stubbed toe...or broken?
Jul 2, 2005 at 1:15 AM Post #16 of 21
Ya i slept with it on 2 pillows above my heart level to reduce the swelling. Woke up this morning and its totally blue. I had a big game today so i decided to tape it up and play. Well i got through the game my skates have good support so i was able to play. Its getting better i think its still swollen and blue...way bigger than my other toe. Ya it sucks but you cant do anything about it...thanks guys. Im waiting for my new Future Sonic EM3's to come in the mean time i have to listen to my sony ex71's AHHHHHHHH lol.
Jul 2, 2005 at 4:24 AM Post #18 of 21

Originally Posted by Beach123456
A kid on my baseball team stubbed his toe so bad it was a lot shorter than the other one and completly black and blue. It was also almost as fat as it was long.

Ah, basketball, the reason why all my fingers are crooked and my ankles make strange popping noises.
Jul 4, 2005 at 4:52 AM Post #20 of 21
I've broken several toes over the years, usually from walking into something barefoot or martial arts. You can't do anything with them except let them heal. Raising your foot (lay on a couch to watch TV and put your foot up on the back) will let blood and lymphatic fluids drain, and allow the tissue to heal without the pressure of your entire lymphatic and circulatory system being maginifed by gravity.
It will heal but looks very picturesque and colorful as the bruising slowly fades away.
Jul 4, 2005 at 4:59 AM Post #21 of 21
I broke my big toe (from martial arts) only i didnt know it was broken until months afterword, if you can have it checked out or atleast tape it up. 4 months after it happened my toe is crooked and i cant bend down with much weight on it, i cant bend it with the rest of my toes and its really sensitive to pressure.

best of luck with yours, just dont ignor it

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