The Blackbird (SR-71) has landed.
Nov 26, 2004 at 4:12 AM Post #16 of 24
I will give it a try today evening to see how it works out.
I will just say that the charac of DAC1 will not change drastically via the SR-71.
That is how Ray has described its performance.
Nov 26, 2004 at 12:03 PM Post #17 of 24
Hey kunwar, where abouts in Adelaide are you? I live in North Adelaide. If you are nearby, we should have a mini-meet. I can bring my new Dynaudio Audience 42's.
Although I have no headphones to share anymore.
Nov 27, 2004 at 1:27 PM Post #18 of 24
Well the results are in and the SR-71 is a hit with DAC1.
I am listening to Madonna's Immaculate collection right now and she is again the 20 year old who brought joy to so many people.
I wan't even born then but God she sounds as hot as she looks!
Again what immediately comes to the fore is the excelent bass delivery with the right amount of decay and the sibilance that people associate with the DAC1 is non-existent.
I personally love the sibilance effect as it gives the music an edge, or as many call it attack which makes listening to music exciting.
The SR-71 would make a gr8 home amp for someone prepared to use rechargeables.
I plan on using it with the portable exclusively as I can run the portable through DAC1's optical input via the 140's optical out.
It is a gr8 transport for its price. it can even serve well as a bedside source.
The other thing that the SR-71 does which I am yet to see on any portable amp is its ability to bring out music that is in the background while keeping the foreground artiste/instrument in focus without any clashes or misharmony.

I don't know what Ray would say if I mention it here that according to Ray that the HR-2 will see a balanced incarnation as well.
That would be a sight for sore eyes and music to many people's ears.

Right now I will back tuberoller completely when he said that it is "the little amp that can". it sure as hell can.
Nov 27, 2004 at 2:33 PM Post #19 of 24

Thanks for the comments regarding the SR-71 and DAC-1.

So while the synergy between the 2 in your opinion worked well, do you feel that for the money the 71 is a noticeable improvement over the internal DAC amp?

Nov 28, 2004 at 5:35 AM Post #20 of 24
the internal amp probably presents the sound a little differently from say the SR-71
It is leaner on bass but a tad more transparent.
What you must remember is that the SR-71 will gel well with a lot more headphones then the dac1's headamp.

In the end it all comes down to personal choices.
I find the SR-71 the amp for portable usage and a perfectly capable home amp.
I wouldn't mind using it at home at all.
I use all my amps to try the music in a different light and to see what aspect is affected differntly and what the amp exhibits as its strengths.
If I want clarit I still go back to the Talisman which is just so clear.....
The SR-71 is kinda like having a home amp in your bag.

Ask yourself if you will use a portable amp, whether you are prepared to spend say about 430-440 for a portable amp including decent rechargeables and charger.
of course you can always use Duracells cos they are so much cheaper in the US.
I was and don't regret that decison one bit

It is kinda what drives this hobby.
People spend thousands ofdollars for minute sound improvements which to a novice ear would not be obvious. In the end it is all about max happiness from the music and whatever does it for you is good.

If you are in the US, then get in touch with Ray to see if he can send you a demo unit and have a listen to it.
Then you can decide for yourself if it is worth the investment
I hope I haven't confused you too much

Nov 28, 2004 at 7:58 AM Post #22 of 24

Originally Posted by kunwar
What world are you living in man that you haven't heard of the SR-71??!!

Just kidding
A search of the term SR-71 here on head-fi should give you adequate info.

Website is

check out for SR-71 under new products.

A world that is very new to this whole DIY audio thing... :p At least most people are as nice as you and a more than happy to help me with any troubles i have.

Nov 28, 2004 at 9:30 AM Post #23 of 24

bhd812 i am so jealous, I want a sr-71...

Oh stop being jealous.
You are acting like a spoilt brat. kidding again hehe.
Well you will probably end up getting it anyway.
It is definitely worth the investment. You know you love Ray's sound signature.
This will just give it to you in a pocket.

I can't wait for his Balanced HR-2 to come out
Now that will be something to behold.
Take care dude

Oh you forgot to tell what songs you listen to so I can play them for you on it.


A world that is very new to this whole DIY audio thing... :p At least most people are as nice as you and a more than happy to help me with any troubles i have.

Always a pleasure to help a fellow Aussie.
I hope this place is some help and not killing your wallet completely.

Take care and if you have anyquestions do field them here. I am sure people here will be very willing to help

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