The Audeze LCD-2 Ortho thread (New)
Oct 16, 2011 at 5:44 AM Post #91 of 7,138
Don't worry grokit. He will sing a different tune once he acquires the LCD3. 

Oct 16, 2011 at 11:56 AM Post #92 of 7,138
This news of the LCD3 and anticipation has got me in a flurry of analytical listening again, I haven't done that in a long time.
I'm struggling to reconcile my beliefs that the HD650 is not as neutral as I believed them to be and that the LCD2s are definitely more neutral.  I have always had a sneaky suspicion that sometimes I feel the LCD2 is leaner through the mids than the HD650 - the male speech test proves it.
But a majority of the time, the LCD2s always sound warmer and brighter at the same time, therefore I incorrectly believed that it would not be good for movies, but it was very good, even better by far than the HD650.  I am listening very carefully to music and individual instruments within a mix and I have come to a conclusion.
I am reminded of Currawongs theory that a lack of harshness in amplifiers and dacs leads one to believe that the component would sound "dark".  I believe this is the major contributor of the HD650s seemingly more "bite" in the upper mids than the LCD2.  The addition of massive grain, harshness, fuzz and sizzle throughout the HD650s top end is why I keep feeling it is a leaner sounding can (its so bad, it obliterates more data in the signal than MP3 from compression).
Lunatique used white noise to measure frequency response.  Tyll uses a sine sweep.  Sine sweep has no transients, pink noise is all transient, the HD650 has poor transients.  Do these factor affect the outcome of the measured frequency response curve?

P.S.  Ahh, yes, ambiance doesn't just exist in the top end, also the bottom end.  The LCD2s pull all the bottom end ambiance that the HD650 misses - this adds more "warmth" also.  The body of instruments are more there, in their entirety including all their correct "decay" or what I call ambiance.  Beliefs have been reconciled, I can now sleep.
Oct 16, 2011 at 4:26 PM Post #93 of 7,138

Don't worry grokit. He will sing a different tune once he acquires the LCD3. 

Without a doubt if I were to somehow acquire the LCD-3 without having to pay $2K for them!  But $1K is my limit for sanity with headphones and $2K is where I start my lust for entry level speakers.   Anyway I have a feeling that the LCD-3 is not yet a fully completed design and that further refinements will be discovered and implemented to it as manufacturing of the LCD-3 reveals the not yet discovered secrets. Either it will lead to a LCD-3 r.2 because of this or to the LCD-4.   Even if the LCD-3 were closer to the LCD-2 in price I would still wait a long while until the manufacturing of the LCD-3 was proven to be solid and flawless. As it stands now it is a new process and a new design and has yet to stand the rigors of manufacturing and field testing.   
Oct 16, 2011 at 8:12 PM Post #96 of 7,138
I just wonder when enough is enough.  I am extremely happly with the r2's and I can't imagine how another set of headphones would sound "Better" than what I'm happy with now.  I imagine that I won't be able to help comparing them at the next meet but I've reached my price limit on "Good". Between these and the Westone ES5's I don't think I will climb any higher on the ladder.
Besides, there are always upgrades on speakers, amps, turntables, cartridges, etc.
Wonder if the LCD-3 thread will set a new record
Oct 16, 2011 at 8:56 PM Post #97 of 7,138
I just wonder when enough is enough.  I am extremely happly with the r2's and I can't imagine how another set of headphones would sound "Better" than what I'm happy with now.  I imagine that I won't be able to help comparing them at the next meet but I've reached my price limit on "Good". Between these and the Westone ES5's I don't think I will climb any higher on the ladder.
Besides, there are always upgrades on speakers, amps, turntables, cartridges, etc.
Wonder if the LCD-3 thread will set a new record

The LCD-2 are the most awesome-sounding headphones I've yet head, and I love my current LCD-2 rig. The only change to my rig that I will probably make anytime soon is a new aftermarket headphone cable for the LCD-2. When using my LCD-2, my preference is for it to be transparent and for me to be in the moment with the audio I'm listening to. 
Oct 16, 2011 at 11:06 PM Post #99 of 7,138
Without a doubt if I were to somehow acquire the LCD-3 without having to pay $2K for them!  But $1K is my limit for sanity with headphones and $2K is where I start my lust for entry level speakers.   Anyway I have a feeling that the LCD-3 is not yet a fully completed design and that further refinements will be discovered and implemented to it as manufacturing of the LCD-3 reveals the not yet discovered secrets. Either it will lead to a LCD-3 r.2 because of this or to the LCD-4.   Even if the LCD-3 were closer to the LCD-2 in price I would still wait a long while until the manufacturing of the LCD-3 was proven to be solid and flawless. As it stands now it is a new process and a new design and has yet to stand the rigors of manufacturing and field testing.   

It sounds like you need to audition a pair of Reality-1's, I wonder how they will compare with the Magnepan desktop monitors you are contemplating.
I'm more excited by Sennheiser's new RS 220 than the LCD-3.  Been looking for a wireless to watch TV and movies with.  

It seems that Sennheiser could have upped the quality even more if they were using the Kleer technology that they have licensed in the past instead of 2.4 GHz RF technology that has inherent limitations for hifi audio transmission.
Oct 16, 2011 at 11:10 PM Post #100 of 7,138
I decided to celebrate the new Audeze products by enhancing my LCD-2 rev.1's, I finally pulled the trigger on a new travel case and leather headband for them.

Oct 17, 2011 at 12:29 AM Post #101 of 7,138

It sounds like you need to audition a pair of Reality-1's, I wonder how they will compare with the Magnepan desktop monitors you are contemplating.
It seems that Sennheiser could have upped the quality even more if they were using the Kleer technology that they have licensed in the past instead of 2.4 GHz RF technology that has inherent limitations for hifi audio transmission.

Is Sennheiser not using the Kleer technology with the RS 220?  Don't they use that on all the wireless cans?
How much are those Reality-1's?

You are going to love that travel case....
Oct 17, 2011 at 12:34 AM Post #102 of 7,138
I believe the Reality-1's are $7k.
Couldn't agree more about the travel case. It may not have the aesthetic value that the wood box has, but it's borderline indestructible.
Oct 17, 2011 at 1:03 AM Post #103 of 7,138
Is Sennheiser not using the Kleer technology with the RS 220?  Don't they use that on all the wireless cans?

RS 220: "The transmitter puts out an uncompressed 2.4 GHz signal".
Kleer: "Nearly flawless wireless co-existence through short transmissions and triple band (2.4, 5.2 and 5.8 GHz) radio technology". 
If the RS 220 was Kleer I think that Sennheiser would be mentioning it in the description, but maybe they feel like their "Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS)" tech is as good.

Oct 17, 2011 at 1:09 AM Post #104 of 7,138

RS 220: "The transmitter puts out an uncompressed 2.4 GHz signal".
Kleer: "Nearly flawless wireless co-existence through short transmissions and triple band (2.4, 5.2 and 5.8 GHz) radio technology". 
If the RS 220 was Kleer I think that Sennheiser would be mentioning it in the description, but maybe they feel like their "Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS)" tech is as good.


I wonder if there will be any audio delay while watching High def TV files, HDTV or Bluray.   I hope not but I'm not keeping my fingers crossed.    I'm using the LCD-2's now but I'd rather go wireless.
Oct 17, 2011 at 8:48 AM Post #105 of 7,138
Most tvs have input lag which in most cases are bigger. In that sense it could be good with some audio delay but it´s so small it´s not really an issue.
I have now switched the headbands to the old style for my rev 2. I don´t understand why but they got some weird off angle look now. Guess I am seeing them with new eyes.
Anyway certainly the way to go for comfort for my head.

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