Sunrise i100 Review
Sep 22, 2011 at 5:38 AM Post #18 of 26
Hey thanks for this review. Shocking, given the price (selling at lendmeurear for SGD30!). I was just about to spring for an ECCI PR401 from the same retailer and chanced upon the i100s. Curious as to how you think these two compare given that you've reviewed both at different times.
Sep 22, 2011 at 8:29 PM Post #20 of 26
So sonically the PR401s are better? Or other factors like build/comfort/isolation etc sways your decision?
In any case they're not priced equally. The i100s are A THIRD the price of the PR401s! Hence my shock!
Now would you still pick the PR401s?
Sep 23, 2011 at 3:16 PM Post #21 of 26
well the PR401 sound better, i dont think they isolated quite as well.  comfort was fine for both.
would i still pick the PR401? yes, im not saying they are 3 times better the i100 are great for the money but i particularly liked the 401 so if i was to just have one, of those twe it would be it.  however the i100 has phone features which i wouldnt use but i could see that really matter to some and as you say its a third of the price.  for SG$30 im not sure you will find anything that beats it.
Sep 24, 2011 at 5:32 AM Post #22 of 26
Thanks for that mark2410. Helps put things in perspective.
Actually I'm a little concerned abt the PR401's isolation on airplanes. In joker's gazillion IEM thread, they get a 3.5 out of 5 for isolation. Honestly don't know what to make of that number. Looking at his assessment of my last two IEMs - yes only had two :) - I'm even more uncertain. Nuforce NE-7M - which I thought had OK isolation... like maybe 3.5, got a 4 from joker. Not too far off. But Senn CX300 which I thought had better isolation (but not much else though that's another story) ... maybe a 4 or more, got only 2.5 in that thread. And they were both closed if I'm not mistaken. Never had a vented IEM.
So I wonder about the PR401s. I do want something better than the NE-7Ms sonically-speaking esp. in terms of clarity, soundstage and sweetness so I should get the 401s over the i100s. Will I regret it in terms of isolation? Only one way to find out I guess... :) but if you have any insights pls do share. 
Sep 25, 2011 at 4:05 PM Post #23 of 26
well its often a trade off, nothing is everything to everyone so you have to decide what bits matter most and accept you will be compromising or buying several.  like if i was getting on a plane id want a shure or ety, somuthing like that and id be happy to sacrifice pretty much any other concern.  for me in that enviroment id prioritise isolation.
i do find it odd you are comparing those two as they sit at quiet different pricepoints and of course you could always get one of them now and buy the other once youve got the cash to.
Sep 25, 2011 at 8:05 PM Post #24 of 26
Yeah I agree. Actually I am considering buying another pair for flights if the 401s aren't good enough isolation-wise.We'll see when it arrives.
Yes two diff pricepoints... from your review of the i100s I was kinda hoping it'd be as good as the 401s in sq. Then it would cover everything in an IEM (my one concern abt the 401 is isolation). Both are "cheap" so I'm happy to spring for either but I've been trying to un-complicate my life and leave a smaller footprint overall. :) So if ONE iem settles SQ, comfort, isolation etc that would have been great. Then I'd only need my other open earbuds when isolation is dangerous, my full-sized cans for when sitting at home, my portable batt-powered ipod speakers for shared listening while traveling, my home entertainment system, my 2.1 sound rig for the home desktop computer, my portable USB-powered speakers for my laptop, ok I should stop here. :wink:
Sep 26, 2011 at 2:40 PM Post #25 of 26
na its not as good as the 401 but then theres a pretty substancial price difference, the i100 is great little IEM, super cheap and includes phone stuff.   for all that i cant think of anthyng that tops it for the money but spendnig way more does get you more.

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