Jan 1, 2015 at 1:12 AM Post #11,192 of 35,373
Yes. Used 9/10 condition.  Sometimes, they don't picture every accessory and it may include 1/4 extension. Interested buyers should check prior to purchase.  Also, their condition rating is always on the conservative side. 
Jan 1, 2015 at 1:12 AM Post #11,193 of 35,373
  HE-6 $799 with balanced cable, case, and extra pads.

These any good? I know the HE1000 isn't too far off, I guess that's why they're so heavily cut?
Edit: Just saw they list the condition as 9/10 - so a second-hand or demo unit

Give it the power it needs and it's one of best cans on the market.  See:
Jan 1, 2015 at 1:28 AM Post #11,194 of 35,373
Jan 1, 2015 at 1:32 AM Post #11,195 of 35,373

This is an end game pair of cans. Is 9/10 a good 9/10 or bad 9/10 for these guys?

No one can see into the future, but for now--and in the real world where I know I can't afford or justify getting the Orpheus--my two favorite cans are the HD 800 and the HE-6.  They are very different and complement each other.
Jan 1, 2015 at 1:34 AM Post #11,196 of 35,373
No one can see into the future, but for now--and in the real world where I know I can't afford or justify getting the Orpheus--my two favorite cans are the HD 800 and the HE-6.  They are very different and complement each other.

Agreed. I'm waiting for the rumored HD850 though. That being said, if I see a HD800 at this price, it may still be game over.
Jan 1, 2015 at 7:21 AM Post #11,198 of 35,373
Dunu DN-1000 on Massdrop for $160 + shipping:
Jan 1, 2015 at 8:37 AM Post #11,199 of 35,373
"I think I just read a classified where a guy was selling stuff now and planned on using financial aid to get a better rig. Represents everything that is wrong with kids today! :)"

It wasn't that uncommon 45 years ago either :)
Jan 1, 2015 at 12:00 PM Post #11,201 of 35,373
  Echo is pretty popular (and deservedly so) here in Portland, and have hosted Head-fi meets in their retail space.

Where have you been all of my life?!?!  I moved to Portland in May and was trying to find an audio shop where I could try out things I could only dream of owning...  

Jan 1, 2015 at 12:16 PM Post #11,202 of 35,373
Well enjoy perusing their site for "deals" on five thousand dollar preamps 
.  And stop in at the shop for a wall of "Ohmyholygod" (nicely stocked headphone listening bar).  Seriously, even though the have some ridiculous summit-fi stuff, they also have much more affordable pieces, and their stuff is always very clean, and the staff is friendly and helpful rather than pretentious.
and a belated Welcome to Town!
Jan 1, 2015 at 2:46 PM Post #11,205 of 35,373
So another holiday deals season is coming to a close. I find it interesting to reflect on the deal trends of the holiday season, and here's what come to my mind:

- Great deals on some of the better Sennheiser headphones, ie, HD800, 650, 600, 598. Some of the lowest prices to date, suggesting a change to the Sennheiser product line this coming year?

- Massdrop going legit on Head-fi, and the K7XX drop.

- Good prices on the Koss ESP-950.

- anything else?

I remember to last year, some of the big deals involved: $150 HD598s, $200 UE900s, $160 W3s, good deals on Amperiors and Q701s... and many others.

Interesting how the offerings change from year-to-year.

Any other big deals buzz this year?

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