The diary entries of a little girl in her 30s! ~ Part 2
Feb 2, 2013 at 1:19 PM Post #5,446 of 21,763
It's okay, we all liked embarrassing things, hindsight is 20/20, otherwise I'd still be listening to Vanilla Ice
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I hadn't seen that rotating gif and it cracked me up when I finally realized what it was. Also, that picture of the captain always cracks me up.
Feb 2, 2013 at 1:27 PM Post #5,447 of 21,763
Exactly. How can we willfully heap such scorn on a man who has brought us such amusement? He's a true martyr in that sense and I hope he receives a Eisner Lifetime Achievement for it
Feb 2, 2013 at 1:27 PM Post #5,448 of 21,763
Double - Such is my love for Liefeld that he had to be mentioned twice in quick succession
Feb 2, 2013 at 1:27 PM Post #5,449 of 21,763
It's okay, we all liked embarrassing things, hindsight is 20/20, otherwise I'd still be listening to Vanilla Ice
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It wasn't that embarrassing though, really. Pogs on the other hand...


Exactly. How can we willfully heap such scorn on a man who has brought us such amusement? He's a true martyr in that sense and I hope he receives a Eisner Lifetime Achievement for it

Martyrs don't get paid.

Feb 2, 2013 at 1:38 PM Post #5,452 of 21,763
It wasn't that embarrassing though, really. Pogs on the other hand...

Oh man.. I remember being 6 years old in a Safeway standing in the toy aisle when a blister pack containing some paper discs caught my eye. A glance at the back detailed the history of some cryptic Hawaiian game. I set the thing back on its hook and went off to look at space Legos or something. Fast forward two years and everyone and their grandma had a tube of pogs and slammers. It was the era of break dancing, smooth RnB, Cola slurpees, and for whatever reason, pogs. It was the pet rock of its day

I've spent the last 20 minutes trying to figure out what that is.

Take a look at that pic of Cap I linked to
Feb 2, 2013 at 2:03 PM Post #5,453 of 21,763
Oh man.. I remember being 6 years old in a Safeway standing in the toy aisle when a blister pack containing some paper discs caught my eye. A glance at the back detailed the history of some cryptic Hawaiian game. I set the thing back on its hook and went off to look at space Legos or something. Fast forward two years and everyone and their grandma had a tube of pogs and slammers. It was the era of break dancing, smooth RnB, Cola slurpees, and for whatever reason, pogs. It was the pet rock of its day

Best part of pogs for me were those ridiculous slammers. I remember seeing this metal tube that was like four inches long. Talk about slammer envy. Then there were those special hologram pogs; the coolest kids had binders with several inserts of those.
Did anyone really even play the game? I think most people attempted a few games when they first discovered it, only to abandon the effort soon after. Seemed like most just collected them as token economies.
Feb 2, 2013 at 3:42 PM Post #5,456 of 21,763
What the hell is wrong with all the yandere in this thread. I am very terrified right now.

I tried MuppetFace back when i posted and it came up w/ kawaii loli kohai....

So I'm a yandere posing as a kawaii loli?

I think I fall outside of the moe spectrum. Probably closer to a bifauxnen with yandere tendencies.

I'd like to know what celebrity everyone who posts in this thread most closely resembles.

Again same condition.

Well moe can mean a lot of things. Before my encounter, i've always put it as brain-melting soul-diabetes type of cute anime. But now I have to admit it could mean anything lol. Bloody otaku! *shakes fist*
I would like to post a likeness to what i look like now, but can't due to enjoying Istanbul's food. So I'll just post what mybfriend once said 3 years ago: i look like some korran or something singer named Rain, strangely enough. Honestly i wish he really was mocking me lol. Remind me again in feb. 4.
Feb 2, 2013 at 4:29 PM Post #5,457 of 21,763
Best part of pogs for me were those ridiculous slammers. I remember seeing this metal tube that was like four inches long. Talk about slammer envy. Then there were those special hologram pogs; the coolest kids had binders with several inserts of those.

Did anyone really even play the game? I think most people attempted a few games when they first discovered it, only to abandon the effort soon after. Seemed like most just collected them as token economies.

Oh man, slammer envy, that cut the deepest, especially those super heavy metallic ones that could flip an entire stack with one blow. And no, I have never witnessed a game of pogs outside of my cousin playing a game with me using her own set. The unspoken playground rules dictated that pogs were meant to be hoarded so the keeper of the most desirable set can lord over others with their implicit superiority. Why foolishly gamble away the one thing that separated you from the herd? Games of chance, and dice are best left to the nerds who abided by a code of honor, not feral brats

Your binder comment reminded me of the kids who would bring binders of CDs to class. It didn't matter what their tastes were, just that you were meant to gawk at the sheer number of sleeves jam packed with discs. I was always behind the curve growing up. When kids had CDs, I was listening to cassette tapes filled with tunes I recorded off of the radio. And it wasn't age appropriate music either.

"whatchu got on that tape player"
"Lion King? Get yourself some Beat 103.5 or something, lord!"

That's an actual exchange I had with a classmate in the 5th grade. When people started listening to Nirvana and Oasis, I was rockin out to Tevin Campbell. God, looking back, Disney did a number on me man

lol wow, just wow

Once you see it, you can't unsee it. There's some pretty hilarious Liefeld inspired of Cap too

Again same condition.

Well moe can mean a lot of things. Before my encounter, i've always put it as brain-melting soul-diabetes type of cute anime. But now I have to admit it could mean anything lol. Bloody otaku! *shakes

Moe is the dumbest sort of nomenclature to arise out of anime fandom. It's like this vague, catch all umbrella term whose origin isn't even firmly established. I've had people go to great lengths trying to debate what is and isn't moe on other forums. It's one of the reasons why I abandoned that world, that and the industry's focus on stuff like K-On and it's ilk. blargh

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