The Audio Lounge
May 23, 2018 at 5:12 AM Post #7,442 of 36,260
Anytime you like, make sure we have plenty of time to kill. The Andromeda will not make you think wow instantly, as you listen gradually you will start to hear things that will then make you say wow and then you just want to listen to them all the time. I was still getting pleasantly surprised after 3 months 4 months..... I had read this in some reviews that they keep improving, not burn in or brain burn lol, just an appreciation of just how well they do everything.
I’m now using them with the DX200+amp4s+CB13 cable and the combination with the Andromeda is awesome. Also with the Amp3 module, brilliant and is a little brother of the amp4s.
Almost a tube like sound, slightly warm and a little more bass than the stock amp1 which is an analytical sounding amp. Details are clear and present, something the DX200 does very well indeed.
@Richsvt if your looking for that slightly warm, zero background noise dap, then the DX200+Amp3 should be on your radar :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Only one card slot can be a deal breaker for some, but with memory cards getting bigger this could be less of a problem for more of us. I picked up a 400gb SanDisk for £140.00 on Amazon last week, still think they made a mistake on the price :grin: brand new, sold and fulfilled by Amazon. Happy days

Hey I will definitely give them a good listen as i think the brain needs to adjust to any iem on first listen coming from previous signatures , i have found on numerous iems that a lot don't wow me on first listen and over time you appreciate there technicality/versatility/how good they are.
Whenever I post on receiving a new iem I always say "initial impressions" "early days" as it can take a long time to burn in and my brain getting used to sig.
This also can have the opposite effect as I recently found with the flarespro, wowed me at first but then started to notice the fizz/tizz and couldn't get past it in my brain.
Anyway thanks it's much appreciated and as long as the er4xr don't totally wow me so I don't feel the andro itch anymore I will take you up on your offer.
May 23, 2018 at 5:13 AM Post #7,443 of 36,260
Hey I will definitely give them a good listen as i think the brain needs to adjust to any iem on first listen coming from previous signatures , i have found on numerous iems that a lot don't wow me on first listen and over time you appreciate there technicality/versatility/how good they are.
Whenever I post on receiving a new iem I always say "initial impressions" "early days" as it can take a long time to burn in and my brain getting used to sig.
This also can have the opposite effect as I recently found with the flarespro, wowed me at first but then started to notice the fizz/tizz and couldn't get past it in my brain.
Anyway thanks it's much appreciated and as long as the er4xr don't totally wow me so I don't feel the andro itch anymore I will take you up on your offer.
Look forward to it :smile_phones:
May 23, 2018 at 7:32 AM Post #7,445 of 36,260
Hi all,

Am idly considering the IMR R1 (b-stock, if available).
Wondering if anyone can compare it with the Trinity PM4 or iBasso IT03?
The PM4 seems like a lifetime ago in audiophile terms, but I'm treble sensitive and recall finding the treble just painfully sharp sometimes.
If I recall correctly, I also stuck to gold filters (undamped I think) simply because I knew I could tame the treble using other filters, e.g. Silver-damped, but I couldn't stand the loss of detail and clarity and air that I felt with those other filters.

So wondering if the R1 is likely to be good for me or not?
All help appreciated, as always :)

If you don't mind the Trinity connotations, the R1 should be a good fit for you sound wise. It has really good clarity fit its lettuce bracket but no harshness, and especially not anything like the razor-fest the PM4 or Hunter could put out into the eardrums.

I personally like the black or copper filters with mine - not listened to them in months due to so much other gear, but will be digging them out this week for some comparison reviews.

All things considered, they hold their own at full RRP, and are seriously good value at B-stock prices IMHO.

Very bass-capable too, with a 13mm beryllium driver.
May 23, 2018 at 8:59 AM Post #7,447 of 36,260
These are genuine koss headphones.

The only question I have is why? Lol

Koss is "made" right here in my hometown of Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA. The people in my state are known as "cheeseheads" due to Wisconsin being one of the largest producers of cheese in the country. Our state nickname is "America's Dairyland". All of this has lead to fans of our (American) Football team to wear giant blocks of foam cheese on their heads in a show of pride.


Thus it was a short step for Koss to get to Cheesehead....phones.
May 23, 2018 at 9:28 AM Post #7,448 of 36,260
Koss is "made" right here in my hometown of Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA. The people in my state are known as "cheeseheads" due to Wisconsin being one of the largest producers of cheese in the country. Our state nickname is "America's Dairyland". All of this has lead to fans of our (American) Football team to wear giant blocks of foam cheese on their heads in a show of pride.


Thus it was a short step for Koss to get to Cheesehead....phones.

Well there's my answer! At least there is some explanation as to why cheese and iems go together , i was starting to wonder if the cheese was mouldable for a better seal :smile_phones:
May 23, 2018 at 10:07 AM Post #7,451 of 36,260
May 23, 2018 at 10:33 AM Post #7,455 of 36,260
Hi all,

Am idly considering the IMR R1 (b-stock, if available).
Wondering if anyone can compare it with the Trinity PM4 or iBasso IT03?
The PM4 seems like a lifetime ago in audiophile terms, but I'm treble sensitive and recall finding the treble just painfully sharp sometimes.
If I recall correctly, I also stuck to gold filters (undamped I think) simply because I knew I could tame the treble using other filters, e.g. Silver-damped, but I couldn't stand the loss of detail and clarity and air that I felt with those other filters.

So wondering if the R1 is likely to be good for me or not?
All help appreciated, as always :)

I haven't heard the PM4 or IT03... But honestly, the IMR R1 is my daily driver and completely dethroned the U8... There's no treble harshness, it's actually quite comfortable for long listening periods and pairs beautifully with the Bluewave Get. The only thing I've noticed is when in open configuration (Which is my regular go to), any wind will bring out a small hiss like ADEL or Apex IEM's would. I honestly can't recommend buying these at full price if there's a B-Stock offer, it's a great price in between 180£ and 210£. Had Bob released THESE instead of the Hunters and PM6, he would have made so many people extremely happy...

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