mind bending first person puzzle game. I suppose it'll garner comparisons to Portal, but they're only similar on a surface level. I'd suggest maybe watching a trailer of the game and if it looks appealing, to go in as blindly as possible.

No, the blurb about ME3 is unrelated to the "today" bit.
Feb 5, 2013 at 11:52 AM Post #5,580 of 21,761
Do any of you have problems with the InnerFidelity website? It doesn't seem to load correctly for me. I just get the banner graphics, and zero body text. It's been like this for days, now, ever since CES wrapped up.

Works fine for me.

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