The best IEM for the money
Jul 11, 2010 at 3:23 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 10


100+ Head-Fier
Dec 1, 2008
I have been hearing great things about the RE-Zero but i am concerned about the overall rankings of IEMs. I am in the market for a new pair and would like to know what is the most bang for the buck up to 150 dollar range. I have a cowan s9 and need a IEM that is reasonable to compliment it.Please let me know your suggestions.
Jul 11, 2010 at 3:56 PM Post #3 of 10
If you don't have a balanced input on the S9 then don't bother with the RE-Zero unless you can to carry that bulky adapter.  RE0 are fine, but they're tons of newer IEMs out there.  Take a look at some Fisher Audio IEMs.
Jul 11, 2010 at 4:15 PM Post #5 of 10
hrmmm to a degree the RE0 are over hyped.  The hyped as cooled down but half a year ago they were the rage but, many who bought them did not read the reviews on them and when they got them they "sucked" because they had no bass.  Haha, clearly if they were reading the reviews properly they would have found out the RE0 were bass light.  When you read a review be critical about them, HeadFi has tons of good reviewers so read as much as you can before deciding.
I like my RE0, as I don't listen to tons of bass heavy music.  But, I don't have other higher end IEMs to compare them too.  But, for $80USD they're great for what I was looking for back then.
Jul 11, 2010 at 4:22 PM Post #7 of 10
I've heard nothing but goods things about the DBA, They're quite a few detailed reviews, from a quick jest between the RE0 and DBA2, they're both detailed, clear and balanced, but the DBA has more low end oomph (more bass impact).  You can't really go wrong with either.  If I wasn't looking/saving for a new DAP I would try the fischers.  Hrmm I guess I could try to sell my PL50 and NE7m haha, they get no love,
Jul 11, 2010 at 4:28 PM Post #8 of 10
Okay, no RE0 here, but I do have both the RE-Zero and the DBAs, and it's no secret I am a big fan of the DBAs. Listening right now to them via the iBasso T4/LOD/Touch (a combo of lossless and lossy), and the DBAs, to me, are the best bang for the buck IEM I have ever owned, and I have owned more than 4 dozen, including the much-praised SM3s, which I sold recently.
I am sure Joker will be checking in soon with his DBA review, he has a borrowed pair, but to me, they are just a little more fun than the RE-Zeros, but the HD phones are also very very good. I tend to favor detail and clarity over "warmth" but I don't find the DBAs sterile or anything of the sort. Read LFF's review, it says it all for me re the DBAs. Heck, I bought a second pair as backup, I like them that much. Is it hype? Who knows? But not to me. They are just what I was always looking for in an IEM. Decent price, very good comfort, clarity, details, balance. Durable? The jury is out, but so far, so good.
Jul 11, 2010 at 4:41 PM Post #10 of 10
I also currently have a Cowon J3, and no need for an amp with the DBAs. I just happen to have a good amp and LOD for the Touch. But they sound excellent with the J3 (which is basically the same SQ as the S9 which I also owned once, but returned it for the Sony X. Long story. No longer have the X or the S9, but love the J3. Just don't know which one I will keep, J3 or 64GB Touch, which I got for $275, a great price. Anyway, the DBAs work for me, big time. And your listening preference sounds perfect for their presentation.
Just so you know, I didn't care for the OEM tips, and use the Ety tri-flanges instead. Just my personal preference.

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