Switching to iPod from D2
Jul 8, 2008 at 7:45 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 23


New Head-Fier
Jul 27, 2005
lately I've been thinking about switching to a 160gb classic from my D2.
I simply need more storage, and I'm pretty fed up with the UI of the D2.

However, I have some questions;
Is there any way to make iTunes NOT mess with the tags or the folder structure of my collection? This is a huge deal to me as I'm a very happy user of foobar2000 and will only use iTunes to transfer stuff to the iPod.

How is the SQ of this generation? I'm happy with my D2 (running unamped into my Ep-630 (which is being replaced with a pair of UM1) and DR-150's), will this be a huge stepdown(running straight from the headphone jacket)?

Jul 8, 2008 at 7:58 AM Post #2 of 23
If you go un-amped it will sound like shizzle. The D2 has a MUCH wider sound stage. I love the classic - had my son's for a few days to test and I was REALLY let down. On the whole I feel it blew the D2 away - except where it counts the most - SOUND QUALITY. You will not enjoy you tunes on the classic if you're coming off a D2 - it's not gonna' happen. And I had planned on getting a classic 160gb for myself - got a Sony A829 instead. I'm learning to live w/less of a library in my pocket, but it's REALLY worth it. If they ever improve the SQ enough I'm gettin' another ipod!!! Would have bit the bullet and got a Touch if it weren't so expensive. Screw the SQ - it's all around SWEET - I'd deal and make the sacrifice!!! But,........... ONLY for the TOUCH!!!
Jul 8, 2008 at 9:42 AM Post #3 of 23
i went from d2 to touch an other than more hiss than the d2, loved everything about it: less bass roll off Wider Stage etc. funny, i have listened to the classic and found the stage fine.

the d2 has one of the smallest stages i have heard in any portable. measuring about 38-48 db whereas my nano gets high 50's and the touch low to high 50's. the classic was not much different at all and i would not be surprised that it has a wider stage.

honestly: sq is up to the listener. i thought the d2 was the most hyped piece of rubbish so i sold it. i liked it overall but it was not worth the praise. no gapless, poor codec support (nothing played properly), poor interface, shrill, so many kiddy effects and big lies on battery.

anyone ever get 52 hours? haha - but rockbox will come eventually so... then you can play with it like you can with and ipod : gaplessly
Jul 8, 2008 at 11:23 AM Post #4 of 23

Originally Posted by gorgnut /img/forum/go_quote.gif
However, I have some questions;
Is there any way to make iTunes NOT mess with the tags or the folder structure of my collection? This is a huge deal to me as I'm a very happy user of foobar2000 and will only use iTunes to transfer stuff to the iPod.

Goto : Edit, Preferences, Advanced Tab and make sure that "Keep iTunes Music Folder Organized" and "Copy Files to iTunes Music Folder When Adding To Library" are both unchecked.
Jul 8, 2008 at 11:44 AM Post #5 of 23

Originally Posted by shigzeo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
the d2 has one of the smallest stages i have heard in any portable. measuring about 38-48 db whereas my nano gets high 50's and the touch low to high 50's. the classic was not much different at all and i would not be surprised that it has a wider stage.

honestly: sq is up to the listener. i thought the d2 was the most hyped piece of rubbish so i sold it. i liked it overall but it was not worth the praise. no gapless, poor codec support (nothing played properly), poor interface, shrill, so many kiddy effects and big lies on battery.


Did you happen to buy a D2 that was used as football?
Jul 8, 2008 at 11:54 AM Post #6 of 23
no, and i've heard 3 different d2 all with similar results. i listen to trance mainly so any cloudiness of bass is really a hard pill to swallow.

however, i realise that many people like it. i was one of those who bought it on recommendations b y headfiers. i think it was a huge waste of money for me.
Jul 8, 2008 at 2:36 PM Post #7 of 23
Well, most people think the D2's just fine (especially after updating their firmware), so everyone should really take Shigzeo's comments with a large grain of salt.
Jul 8, 2008 at 2:44 PM Post #8 of 23
I use my 160 Classic with Apple Losseless and the sound quality is very good. I get no hiss at all. Could not comment about the D2 but I am very happy with the iPod and see no reason whatsoever to try a different player.
Jul 8, 2008 at 8:23 PM Post #9 of 23
I don't have a Classic, but the general feeling I've gotten from other threads is that that headphone out is not great (of course, this is very subjective). My D2 works just fine for me, but again subjectivity creeps in.

160GB is the max for a DAP right now, I believe - so the Classic is the way to go, if that's your main reason for switching. As always, make sure your codecs are supported (ie no FLAC or OGG Vorbis without transcoding). Cheers.
Jul 8, 2008 at 10:08 PM Post #10 of 23

Originally Posted by shigzeo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
the d2 has one of the smallest stages i have heard in any portable. measuring about 38-48 db whereas my nano gets high 50's and the touch low to high 50's. the classic was not much different at all and i would not be surprised that it has a wider stage.

Sorry to but in and be off topic, but how do you test the soundstage?
Jul 8, 2008 at 11:55 PM Post #11 of 23
i would like to know.
how can soundstage be measurement in "db"?


Originally Posted by Warhawk /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Sorry to but in and be off topic, but how do you test the soundstage?

Jul 9, 2008 at 12:06 AM Post #12 of 23
As far as I know, it can not. And my experience of the D2 is that it has a much bigger soundstage than the Classic or the A829. The image of the individual instruments or single voice is a bit less solid than the Sony, for example, but my perception of the size of the stage on the D2 is that it is much bigger. I continue to be surprised at the wide diversity of opinion about the D2. Beginning to think that it has something to do with the music used as reference. My hypothesis is that those who use live music as a reference would tend to like the the D2 while those who use electronically generated or processed music tend not to. Does this jive with anybody else's observations or is it just my impression?
Jul 9, 2008 at 12:12 AM Post #13 of 23

Originally Posted by faichiu /img/forum/go_quote.gif
i would like to know.
how can soundstage be measurement in "db"?

I'm also curious about the soundstage 'db' measurements shigzeo. Please enlighten us all on this one.

Jul 9, 2008 at 12:19 AM Post #14 of 23

Originally Posted by Barry /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Beginning to think that it has something to do with the music used as reference.

X2 -- also file type, bit rate, Jet Effect settings and headphones are huge factors.
Jul 9, 2008 at 1:15 AM Post #15 of 23
The D2 has a very expansive sound stage - greater than MY A829 (though, it's decently close), My son's 80gb classic, My ex-wife's 30gb 5gen ipod, and MY DOA S618. I've heard all the players listed, plus a few ipod's that aren't (I own a ipod mini CF Mod 16gb), have a 4gen ipod 20gb, and had a 5.5gen ipod Video (gave it to my 20yo son - he had it stolen). I have compared all and the BEST was/is the D2 & 2nd is my A829. This is due to the fact that you are able to ADJUST the sound to your liking and tailor it to your particular tastes. !!! As for lossless files w/an ipod line out amped - whole nother' ball game.

EDIT: +2 - I'm also curious about the soundstage 'db' measurements shigzeo. Please enlighten us all on this one.

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